blob: fff2d4f5625296cc335b28f04a5c95d68dc18cda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package netstack
import (
const (
// staticRouteAvoidingLifeCycleHooks is the dynamic flag when adding a
// new route in response to an NDP discovery event.
// routes are added as a 'static' route because the integrator (Netstack)
// removes all dynamic routes on DHCPv4 related changes. Routes must be
// 'static' to escape Netstack's DHCP-learned routes' lifecycle management
// hooks that 'dynamic' routes will be affected by.
// TODO(fxb/43503): Instead of adding routes as static, support a type
// of dynamic route specifically for NDP.
staticRouteAvoidingLifeCycleHooks = false
// ndpEvent is a marker interface used to improve type safety in ndpDispatcher.
type ndpEvent interface {
// ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon holds the common fields for NDP default router
// discovery and invalidation, and Duplicate Address Detection events.
type ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon struct {
nicID tcpip.NICID
addr tcpip.Address
// isNDPEvent implements ndpEvent.isNDPEvent.
func (*ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon) isNDPEvent() {}
type ndpDuplicateAddressDetectionEvent struct {
resolved bool
err *tcpip.Error
type ndpDiscoveredRouterEvent struct {
type ndpInvalidatedRouterEvent struct {
// ndpPrefixEventCommon holds the common fields for all events related to NDP
// on-link prefix discovery and invalidation.
type ndpPrefixEventCommon struct {
nicID tcpip.NICID
prefix tcpip.Subnet
// isNDPEvent implements ndpEvent.isNDPEvent.
func (*ndpPrefixEventCommon) isNDPEvent() {}
type ndpDiscoveredPrefixEvent struct {
type ndpInvalidatedPrefixEvent struct {
// ndpAutoGenAddrEventCommon holds the common fields for all events related to
// auto-generated address events.
type ndpAutoGenAddrEventCommon struct {
nicID tcpip.NICID
addrWithPrefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
// isNDPEvent implements ndpEvent.isNDPEvent.
func (*ndpAutoGenAddrEventCommon) isNDPEvent() {}
type ndpGeneratedAutoGenAddrEvent struct {
type ndpInvalidatedAutoGenAddrEvent struct {
// ndpRecursiveDNSServerEvent holds the fields for an NDP Recursive DNS Server
// list event.
type ndpRecursiveDNSServerEvent struct {
nicID tcpip.NICID
addrs []tcpip.Address
lifetime time.Duration
// isNDPEvent implements ndpEvent.isNDPEvent.
func (*ndpRecursiveDNSServerEvent) isNDPEvent() {}
var _ stack.NDPDispatcher = (*ndpDispatcher)(nil)
// ndpDispatcher is a type that implements stack.NDPDispatcher to handle the
// discovery and invaldiation of default routers, on-link prefixes and
// auto-generated addresses; and reception of recursive DNS server lists for
// IPv6.
// ndpDispatcher employs a worker goroutine (see ndpDispatcher.start), that
// will handle the events. The event handlers themselves will add the events to
// a queue to be handled by the goroutine. This is done so that ordering can be
// guaranteed between events that share some relationship (e.g. a router's
// invalidation must happen after its discovery). Without this enforcement, we
// could (in theory) complete handling an invalidation event before its
// respective discovery event (even though we will receive the discovery event
// before the invalidation event (this is enforced by the Stack)).
type ndpDispatcher struct {
// ns MUST be assigned before calling ndpDispatcher.start and it must
// never be modified after being assigned.
ns *Netstack
// Used to ensure that only a finite number of goroutines may be
// permitted to run at a time.
sem chan struct{}
// notifyCh is used to signal the worker goroutine that a new event is
// available.
notifyCh chan struct{}
// testNotifyCh is used to signal tests when events is empty.
// testNotifyCh should only be set by tests.
testNotifyCh chan struct{}
mu struct {
// events holds a queue of events that need to be handled by the
// worker goroutine. We use a slice instead of a channel so that
// we can guarantee that event handlers do not block trying to
// write to events if it is full.
// TODO(ghanan): use the ilist pkg from gvisor/pkg/ilist
events []ndpEvent
// OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus implements
// stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, resolved bool, err *tcpip.Error) {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus(%d, %s, %t, %v)", nicID, addr, resolved, err)
ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon: ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon{
nicID: nicID,
addr: addr,
resolved: resolved,
err: err,
// OnDefaultRouterDiscovered implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDefaultRouterDiscovered.
// Adds the event to the event queue and returns true so Stack remembers the
// discovered default router.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDefaultRouterDiscovered(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) bool {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnDefaultRouterDiscovered(%d, %s)", nicID, addr)
n.addEvent(&ndpDiscoveredRouterEvent{ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon: ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon{nicID: nicID, addr: addr}})
return true
// OnDefaultRouterInvalidated implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDefaultRouterInvalidated.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDefaultRouterInvalidated(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnDefaultRouterInvalidated(%d, %s)", nicID, addr)
n.addEvent(&ndpInvalidatedRouterEvent{ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon: ndpRouterAndDADEventCommon{nicID: nicID, addr: addr}})
// OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered.
// Adds the event to the event queue and returns true so Stack remembers the
// discovered on-link prefix.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered(nicID tcpip.NICID, prefix tcpip.Subnet) bool {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered(%d, %s)", nicID, prefix)
n.addEvent(&ndpDiscoveredPrefixEvent{ndpPrefixEventCommon: ndpPrefixEventCommon{nicID: nicID, prefix: prefix}})
return true
// OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated(nicID tcpip.NICID, prefix tcpip.Subnet) {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated(%d, %s)", nicID, prefix)
n.addEvent(&ndpInvalidatedPrefixEvent{ndpPrefixEventCommon: ndpPrefixEventCommon{nicID: nicID, prefix: prefix}})
// OnAutoGenAddress implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnAutoGenAddress.
// Adds the event to the event queue and returns true so Stack adds the
// auto-generated address.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnAutoGenAddress(nicID tcpip.NICID, addrWithPrefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) bool {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnAutoGenAddress(%d, %s)", nicID, addrWithPrefix)
n.addEvent(&ndpGeneratedAutoGenAddrEvent{ndpAutoGenAddrEventCommon: ndpAutoGenAddrEventCommon{nicID: nicID, addrWithPrefix: addrWithPrefix}})
return true
// OnAutoGenAddressDeprecated implements
// stack.NDPDispatcher.OnAutoGenAddressDeprecated.
func (*ndpDispatcher) OnAutoGenAddressDeprecated(tcpip.NICID, tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
// No need to do anything with this as deprecated addresses are still usable.
// stack.Stack will handle not returning deprecated addresses if more
// preferred addresses exist.
// OnAutoGenAddressInvalidated implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnAutoGenAddressInvalidated.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnAutoGenAddressInvalidated(nicID tcpip.NICID, addrWithPrefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnAutoGenAddressInvalidated(%d, %s)", nicID, addrWithPrefix)
n.addEvent(&ndpInvalidatedAutoGenAddrEvent{ndpAutoGenAddrEventCommon: ndpAutoGenAddrEventCommon{nicID: nicID, addrWithPrefix: addrWithPrefix}})
// OnRecursiveDNSServerOption implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnRecursiveDNSServerOption.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnRecursiveDNSServerOption(nicID tcpip.NICID, addrs []tcpip.Address, lifetime time.Duration) {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnRecursiveDNSServerOption(%d, %s, %s)", nicID, addrs, lifetime)
n.addEvent(&ndpRecursiveDNSServerEvent{nicID: nicID, addrs: addrs, lifetime: lifetime})
// OnDNSSearchListOption implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDNSSearchListOption.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDNSSearchListOption(nicID tcpip.NICID, domainNames []string, lifetime time.Duration) {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnDNSSearchListOption(%d, %s, %s)", nicID, domainNames, lifetime)
// OnDHCPv6Configuration implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDHCPv6Configuration.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDHCPv6Configuration(nicID tcpip.NICID, configuration stack.DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA) {
syslog.Infof("ndp: OnDHCPv6Configuration(%d, %d)", nicID, configuration)
// addEvent adds an event to be handled by the ndpDispatcher goroutine.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) addEvent(e ndpEvent) { = append(, e)
select {
case n.notifyCh <- struct{}{}:
// If we are unable to send to notifyCh, then we know that the
// worker goroutine has already been signalled to wake up and
// handle pending events.
// start starts the ndpDispatcher goroutine which will handle the NDP events.
// The worker goroutine will be stopped if ctx is cancelled.
// Panics if n does not have an associated Netstack.
func (n *ndpDispatcher) start(ctx context.Context) {
syslog.Infof("ndp: starting worker goroutine...")
if n.ns == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: ndpDispatcher (%p) does not have an associated Netstack", n))
go func() {
n.sem <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-n.sem }()
done := ctx.Done()
syslog.Infof("ndp: started worker goroutine")
for {
var event ndpEvent
for {
// Has ctx been cancelled?
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
syslog.Infof("ndp: stopping worker goroutine; ctx.Err(): %s", err)
// Get the next event from the queue, but do not remove the event from
// the queue yet. The event will be removed from the queue once it has
// been handled. This is to avoid a race condition in tests where
// waiting for the queue to empty can block indefinitely if the queue is
// already empty.
// This is safe because the worker goroutine will be the only goroutine
// handling events and popping from the queue. Other goroutines will
// only push to the queue.
if len( > 0 {
event =[0]
if event != nil {
// No NDP events to handle. Wait for an NDP or ctx cancellation event to
// handle.
select {
case <-done:
syslog.Infof("ndp: stopping worker goroutine; ctx.Err(): %s", ctx.Err())
case <-n.notifyCh:
// Handle the event.
switch event := event.(type) {
case *ndpDuplicateAddressDetectionEvent:
if event.resolved {
syslog.Infof("ndp: DAD resolved for %s on nicID (%d), sending interface changed event...", event.addr, event.nicID)
} else if err := event.err; err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("ndp: DAD for %s on nicID (%d) encountered error = %s, sending interface changed event...", event.addr, event.nicID, err)
} else {
syslog.Warnf("ndp: duplicate address detected during DAD for %s on nicID (%d), sending interface changed event...", event.addr, event.nicID)
case *ndpDiscoveredRouterEvent:
nicID, addr := event.nicID, event.addr
rt := defaultV6Route(nicID, addr)
syslog.Infof("ndp: discovered a default router (%s) on nicID (%d), adding a default route to it: [%s]", addr, nicID, rt)
// rt is added as a 'static' route because Netstack will remove dynamic
// routes on DHCPv4 changes. See
// staticRouteAvoidingLifeCycleHooks for more details.
if err := n.ns.AddRoute(rt, metricNotSet, staticRouteAvoidingLifeCycleHooks); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("ndp: failed to add the default route [%s] for the discovered router (%s) on nicID (%d): %s", rt, addr, nicID, err)
case *ndpInvalidatedRouterEvent:
nicID, addr := event.nicID, event.addr
rt := defaultV6Route(nicID, addr)
syslog.Infof("ndp: invalidating a default router (%s) from nicID (%d), removing the default route to it: [%s]", addr, nicID, rt)
if err := n.ns.DelRoute(rt); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("ndp: failed to remove the default route [%s] for the invalidated router (%s) on nicID (%d): %s", rt, addr, nicID, err)
case *ndpDiscoveredPrefixEvent:
nicID, prefix := event.nicID, event.prefix
rt := onLinkV6Route(nicID, prefix)
syslog.Infof("ndp: discovered an on-link prefix (%s) on nicID (%d), adding an on-link route to it: [%s]", prefix, nicID, rt)
// rt is added as a 'static' route because Netstack will remove dynamic
// routes on DHCPv4 changes. See
// staticRouteAvoidingLifeCycleHooks for more details.
if err := n.ns.AddRoute(rt, metricNotSet, staticRouteAvoidingLifeCycleHooks); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("ndp: failed to add the on-link route [%s] for the discovered on-link prefix (%s) on nicID (%d): %s", rt, prefix, nicID, err)
case *ndpInvalidatedPrefixEvent:
nicID, prefix := event.nicID, event.prefix
rt := onLinkV6Route(nicID, prefix)
syslog.Infof("ndp: invalidating an on-link prefix (%s) from nicID (%d), removing the on-link route to it: [%s]", prefix, nicID, rt)
if err := n.ns.DelRoute(rt); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("ndp: failed to remove the on-link route [%s] for the invalidated on-link prefix (%s) on nicID (%d): %s", rt, prefix, nicID, err)
case *ndpGeneratedAutoGenAddrEvent:
nicID, addrWithPrefix := event.nicID, event.addrWithPrefix
syslog.Infof("ndp: added an auto-generated address (%s) on nicID (%d)", addrWithPrefix, nicID)
case *ndpInvalidatedAutoGenAddrEvent:
nicID, addrWithPrefix := event.nicID, event.addrWithPrefix
syslog.Infof("ndp: invalidated an auto-generated address (%s) on nicID (%d), sending interface changed event...", addrWithPrefix, nicID)
case *ndpRecursiveDNSServerEvent:
nicID, addrs, lifetime := event.nicID, event.addrs, event.lifetime
syslog.Infof("ndp: updating expiring DNS servers (%s) on nicID (%d) with lifetime (%s)...", addrs, nicID, lifetime)
servers := make([]tcpip.FullAddress, 0, len(addrs))
for _, a := range addrs {
// The default DNS port will be used since the Port field is
// unspecified here.
servers = append(servers, tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: a, NIC: nicID})
// lifetime should never be greater than header.NDPInfiniteLifetime.
if lifetime > header.NDPInfiniteLifetime {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: got recursive DNS server event with lifetime (%s) greater than infinite lifetime (%s) on nicID (%d) with addrs (%s)", lifetime, header.NDPInfiniteLifetime, nicID, addrs))
if lifetime == header.NDPInfiniteLifetime {
// A lifetime value less than 0 implies infinite lifetime to the DNS
// client.
lifetime = -1
n.ns.dnsClient.UpdateNdpServers(servers, lifetime)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized event type: %T", event))
// Remove the event we just handled from the queue. If the queue is empty
// after popping, then we know that all events in the queue (before taking
// the lock) have been handled.[0] = nil =[1:]
eventsLeft := len(
// Signal tests that are waiting for the event queue to be empty. We
// signal after handling the last event so that when the test wakes up,
// the test can safely assume that all events in the queue (up to this
// notification) have been handled.
if eventsLeft == 0 {
select {
case n.testNotifyCh <- struct{}{}:
// newNDPDispatcher returns a new ndpDispatcher that allows 1 worker goroutine
// to be employed.
func newNDPDispatcher() *ndpDispatcher {
return &ndpDispatcher{
// This is set to 1 to guarantee ordering between events that
// share some relationship. See ndpDispatcher for more details.
sem: make(chan struct{}, 1),
notifyCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),