blob: abe8cf7962d2ecd7d0a25e440dc142ea9c84b69b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.session;
using fuchsia.io2;
using fuchsia.url;
/// The ElementManager is responsible for service requests to add elements to a
/// session.
/// An Element is a component which is expected to be instantiated as a child
/// of the session and interact with the user in some way.
/// For example, a component acting as an element proposer may be listening to
/// the network for instructions to display an element to the user. When such
/// a network command is received, the element proposer proposes to add an
/// element to the session via the `ElementManager` protocol.
protocol ElementManager {
/// Proposes to add an Element to the session.
/// If `ProposeElement()` returns without error, the caller can assume
/// the element is now part of the session. However, whether or not the
/// element component is actively running, or not, is left to the session's
/// discretion. For example, a session may decide to conserve resources by
/// suspending an element which is not in focus, or delay the running of an
/// element until a more appropriate time.
/// `spec` describes the Element to add.
/// `element_controller` can be used to set and get annotations on the Element
/// created by the `ElementManager`.
ProposeElement(ElementSpec spec, request<ElementController>? element_controller)
-> () error ProposeElementError;
protocol ElementController {
/// The server is expected to adhere to the following conventions:
/// * If a key is new, a new annotation is added.
/// * If a key already exists, the annotation is updated.
/// * If a key exists with a null value, the annotation is deleted.
SetAnnotations(Annotations annotations) -> () error AnnotationError;
/// Returns the current `Annotations` for the controlled element.
GetAnnotations() -> (Annotations annotations) error AnnotationError;
/// Errors which can be returned when attempting to add elements to a session.
enum ProposeElementError {
/// There was an error resolving the element's component url.
/// The session rejected the proposal to add the element. Reasons may include
/// errors with components of the ElementSpec. (See `AnnotationError` for
/// some specific examples.)
/// Describes an Element to be added to a session.
table ElementSpec {
/// The component URL of the Element.
1: fuchsia.url.Url component_url;
/// Initial metadata on the element. Optional.
2: Annotations annotations;
// TODO(fxb/44648): Remove this field after converting all components to Component Framework v2,
// unless the concept of providing services in this way has been approved for dynamically-routed
// v2->v2 interactions.
/// Requests the Element Manager forward the given capabilities to the component at launch.
/// The Element Manager should forward these capabilities to the relevant Runner, and the
/// Runner should expose these capabilities to the launched component's incoming namespace.
/// (This mechanism allows backward compatibility for Runners to launch v1 (`.cmx`) components
/// that require additional services.)
3: AdditionalCapabilities additional_capabilities;
// TODO(fxb/44648): Remove this field after converting all components to Component Framework v2,
// unless the concept of providing services in this way has been approved for dynamically-routed
// v2->v2 interactions.
/// Provides a list of capabilities to be offered to a proposed element, and a Directory from which
/// another component can connect to the implementations of those capabilities.
struct AdditionalCapabilities {
/// A list of capabilities by absolute path name, relative to the given host_directory (for
/// example, "/svc/fuchsia.util.SomeService").
vector<fuchsia.io2.Path>:MAX paths;
/// The `Directory` from which the capabilities are served. host_directory;