Termination policies


This document covers policies that may be configured for reacting to component termination.

Reboot on terminate

A component that has the “reboot-on-terminate” policy set will cause the system to gracefully reboot if the component terminates for any reason (including successful exit). This is a special feature intended for use only by system components deemed critical to the system's function. Therefore, its use is governed by a security policy allowlist.

If you believe you need this option, please reach out to the Component Framework team first.

To enable the feature, mark the child as on_terminate: reboot in the parent component's manifest:

// core.cml
    children: [
            name: "system-update-checker",
            url: "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/system-update-checker#meta/system-update-checker.cm",
            startup: "eager",
            on_terminate: "reboot",

Also, you‘ll need to add the component’s moniker to component manager's security policy allowlist at //src/security/policy/component_manager_policy.json5:

// //src/security/policy/component_manager_policy.json5
    security_policy: {
        child_policy: {
            reboot_on_terminate: [