blob: b48b2a0403ea27b7998101ef7fd434e387537d10 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// cargo-deps: rustc_lexer="0.1"
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
rustc_lexer::{Token, TokenKind},
io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Write},
iter::{self, Iterator, Peekable},
fn main() {
let mut done = HashSet::new();
for record in io::stdin().lock().lines() {
// Parse records printed by awk in
let record = record.unwrap();
let fields = &mut record.splitn(3, ',');
let (kind, path, data) = (next(fields), next(fields), next(fields));
let path_parts = &mut path.splitn(3, ':');
let path = next(path_parts).strip_prefix("../../").unwrap();
let (row, col) = (next_int(path_parts), next_int(path_parts));
// Ensure we never change the same line multiple times, since the first
// change would invalidate column numbers of the other errors. If there
// are multiple errors in the same line, they will be dealt with one by
// one as runs this program in a loop.
if done.contains(&(Cow::Borrowed(path), row)) {
done.insert((Cow::Owned(path.to_owned()), row));
let mut lines = BufReader::new(File::open(path).unwrap())
.map(|r| r.unwrap() + "\n")
match kind {
"pat" => {
let fields = &mut data.splitn(2, " | ");
let (row, suggestion) = (next_int(fields), next(fields));
let replacement = if suggestion.ends_with("..,") {
&suggestion[..suggestion.len() - 1]
} else {
lines[row - 1] = format!("{}\n", replacement);
"con" => {
let (i0, j0) = (row - 1, col - 1);
let mut tokens = tokenize(&lines, (i0, j0)).peekable();
let typename = parse_path(&mut tokens);
let block = find_closing_brace(&mut tokens);
assert_eq!(char_at(&lines, block.close), "}");
if block.empty {
// Change `MyTable {}` to `MyTable::empty()`.
// Assert both braces are on the same line, so that we only
// have to edit one line. This will fail if there is
// something like "Table {\n}".
let (i, j) = block.close;
assert_eq!(i0, i);
lines[i] = format!(
&lines[i][..j0], // exclude `MyTable {`
&lines[i][j + 1..] // exclude `}`
} else if block.inline {
// Change `stuff }` to `stuff, MyTable::empty() }`.
if let Some(pos) = block.pre_close {
assert_eq!(char_at(&lines, pos), " ");
assert_eq!(pos.0, block.close.0);
let (i, j) = block.pre_close.unwrap_or(block.close);
let comma = if block.trailing_comma { "" } else { ", " };
lines[i] = format!(
&lines[i][j..] // include `}`
} else {
// Change
// stuff,
// }
// to
// stuff,
// ..MyTable::empty()/*INSERT_NEWLINE*/ }
let (i, j) = block.close;
// This comma will be badly formatted. We can't 100% rely on
// rustfmt because we might be in a macro. So, flag it with
// a comment to look at manually.
let comma = if block.trailing_comma { "" } else { ",/*FIX_COMMA*/" };
let indent = get_indent_width(&lines[i]);
assert_eq!(&lines[i][..j], " ".repeat(indent));
lines[i] = format!(
// Use the `}` line plus 4 rather than the previous
// line's indentation, since there might be blank
// lines coming before.
" ".repeat(indent + 4),
&lines[i][..j], // indent
&lines[i][j..] // include `}`
_ => panic!("invalid kind: {}", kind),
let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(path).unwrap());
for line in lines {
println!("Fixed {} issue(s).", done.len());
if done.is_empty() {
fn next<T: Iterator>(it: &mut T) -> T::Item {
fn next_int<'a, T: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(it: &mut T) -> usize {<usize>().unwrap()
// Zero-based row and column numbers.
type Pos = (usize, usize);
fn char_at(lines: &[String], (i, j): Pos) -> &str {
return &lines[i][j..j + 1];
fn get_indent_width(line: &str) -> usize {
line.find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace()).unwrap()
struct TokenInfo {
token: Token,
text: String,
pos: Pos,
fn tokenize(lines: &[String], (mut i, mut j): Pos) -> impl Iterator<Item = TokenInfo> + '_ {
// Combine into one string since some tokens can span lines.
let content = lines[i..].concat();
let mut offset = j;
iter::from_fn(move || {
if offset >= content.len() {
return None;
let token = rustc_lexer::first_token(&content[offset..]);
let len = token.len;
let text = &content[offset..offset + len];
let info = TokenInfo { token, text: text.to_string(), pos: (i, j) };
let inline_len = std::cmp::min(len, lines[i].len() - j);
assert_eq!(&text[..inline_len], &lines[i][j..j + inline_len]);
offset += len;
for c in text.chars() {
j += 1;
if c == '\n' {
i += 1;
j = 0;
fn parse_path<T: Iterator<Item = TokenInfo>>(tokens: &mut Peekable<T>) -> String {
let mut path = String::new();
loop {
match tokens.peek() {
Some(TokenInfo { token: Token { kind, .. }, text, .. })
if *kind == TokenKind::Ident || *kind == TokenKind::Colon =>
_ => break,
struct Block {
// Position of the closing brace "}".
close: Pos,
// Position of the first character in the span of whitespace coming before
// the closing brace, if there is any.
pre_close: Option<Pos>,
// True if the block is empty (nothing other than whitespace and comments
// between the open and close braces).
empty: bool,
// True if the closing brace is inline with (at least part of) the rest of
// the expression; that is, it is not on its own line.
inline: bool,
// True if there is a trailing comma before the closing brace.
trailing_comma: bool,
fn find_closing_brace<T: Iterator<Item = TokenInfo>>(tokens: &mut T) -> Block {
for info in tokens.by_ref() {
if info.token.kind == TokenKind::OpenBrace {
let mut depth = 1;
let mut pre_close = None;
let mut empty = true;
let mut inline = true;
let mut trailing_comma = false;
for info in tokens.by_ref() {
depth += match info.token.kind {
TokenKind::OpenBrace => 1,
TokenKind::CloseBrace => -1,
_ => 0,
if depth == 0 {
return Block { close: info.pos, pre_close, empty, inline, trailing_comma };
pre_close = match (pre_close, info.token.kind) {
(None, TokenKind::Whitespace) => Some(info.pos),
(Some(pos), TokenKind::Whitespace) => Some(pos),
_ => None,
empty = match info.token.kind {
TokenKind::Whitespace | TokenKind::LineComment | TokenKind::BlockComment { .. } => {
_ => false,
inline = match info.token.kind {
TokenKind::Whitespace if info.text.contains('\n') => false,
TokenKind::Whitespace => inline,
_ => true,
trailing_comma = match info.token.kind {
TokenKind::Whitespace | TokenKind::LineComment | TokenKind::BlockComment { .. } => {
TokenKind::Comma => true,
_ => false,
panic!("EOF while looking for closing brace");