blob: a0b08ae97df1d5d259fda2954acc60b44f0c9e45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package botanist
import (
const (
repoID = "fuchsia-pkg://"
localhostPlaceholder = "localhost"
// AddPackageRepository adds a package repository to a connected fuchsia
// instance with the provided metadata and blob URLs.
// In either URL, a host of "localhost" will be resolved and scoped as
// appropriate when dealing with the address from the host and target
// perspectives.
func AddPackageRepository(ctx context.Context, client *sshutil.Client, repoURL, blobURL string) error {
localhost := strings.Contains(repoURL, localhostPlaceholder) || strings.Contains(blobURL, localhostPlaceholder)
lScopedRepoURL := repoURL
if localhost {
host := localScopedLocalHost(client.LocalAddr().String())
lScopedRepoURL = strings.Replace(repoURL, localhostPlaceholder, host, 1)
logger.Infof(ctx, "local-scoped package repository address: %s\n", lScopedRepoURL)
rScopedRepoURL := repoURL
rScopedBlobURL := blobURL
if localhost {
host, err := remoteScopedLocalHost(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return err
rScopedRepoURL = strings.Replace(repoURL, localhostPlaceholder, host, 1)
logger.Infof(ctx, "remote-scoped package repository address: %s\n", rScopedRepoURL)
rScopedBlobURL = strings.Replace(blobURL, localhostPlaceholder, host, 1)
logger.Infof(ctx, "remote-scoped package blob address: %s\n", rScopedBlobURL)
keys, err := repo.GetRootKeysInsecurely(ctx, lScopedRepoURL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to derive root keys: %w", err)
cfg := &repo.Config{
URL: repoID,
RootKeys: keys,
Mirrors: []repo.MirrorConfig{
URL: rScopedRepoURL,
BlobURL: rScopedBlobURL,
return repo.AddFromConfig(ctx, client, cfg)
func localScopedLocalHost(laddr string) string {
tokens := strings.Split(laddr, ":")
host := strings.Join(tokens[:len(tokens)-1], ":") // Strips the port.
return escapePercentSign(host)
func remoteScopedLocalHost(ctx context.Context, client *sshutil.Client) (string, error) {
// From the ssh man page:
// "SSH_CONNECTION identifies the client and server ends of the connection.
// The variable contains four space-separated values: client IP address,
// client port number, server IP address, and server port number."
// We wish to obtain the client IP address, as will be scoped from the
// remote address.
var stdout bytes.Buffer
if err := client.Run(ctx, []string{"echo", "${SSH_CONNECTION}"}, &stdout, nil); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to derive $SSH_CONNECTION: %w", err)
val := string(stdout.Bytes())
tokens := strings.Split(val, " ")
if len(tokens) != 4 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("$SSH_CONNECTION should be four space-separated values and not %q", val)
host := escapePercentSign("[" + tokens[0] + "]")
return host, nil
// From the spec
// "%" is always treated as an escape character in a URI, so, according to
// the established URI syntax any occurrences of literal "%" symbols in a
// URI MUST be percent-encoded and represented in the form "%25".
func escapePercentSign(addr string) string {
if strings.Contains(addr, "%25") {
return addr
return strings.Replace(addr, "%", "%25", 1)