blob: 586a64ec2f678c1c7c356e43a89523376a7e6e65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error};
use fidl::endpoints::{create_endpoints, ClientEnd};
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::{Appearance, Uuid};
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_le::{
AdvertisingData, AdvertisingHandleMarker, AdvertisingModeHint, AdvertisingParameters,
ConnectionOptions, ManufacturerData, PeripheralMarker, PeripheralProxy, ServiceData,
use fuchsia_component as app;
use fuchsia_syslog::macros::*;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
// Sl4f-Constants and Ble advertising related functionality
use crate::common_utils::error::Sl4fError;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::convert::TryInto;
struct InnerBleAdvertiseFacade {
/// Advertisement ID of device, only one advertisement at a time.
// TODO( Potentially scale up to storing multiple AdvertisingHandles. We may want to
// generate unique identifiers for each advertisement and to allow RPC clients to manage them.
adv_handle: Option<ClientEnd<AdvertisingHandleMarker>>,
///PeripheralProxy used for Bluetooth Connections
peripheral: Option<PeripheralProxy>,
/// Starts and stops device BLE advertisement(s).
/// Note this object is shared among all threads created by server.
pub struct BleAdvertiseFacade {
inner: RwLock<InnerBleAdvertiseFacade>,
impl BleAdvertiseFacade {
pub fn new() -> BleAdvertiseFacade {
BleAdvertiseFacade {
inner: RwLock::new(InnerBleAdvertiseFacade { adv_handle: None, peripheral: None }),
/// Parse json input UUID and return Bluetooth UUID format.
/// # Arguments
/// * `json_uuid`: The JSON UUID in the form of a list of bytes.
fn parse_uuid(&self, json_uuid: &Value) -> Result<Uuid, Error> {
let mut byte_list = vec![];
for byte_string in json_uuid.as_array().unwrap() {
let raw_value = match i64::from_str_radix(byte_string.as_str().unwrap(), 16) {
Ok(v) => v as u8,
Err(e) => bail!("Failed to convert raw value with: {:?}", e),
Ok(Uuid { value: byte_list.as_slice().try_into().expect("Failed to set UUID value.") })
/// Parse a list of service uuids from a json input list.
/// # Arguments
/// * `json_service_uuids`: The JSON UUIDs in the form of lists of list of bytes.
fn parse_service_uuids(&self, json_service_uuids: &Vec<Value>) -> Result<Vec<Uuid>, Error> {
let mut uuid_list = Vec::new();
for raw_uuid_list in json_service_uuids {
/// Parse the json input service data into a list of ServiceData
/// # Arguments
/// * `json_service_data`: The JSON representation of ServiceData to parse.
fn parse_service_data(
json_service_data: &Vec<Value>,
) -> Result<Vec<ServiceData>, Error> {
let mut manufacturer_data_list = Vec::new();
for raw_service_data in json_service_data {
let uuid = match raw_service_data.get("uuid") {
Some(v) => self.parse_uuid(v)?,
None => bail!("Missing Service data info 'uuid'."),
let data = match raw_service_data.get("data") {
Some(d) => d.to_string().into_bytes(),
None => bail!("Missing Service data info 'data'."),
manufacturer_data_list.push(ServiceData { uuid, data });
/// Parse the json input manufacturer data into a list of ManufacturerData
/// # Arguments
/// * `json_manufacturer_data`: The JSON representation of ManufacturerData to parse.
fn parse_manufacturer_data(
json_manufacturer_data: &Vec<Value>,
) -> Result<Vec<ManufacturerData>, Error> {
let mut manufacturer_data_list = Vec::new();
for raw_manufacturer_data in json_manufacturer_data {
let company_id = match raw_manufacturer_data.get("id") {
Some(v) => match v.as_u64() {
Some(c) => c as u16,
None => bail!("Company id not a valid value."),
None => bail!("Missing Manufacturer info 'id'."),
let data = match raw_manufacturer_data.get("data") {
Some(d) => d.to_string().into_bytes(),
None => bail!("Missing Manufacturer info 'data'."),
manufacturer_data_list.push(ManufacturerData { company_id, data });
/// Function to parse relevant advertising data based on json input.
/// # Arguments
/// * `data` - A serde json object representing the Advertising data.
/// Note: A human readable uuid is represented as a list of bytes:
/// Example Human Readable UUID: '00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
/// Actual input:
/// ['fb', '34', '9b', '5f', '80', '00', '00', '80', '00', '10', '00', '00', '01', '18', '00', '00']
/// Example input
/// data = {
/// 'advertising_data': {
/// 'name': Some(String),
/// 'appearance': Some(u64),
/// 'service_data': {
/// 'uuid': ['fb', '34', '9b', '5f', '80', '00', '00', '80', '00', '10', '00', '00', '01', '18', '00', '00'].
/// 'data': "1"
/// },
/// 'service_uuids': [
/// ['fb', '34', '9b', '5f', '80', '00', '00', '80', '00', '10', '00', '00', '01', '18', '00', '00'].
/// ['fb', '34', '9b', '5f', '80', '00', '00', '80', '00', '10', '00', '00', '00', '18', '00', '00']
/// ],
/// 'manufacturer_data': {
/// 'id': 10,
/// 'data'
/// },
/// 'uris': Some(['telnet://']),
/// 'tx_power_level': Some(1),
/// }
/// }
fn generate_advertising_data(&self, data: Value) -> Result<Option<AdvertisingData>, Error> {
let name: Option<String> = data["name"].as_str().map(String::from);
let service_uuids = match data.get("service_uuids") {
Some(v) => {
if v.is_null() {
} else {
match v.clone().as_array() {
Some(list) => Some(self.parse_service_uuids(list)?),
None => bail!("Attribute 'service_uuids' is not a parseable list."),
None => None,
let appearance = match data.get("appearance") {
Some(v) => {
if v.is_null() {
} else {
match v.as_u64() {
Some(c) => Appearance::from_primitive(c as u16),
None => None,
None => bail!("Value 'appearance' missing."),
let tx_power_level = match data.get("tx_power_level") {
Some(v) => {
if v.is_null() {
} else {
match v.as_u64() {
Some(c) => Some(c as i8),
None => None,
None => bail!("Value 'tx_power_level' missing."),
let service_data = match data.get("service_data") {
Some(raw) => {
if raw.is_null() {
} else {
match raw.as_array() {
Some(list) => Some(self.parse_service_data(list)?),
None => None,
None => bail!("Value 'service_data' missing."),
let manufacturer_data = match data.get("manufacturer_data") {
Some(raw) => {
if raw.is_null() {
} else {
match raw.as_array() {
Some(list) => Some(self.parse_manufacturer_data(list)?),
None => None,
None => bail!("Value 'manufacturer_data' missing."),
let uris = match data.get("uris") {
Some(raw) => {
if raw.is_null() {
} else {
match raw.as_array() {
Some(list) => {
let mut uri_list = Vec::new();
for item in list {
match item.as_str() {
Some(i) => uri_list.push(String::from(i)),
None => bail!("Expected URI string"),
None => None,
None => bail!("Value 'uris' missing."),
Ok(Some(AdvertisingData {
uris: uris,
// Takes a serde_json::Value and converts it to arguments required for
// a FIDL ble_advertise command
fn ble_advertise_args_to_fidl(&self, args_raw: Value) -> Result<AdvertisingParameters, Error> {
let advertising_data = match args_raw.get("advertising_data") {
Some(adr) => self.generate_advertising_data(adr.clone())?,
None => bail!("Value 'advertising_data' missing."),
let scan_response = match args_raw.get("scan_response") {
Some(scn) => {
if scn.is_null() {
} else {
None => None,
let conn_raw = args_raw.get("connectable").ok_or(format_err!("Connectable missing"))?;
let connectable: bool = conn_raw.as_bool().unwrap_or(false);
let conn_opts = if connectable {
Some(ConnectionOptions {
bondable_mode: Some(true),
service_filter: None,
} else {
let parameters = AdvertisingParameters {
data: advertising_data,
scan_response: scan_response,
mode_hint: Some(AdvertisingModeHint::VeryFast),
connectable: Some(connectable),
connection_options: conn_opts,
fx_log_info!(tag: "ble_advertise_args_to_fidl", "advertising parameters: {:?}", parameters);
// Store a new advertising handle.
fn set_adv_handle(&self, adv_handle: Option<ClientEnd<AdvertisingHandleMarker>>) {
if adv_handle.is_some() {
fx_log_info!(tag: "set_adv_handle", "Assigned new advertising handle");
} else {
fx_log_info!(tag: "set_adv_handle", "Cleared advertising handle");
self.inner.write().adv_handle = adv_handle;
pub fn print(&self) {
let adv_status = match & {
Some(_) => "Valid",
None => "None",
fx_log_info!(tag: "print",
"BleAdvertiseFacade: Adv Status: {}, Peripheral: {:?}",
// Set the peripheral proxy only if none exists, otherwise, use existing
pub fn set_peripheral_proxy(&self) {
let new_peripheral = match {
Some(p) => {
fx_log_warn!(tag: "set_peripheral_proxy",
"Current peripheral: {:?}",
None => {
let peripheral_svc: PeripheralProxy =
.context("Failed to connect to BLE Peripheral service.")
self.inner.write().peripheral = new_peripheral
/// Start BLE advertisement
/// # Arguments
/// * `args`: A JSON input representing advertisement characteristics.
pub async fn start_adv(&self, args: Value) -> Result<(), Error> {
let parameters = self.ble_advertise_args_to_fidl(args)?;
let periph = &;
match &periph {
Some(p) => {
let (handle, handle_remote) = create_endpoints::<AdvertisingHandleMarker>()?;
let result = p.start_advertising(parameters, handle_remote).await?;
if let Err(err) = result {
fx_log_err!(tag: "start_adv", "Failed to start adveritising: {:?}", err);
return Err(Sl4fError::new(&format!("{:?}", err)).into());
fx_log_info!(tag: "start_adv", "Started advertising");
None => {
fx_log_err!(tag: "start_adv", "No peripheral created.");
return Err(format_err!("No peripheral proxy created."));
pub fn stop_adv(&self) {
fx_log_info!(tag: "stop_adv", "Stop advertising");
pub fn get_peripheral_proxy(&self) -> Option<PeripheralProxy> {
pub fn cleanup_advertisements(&self) {
// Close peripheral proxy
pub fn cleanup_peripheral_proxy(&self) {
self.inner.write().peripheral = None;
// Close both central and peripheral proxies
pub fn cleanup(&self) {