blob: 785961d301428d6d24e5cf4bc85f039d4246d440 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fidl_fuchsia_device::{ControllerMarker, ControllerProxy},
VolumeManagerMarker, VolumeManagerProxy, VolumeMarker, VolumeProxy,
fuchsia_zircon::{sys::zx_status_t, AsHandleRef, Rights, Status, Vmo},
isolated_driver_manager::{bind_fvm, rebind_fvm},
ramdevice_client::{RamdiskClient, VmoRamdiskClientBuilder},
rand::{rngs::SmallRng, FromEntropy, Rng},
os::{raw::c_int, unix::io::AsRawFd},
events::{Event, EventMode, EventSubscription, Started},
#[link(name = "fs-management")]
extern "C" {
// This function initializes FVM on a fuchsia.hardware.block.Block device
// with a given slice size.
pub fn fvm_init(fd: c_int, slice_size: usize) -> zx_status_t;
async fn start_test() -> OpaqueTest {
let test: OpaqueTest =
// Wait for the root component to start
let event_source = test.connect_to_event_source().await.unwrap();
let mut started_event_stream = event_source
.subscribe(vec![EventSubscription::new(vec![Started::NAME], EventMode::Sync)])
EventMatcher::ok().moniker(".").expect_match::<Started>(&mut started_event_stream).await;
fn create_ramdisk(test: &OpaqueTest, vmo: &Vmo, ramdisk_block_size: u64) -> RamdiskClient {
// Wait until the ramctl driver is available
let dev_path = test.get_hub_v2_path().join("exec/expose/dev");
let ramctl_path = dev_path.join("misc/ramctl");
let ramctl_path = ramctl_path.to_str().unwrap();
ramdevice_client::wait_for_device(ramctl_path, Duration::from_secs(20)).unwrap();
let duplicated_handle = vmo.as_handle_ref().duplicate(Rights::SAME_RIGHTS).unwrap();
let duplicated_vmo = Vmo::from(duplicated_handle);
// Create the ramdisks
let dev_root = OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(&dev_path).unwrap();
fn init_fvm(ramdisk_path: &str, fvm_slice_size: u64) {
// Create the FVM filesystem
let ramdisk_file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(ramdisk_path).unwrap();
let ramdisk_fd = ramdisk_file.as_raw_fd();
let status = unsafe { fvm_init(ramdisk_fd, fvm_slice_size as usize) };
async fn start_fvm_driver(ramdisk_path: &str) -> (ControllerProxy, VolumeManagerProxy) {
let controller = connect_to_service_at_path::<ControllerMarker>(ramdisk_path).unwrap();
// Wait until the FVM driver is available
let fvm_path = PathBuf::from(ramdisk_path).join("fvm");
let fvm_path = fvm_path.to_str().unwrap();
ramdevice_client::wait_for_device(fvm_path, Duration::from_secs(20)).unwrap();
// Connect to the Volume Manager
let proxy = connect_to_service_at_path::<VolumeManagerMarker>(fvm_path).unwrap();
(controller, proxy)
async fn does_guid_match(volume_proxy: &VolumeProxy, expected_instance_guid: &Guid) -> bool {
// The GUIDs must match
let (status, actual_guid_instance) = volume_proxy.get_instance_guid().await.unwrap();
// The ramdisk is also a block device, but does not support the Volume protocol
if let Err(Status::NOT_SUPPORTED) = Status::ok(status) {
return false;
let actual_guid_instance = actual_guid_instance.unwrap();
*actual_guid_instance == *expected_instance_guid
/// This structs holds processes of component manager, isolated-devmgr
/// and the fvm driver.
/// NOTE: The order of fields in this struct is important.
/// Destruction happens top-down. Test must be destroyed last.
pub struct FvmInstance {
/// A proxy to fuchsia.hardware.block.VolumeManager protocol
/// Used to create new FVM volumes
volume_manager: VolumeManagerProxy,
/// A proxy to fuchsia.device.Controller protocol
/// Used to bind/rebind the FVM driver to the ramdisk device
controller: ControllerProxy,
/// Manages the ramdisk device that is backed by a VMO
ramdisk: RamdiskClient,
/// The component manager process that runs isolated-devmgr
test: OpaqueTest,
impl FvmInstance {
/// Kill the test's component manager process.
/// This should take down the entire test's component tree with it,
/// including the driver manager and ramdisk + fvm drivers.
pub fn kill_component_manager(mut self) {
// We do not want the ramdisk to be destroyed cleanly.
// Forget the ramdisk struct.
/// Force rebind the FVM driver. This is similar to a device disconnect/reconnect.
pub async fn rebind_fvm_driver(&mut self) {
/// Start an isolated FVM driver against the given VMO.
/// If `init` is true, initialize the VMO with FVM layout first.
pub async fn new(init: bool, vmo: &Vmo, fvm_slice_size: u64, ramdisk_block_size: u64) -> Self {
let test = start_test().await;
let ramdisk = create_ramdisk(&test, &vmo, ramdisk_block_size);
let dev_path = test.get_hub_v2_path().join("exec/expose/dev");
let ramdisk_path = dev_path.join(ramdisk.get_path());
let ramdisk_path = ramdisk_path.to_str().unwrap();
if init {
init_fvm(ramdisk_path, fvm_slice_size);
let (controller, volume_manager) = start_fvm_driver(ramdisk_path).await;
Self { test, controller, ramdisk, volume_manager }
/// Get the full path to /dev/class/block from the devmgr running in this test
pub fn block_path(&self) -> PathBuf {
/// Create a new FVM volume with the given name and type GUID. This volume will consume
/// exactly 1 slice. Returns the instance GUID used to uniquely identify this volume.
pub async fn new_volume(&mut self, name: &str, mut type_guid: Guid) -> Guid {
// Generate a random instance GUID
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let mut instance_guid = Guid { value: rng.gen() };
// Create the new volume
let status = self
.allocate_partition(1, &mut type_guid, &mut instance_guid, name, 0)
/// Get the full path to a volume in this test that matches the given instance GUID.
/// This function will wait until a matching volume is found.
pub async fn get_volume_path(&self, instance_guid: &Guid) -> PathBuf {
get_volume_path(self.block_path(), instance_guid).await
/// Gets the full path to a volume matching the given instance GUID at the given
/// /dev/class/block path. This function will wait until a matching volume is found.
pub async fn get_volume_path(block_path: PathBuf, instance_guid: &Guid) -> PathBuf {
let dir = Directory::from_namespace(block_path.clone(), OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
loop {
// TODO(xbhatnag): Find a better way to wait for the volume to appear
for entry in dir.entries().await.unwrap() {
let volume_path = block_path.join(entry);
let volume_path_str = volume_path.to_str().unwrap();
// Connect to the Volume FIDL protocol
let volume_proxy = connect_to_service_at_path::<VolumeMarker>(volume_path_str).unwrap();
if does_guid_match(&volume_proxy, &instance_guid).await {
return volume_path;