blob: c2ebfd4b9a8bec86df14a0d48cf2e170001f951c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <range/range.h>
#include "src/storage/minfs/buffer_view.h"
#include "src/storage/minfs/lazy_reader.h"
#include "src/storage/minfs/pending_work.h"
namespace minfs {
class VnodeIterator;
class VnodeMinfs;
// Used to represent ranges of block pointers that can be in dnum, inum, dinum fields within the
// inode (corresponding to the direct, indirect and double indirect block pointers) or the pointers
// within the virtual indirect file.
class BlockPointerRange : public range::Range<uint64_t> {
using range::Range<uint64_t>::Range;
// Maps from file to device blocks for the virtual indirect block file, which contains the leaf
// indirect blocks pointers, double indirect block pointers and leaf double indirect pointers. See
// the comment in the implementation file for a more detailed explanation.
class VnodeIndirectMapper : public MapperInterface {
explicit VnodeIndirectMapper(VnodeMinfs* vnode) : vnode_(*vnode) {}
[[nodiscard]] zx::status<DeviceBlockRange> Map(BlockRange range) override;
[[nodiscard]] zx::status<DeviceBlockRange> MapForWrite(PendingWork* transaction, BlockRange range,
bool* allocated) override;
// Returns a view into the indirect file for the blocks in |range|.
zx::status<BufferView<blk_t>> GetView(PendingWork* transaction, BlockRange range);
VnodeMinfs& vnode_;
// A mapper for a Minfs vnode, responsible for mapping from file blocks to device blocks.
class VnodeMapper : public MapperInterface {
static constexpr uint64_t kIndirectFileStartBlock = kMinfsDirect;
static constexpr uint64_t kDoubleIndirectFileStartBlock =
kMinfsDirect + kMinfsDirectPerIndirect * kMinfsIndirect;
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxBlocks =
kDoubleIndirectFileStartBlock + kMinfsDirectPerDindirect * kMinfsDoublyIndirect;
explicit VnodeMapper(VnodeMinfs* vnode) : vnode_(*vnode) {}
VnodeMinfs& vnode() { return vnode_; }
// MapperInterface:
zx::status<DeviceBlockRange> Map(BlockRange range) override;
zx::status<DeviceBlockRange> MapForWrite(PendingWork* transaction, BlockRange file_range,
bool* allocated) override {
// All allocations for Minfs vnodes are done elsewhere.
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
// A convenience function that does the same as Map but returns a blk_t.
[[nodiscard]] zx::status<std::pair<blk_t, uint64_t>> MapToBlk(BlockRange range);
VnodeMinfs& vnode_;
// Iterator that keeps track of block pointers for a given file block. Depending on the file
// block, there can be up to three levels of block pointers.
// Example use, reading a range of blocks:
// VnodeMapper mapper(vnode);
// VnodeIterator iterator;
// zx_status_t status = iterator.Init(&mapper, /*transaction=*/nullptr, start_block);
// if (status != ZX_OK)
// return status;
// while (block_count > 0) {
// blk_t block = iterator.Blk();
// uint64_t count = iterator.GetContiguousBlockCount(block_count);
// if (block) {
// status = ReadBlocks(buffer, iterator.file_block(), block, count);
// if (status != ZX_OK)
// return status;
// } else {
// ZeroBlocks(buffer, iterator.file_block(), count);
// }
// status = iterator.Advance(count);
// if (status != ZX_OK)
// return status;
// block_count -= count;
// }
class VnodeIterator {
// Users must call Init before the iterator is usable. Behaviour is undefined if any methods,
// except the destructor, are called before Init has successfully returned.
VnodeIterator() = default;
// Movable but not copyable.
VnodeIterator(VnodeIterator&&) = default;
VnodeIterator& operator=(VnodeIterator&&) = default;
// Initialize the iterator so that it is pointing at file_block. |transaction| can be nullptr in
// which case the returned iterator is read-only. The iterator is left in an undefined state if
// Init fails (except that it is safe to destroy).
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t Init(VnodeMapper* mapper, PendingWork* transaction,
uint64_t file_block);
// Returns the file block that the iterator is currently located at.
uint64_t file_block() const { return file_block_; }
// Returns the target block as a blk_t. Zero is special and means the block is unmapped/sparse.
blk_t Blk() const {
return level_count_ > 0 && levels_[0].remaining() > 0 ? levels_[0].blk() : 0;
// Sets the target block. The iterator will need to be flushed after calling this (by calling the
// Flush method).
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t SetBlk(blk_t block) { return SetBlk(&levels_[0], block); }
// Returns the length in blocks of a contiguous range at most |max_blocks|. For
// efficiency/simplicity reasons, it might return fewer than there actually are.
uint64_t GetContiguousBlockCount(
uint64_t max_blocks = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) const;
// Flushes any changes that may have been made. This is a no-op if there are no changes or
// this iterator is read-only.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t Flush();
// Advances the iterator by |advance| blocks. This will also flush the iterator first if
// necessary.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t Advance(uint64_t advance = 1);
using ViewGetter = fit::function<zx::status<BufferView<blk_t>>(PendingWork*, VnodeMinfs* vnode,
// Level contains all the information required to manage block pointers at one particular
// level. The iterator might need up to three levels of pointers to describe a particular
// location. For example, if the block is in the double indirect region of the file, there will be
// a pointer in the inode which points to an indirect block which contains another pointer to
// another indirect block which has the pointer to the data block. Level holds a view to the bank
// of pointers for each level.
struct Level {
// The number of remaining block pointers for this level.
size_t remaining() const { return count - index; }
// The target block as a blk_t.
blk_t blk() const { return view.IsValid() ? view[index] : 0; }
// This level could be sparse which means that there is no block allocated at the parent
// level e.g. this level is for the leaf indirect block pointers and inum[indirect_index] == 0.
bool IsSparse() const { return !view.IsValid(); }
// A view to the block pointers for this level.
BufferView<blk_t> view;
// The current index on this level.
size_t index = 0;
// The number of pointers at this level.
size_t count = 0;
// The range of block pointers the view covers. These blocks are relative to the bank of
// pointers, either the dnum, inum or dinum pointers, or the pointers in the virtual indirect
// file.
BlockPointerRange range = {0, 0};
// A callback to get a view for this level to be used if necessary.
ViewGetter view_getter;
// Worst case: double indirect (in inode) -> indirect -> indirect. See the comment at the top of
// the implementation file for more detail.
static constexpr int kMaxLevels = 3;
zx_status_t InitializeLevel(int level, BlockPointerRange range, uint64_t block,
ViewGetter view_getter);
zx_status_t InitializeIndirectLevel(int level, uint64_t relative_block);
// Flushes the given level if there are any changes.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t FlushLevel(int level);
// Finds a contiguous run of blocks, but not necessarily the longest.
uint64_t ComputeContiguousBlockCount() const;
// Sets a block pointer in the given level.
zx_status_t SetBlk(Level* level, blk_t block);
// The owning mapper.
VnodeMapper* mapper_ = nullptr;
// A transaction to be used for allocations, or nullptr if read-only.
PendingWork* transaction_ = nullptr;
// The current file block that the iterator is pointing at.
uint64_t file_block_ = 0;
// The cached contiguous length returned by GetContiguousBlockCount().
mutable uint64_t contiguous_block_count_ = 0;
// The number of levels this iterator currently has.
int level_count_ = 0;
// The level information.
std::array<Level, kMaxLevels> levels_;
} // namespace minfs