blob: b841974694eea92395b000d499a38aba11b3c43d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/minfs/transaction_limits.h"
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fs/journal/format.h>
#include "src/storage/minfs/format.h"
namespace minfs {
blk_t GetBlockBitmapBlocks(const Superblock& info) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(info.ino_block >= info.abm_block);
blk_t bitmap_blocks = info.ino_block - info.abm_block;
if (info.flags & kMinfsFlagFVM) {
const blk_t kBlocksPerSlice = static_cast<blk_t>(info.slice_size / info.BlockSize());
bitmap_blocks = info.abm_slices * kBlocksPerSlice;
return bitmap_blocks;
zx::status<blk_t> GetRequiredBlockCount(size_t offset, size_t length, uint32_t block_size) {
if (block_size != kMinfsBlockSize) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
if (length == 0) {
// Return early if no data needs to be written.
return zx::ok(0);
// Determine which range of direct blocks will be accessed given offset and length,
// and add to total.
blk_t first_direct = static_cast<blk_t>(offset / block_size);
blk_t last_direct = static_cast<blk_t>((offset + length - 1) / block_size);
blk_t reserve_blocks = last_direct - first_direct + 1;
if (last_direct < kMinfsDirect) {
return zx::ok(reserve_blocks);
// If direct blocks go into indirect range, adjust the indices accordingly.
first_direct = std::max(first_direct, kMinfsDirect) - kMinfsDirect;
last_direct -= kMinfsDirect;
// Calculate indirect blocks containing first and last direct blocks, and add to total.
blk_t first_indirect = first_direct / kMinfsDirectPerIndirect;
blk_t last_indirect = last_direct / kMinfsDirectPerIndirect;
reserve_blocks += last_indirect - first_indirect + 1;
if (last_indirect >= kMinfsIndirect) {
// If indirect blocks go into doubly indirect range, adjust the indices accordingly.
first_indirect = std::max(first_indirect, kMinfsIndirect) - kMinfsIndirect;
last_indirect -= kMinfsIndirect;
// Calculate doubly indirect blocks containing first/last indirect blocks,
// and add to total
blk_t first_dindirect = first_indirect / kMinfsDirectPerIndirect;
blk_t last_dindirect = last_indirect / kMinfsDirectPerIndirect;
reserve_blocks += last_dindirect - first_dindirect + 1;
if (last_dindirect >= kMinfsDoublyIndirect) {
// We cannot allocate blocks which exceed the doubly indirect range.
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
return zx::ok(reserve_blocks);
TransactionLimits::TransactionLimits(const Superblock& info) : block_size_(info.BlockSize()) {
void TransactionLimits::CalculateDataBlocks() {
// If we ever increase the number of doubly indirect blocks, we will need to update this offset
// to be 1 byte before the end of the first doubly indirect block.
const blk_t offset =
(kMinfsDirect + (kMinfsIndirect * kMinfsDirectPerIndirect)) * BlockSize() - 1;
// This calculation ignores the fact that directory size is capped at |kMinfsMaxDirectorySize|,
// because following that constraint makes it a little harder to predict where the most
// significant cross-block write would be. This means we may overestimate the maximum number of
// directory blocks by some amount, but this is better than an understimate.
blk_t max_directory_blocks =
GetRequiredBlockCount(offset, kMinfsMaxDirentSize, BlockSize()).value();
max_data_blocks_ = GetRequiredBlockCount(offset, kMaxWriteBytes, BlockSize()).value();
blk_t direct_blocks = (fbl::round_up(kMaxWriteBytes, BlockSize()) / BlockSize()) + 1;
blk_t max_indirect_blocks = max_data_blocks_ - direct_blocks;
max_meta_data_blocks_ = std::max(max_directory_blocks, max_indirect_blocks);
void TransactionLimits::CalculateIntegrityBlocks(blk_t block_bitmap_blocks) {
max_entry_data_blocks_ = kMaxSuperblockBlocks + kMaxInodeBitmapBlocks + block_bitmap_blocks +
kMaxInodeTableBlocks + max_meta_data_blocks_;
// Ensure we have enough space to fit all the block numbers that may be updated in one
// transaction. This may spill over into multiple blocks.
blk_t header_blocks = 1;
if (max_entry_data_blocks_ > fs::kMaxBlockDescriptors) {
header_blocks += fbl::round_up((max_entry_data_blocks_ - fs::kMaxBlockDescriptors),
kMinfsDirectPerIndirect) /
// For revocation records, we need to know the maximum number of metadata blocks within the
// data section of Minfs that can be deleted within one operation. This is either a directory
// vnode's maximum possible number of data blocks + indirect blocks, or a data vnode's maximum
// possible number of indirect blocks.
blk_t maximum_directory_blocks =
GetRequiredBlockCount(0, kMinfsMaxDirectorySize, BlockSize()).value();
blk_t maximum_indirect_blocks = kMinfsIndirect + kMinfsDoublyIndirect * kMinfsDirectPerIndirect;
blk_t revocation_blocks =
fbl::round_up(std::max(maximum_directory_blocks, maximum_indirect_blocks),
kMinfsDirectPerIndirect) /
blk_t commit_blocks = 1;
max_entry_blocks_ = header_blocks + revocation_blocks + max_entry_data_blocks_ + commit_blocks;
min_integrity_blocks_ = max_entry_blocks_ + kJournalMetadataBlocks + kBackupSuperblockBlocks;
rec_integrity_blocks_ = std::max(min_integrity_blocks_, kDefaultJournalBlocks);
} // namespace minfs