blob: e38379f2f98d1592f015e1f053d0bc689ebb229e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <fs/ticker.h>
namespace blobfs {
// The |VerificationMetrics| class tracks blobfs metrics related to Merkle verification of blobs,
// both on blob reads and on blob writes.
// This class is thread-safe. Blobfs can update these metrics both from the blobfs main thread (when
// reading blobs that cannot be paged, and when writing new blobs), and the userpager thread (when
// reading blobs that support paging).
class VerificationMetrics {
VerificationMetrics() = default;
VerificationMetrics(const VerificationMetrics&) = delete;
VerificationMetrics& operator=(const VerificationMetrics&) = delete;
// Increments aggregate information about Merkle verification of blobs
// since mounting.
void Increment(uint64_t data_size, uint64_t merkle_size, fs::Duration duration);
struct Snapshot {
uint64_t blobs_verified;
uint64_t data_size;
uint64_t merkle_size;
zx_ticks_t verification_time;
// Returns a snapshot of the metrics.
Snapshot Get();
uint64_t blobs_verified_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
uint64_t blobs_verified_total_size_data_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
uint64_t blobs_verified_total_size_merkle_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
zx::ticks total_verification_time_ticks_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = {};
std::mutex mutex_;
} // namespace blobfs