blob: da1f5b39c992d463d458709b17b6acef808ca14c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains information for gathering Blobfs metrics.
#include "src/storage/blobfs/metrics.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fzl/time.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspector.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h>
#include <lib/inspect/service/cpp/service.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fs/metrics/events.h>
#include <fs/service.h>
#include <fs/vnode.h>
namespace blobfs {
namespace {
// Time between each Cobalt flush.
constexpr zx::duration kCobaltFlushTimer = zx::min(5);
size_t TicksToMs(const zx::ticks& ticks) { return fzl::TicksToNs(ticks) / zx::msec(1); }
fs_metrics::CompressionFormat FormatForInode(const Inode& inode) {
if (inode.IsCompressed()) {
auto compression = inode.header.flags & kBlobFlagMaskAnyCompression;
switch (compression) {
case kBlobFlagLZ4Compressed:
return fs_metrics::CompressionFormat::kCompressedLZ4;
case kBlobFlagZSTDCompressed:
return fs_metrics::CompressionFormat::kCompressedZSTD;
case kBlobFlagZSTDSeekableCompressed:
return fs_metrics::CompressionFormat::kCompressedZSTDSeekable;
case kBlobFlagChunkCompressed:
return fs_metrics::CompressionFormat::kCompressedZSTDChunked;
return fs_metrics::CompressionFormat::kUnknown;
} else {
return fs_metrics::CompressionFormat::kUncompressed;
} // namespace
BlobfsMetrics::BlobfsMetrics(bool should_record_page_in)
: should_record_page_in(should_record_page_in) {
// Add a node that allows querying the size of the Inspect VMO at runtime
[this] {
inspect::InspectStats stats = inspector_.GetStats();
inspect::Inspector insp;
insp.GetRoot().CreateUint("current_size", stats.size, &insp);
insp.GetRoot().CreateUint("maximum_size", stats.maximum_size, &insp);
return fit::make_result_promise(fit::ok(std::move(insp)));
BlobfsMetrics::~BlobfsMetrics() { Dump(); }
void PrintReadMetrics(ReadMetrics& metrics) {
constexpr uint64_t mb = 1 << 20;
auto snapshot = metrics.GetSnapshot(CompressionAlgorithm::UNCOMPRESSED);
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Uncompressed: Read " << snapshot.read_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.read_ticks)) << " ms)";
snapshot = metrics.GetSnapshot(CompressionAlgorithm::LZ4);
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " LZ4: Read " << snapshot.read_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.read_ticks)) << " ms) | Decompressed "
<< snapshot.decompress_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.decompress_ticks)) << " ms)";
snapshot = metrics.GetSnapshot(CompressionAlgorithm::CHUNKED);
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Chunked: Read " << snapshot.read_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.read_ticks)) << " ms) | Decompressed "
<< snapshot.decompress_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.decompress_ticks)) << " ms)";
snapshot = metrics.GetSnapshot(CompressionAlgorithm::ZSTD);
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " ZSTD: Read " << snapshot.read_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.read_ticks)) << " ms) | Decompressed "
<< snapshot.decompress_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.decompress_ticks)) << " ms)";
snapshot = metrics.GetSnapshot(CompressionAlgorithm::ZSTD_SEEKABLE);
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " ZSTD Seekable: Read " << snapshot.read_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.read_ticks)) << " ms) | Decompressed "
<< snapshot.decompress_bytes / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(snapshot.decompress_ticks)) << " ms)";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Remote decompressions: " << metrics.remote_decompressions();
void BlobfsMetrics::Dump() {
constexpr uint64_t mb = 1 << 20;
// Timings are only recorded when Cobalt metrics are enabled.
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Allocation Info:";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Allocated " << blobs_created_ << " blobs (" << blobs_created_total_size_ / mb
<< " MB)";
if (Collecting())
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Total allocation time is " << TicksToMs(total_allocation_time_ticks_)
<< " ms";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Write Info:";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Wrote " << data_bytes_written_ / mb << " MB of data and "
<< merkle_bytes_written_ / mb << " MB of merkle trees";
if (Collecting()) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Enqueued to journal in " << TicksToMs(total_write_enqueue_time_ticks_)
<< " ms, made merkle tree in " << TicksToMs(total_merkle_generation_time_ticks_)
<< " ms";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Read Info:";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Paged:";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Unpaged:";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Merkle data read: " << bytes_merkle_read_from_disk_ / mb << " MB (spent "
<< TicksToMs(zx::ticks(total_read_merkle_time_ticks_)) << " ms)";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Opened " << blobs_opened_ << " blobs (" << blobs_opened_total_size_ / mb
<< " MB)";
auto verify_snapshot = verification_metrics_.Get();
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Verified " << verify_snapshot.blobs_verified << " blobs ("
<< verify_snapshot.data_size / mb << " MB data, "
<< verify_snapshot.merkle_size / mb << " MB merkle)";
if (Collecting()) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Spent " << TicksToMs(zx::ticks(verify_snapshot.verification_time))
<< " ms verifying";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Inspect VMO:";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Maximum Size (bytes) = " << inspector_.GetStats().maximum_size;
FX_LOGS(INFO) << " Current Size (bytes) = " << inspector_.GetStats().size;
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Page-in Metrics Recording Enabled = "
<< (should_record_page_in ? "true" : "false");
void BlobfsMetrics::ScheduleMetricFlush() {
[this]() {
inspect::Inspector BlobfsMetrics::CreateInspector() {
// The maximum size of the VMO is set to 128KiB. In practice, we have not seen this
// inspect VMO need more than 128KiB. This gives the VMO enough space to grow if
// we add more data in the future.
// When recording page-in frequencies, a much larger Inspect VMO is required (>512KB).
// TODO( Inspect should print warnings about overflowing the maximum size of a
// VMO.
constexpr size_t kSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr size_t kSize = 128 * 1024;
return inspect::Inspector(inspect::InspectSettings{.maximum_size = kSize});
void BlobfsMetrics::Collect() {
// TODO(gevalentino): Once we have async llcpp bindings, instead pass a dispatcher for
// handling collector IPCs.
void BlobfsMetrics::UpdateAllocation(uint64_t size_data, const fs::Duration& duration) {
blobs_created_total_size_ += size_data;
total_allocation_time_ticks_ += duration;
void BlobfsMetrics::UpdateLookup(uint64_t size) {
blobs_opened_total_size_ += size;
void BlobfsMetrics::UpdateClientWrite(uint64_t data_size, uint64_t merkle_size,
const fs::Duration& enqueue_duration,
const fs::Duration& generate_duration) {
data_bytes_written_ += data_size;
merkle_bytes_written_ += merkle_size;
total_write_enqueue_time_ticks_ += enqueue_duration;
total_merkle_generation_time_ticks_ += generate_duration;
void BlobfsMetrics::IncrementCompressionFormatMetric(const Inode& inode) {
if (!Collecting()) {
fs_metrics::CompressionFormat format = FormatForInode(inode);
cobalt_metrics_.mutable_compression_format_metrics()->IncrementCounter(format, inode.blob_size);
void BlobfsMetrics::IncrementMerkleDiskRead(uint64_t read_size, fs::Duration read_duration) {
total_read_merkle_time_ticks_ += read_duration;
bytes_merkle_read_from_disk_ += read_size;
void BlobfsMetrics::IncrementPageIn(const fbl::String& merkle_hash, uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length) {
// Page-in metrics are a developer feature that is not intended to be used
// in production. Enabling this feature also requires increasing the size of
// the Inspect VMO considerably (>512KB).
if (!should_record_page_in) {
inspect::InspectStats stats = inspector_.GetStats();
if (stats.maximum_size <= stats.size) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Blobfs has run out of space in the Inspect VMO.";
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "To record page-in metrics accurately, increase the VMO size.";
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << " Maximum size : " << stats.maximum_size;
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << " Current size : " << stats.size;
should_record_page_in = false;
if (all_page_in_frequencies_.find(merkle_hash) == all_page_in_frequencies_.end()) {
// We have no page in metrics on this blob yet. Create a new child node.
all_page_in_frequencies_[merkle_hash].blob_root_node =
BlobPageInFrequencies& blob_frequencies = all_page_in_frequencies_[merkle_hash];
// Calculate the start+end frame indexes to increment
uint32_t cur = fbl::round_down(offset, kBlobfsBlockSize) / kBlobfsBlockSize;
uint32_t end = fbl::round_up(offset + length, kBlobfsBlockSize) / kBlobfsBlockSize;
for (; cur < end; cur += 1) {
if (blob_frequencies.offset_map.find(cur) == blob_frequencies.offset_map.end()) {
// We have no frequencies recorded at this frame index. Create a new property.
blob_frequencies.offset_map[cur] =
blob_frequencies.blob_root_node.CreateUint(std::to_string(cur), 1);
} else {
} // namespace blobfs