blob: 5077984bbb26619b58cc2563522153ac2c719b15 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:codesize/queries/index.dart';
import 'package:codesize/reflect.dart';
import 'package:codesize/types.dart';
// ignore_for_file: avoid_as
class Foo extends Query {
void addReport(Report report) {}
QueryReport distill() {
throw UnimplementedError();
void mergeWith(Iterable<Query> others) {}
String getDescription() {
throw UnimplementedError();
class FooOneIntArg extends Foo {
FooOneIntArg({int a = 42}) : _a = a;
final int _a;
class FooOneStringArg extends Foo {
FooOneStringArg({String s = '42'}) : _s = s;
final String _s;
class FooBoolStringArg extends Foo {
FooBoolStringArg({bool b = false, String s = '42'})
: _b = b,
_s = s;
final bool _b;
final String _s;
void main() {
group('ReflectQuery', () {
test('Construct Foo()', () {
final result = ReflectQuery.instantiate(
const QueryFactory(Foo, ''), <String, String>{});
expect(result, isA<Foo>());
test('Construct FooOneIntArg(a: 100)', () {
final result = ReflectQuery.instantiate(
const QueryFactory(FooOneIntArg, ''), <String, String>{'a': '100'});
expect(result, isA<FooOneIntArg>());
expect((result as FooOneIntArg)._a, equals(100));
test('Construct FooOneStringArg(s: 100)', () {
final result = ReflectQuery.instantiate(
const QueryFactory(FooOneStringArg, ''),
<String, String>{'s': '100'});
expect(result, isA<FooOneStringArg>());
expect((result as FooOneStringArg)._s, equals('100'));
test('Construct FooBoolStringArg(b: false, s: 100)', () {
final result = ReflectQuery.instantiate(
const QueryFactory(FooBoolStringArg, ''),
<String, String>{'b': 'true'});
expect(result, isA<FooBoolStringArg>());
expect((result as FooBoolStringArg)._b, equals(true));
expect((result as FooBoolStringArg)._s, equals('42'));