blob: 9e2d3df562361625c7987ed8f25406f3f03ce4e5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zircon-internal/device/cpu-trace/perf-mon.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "records.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "types.h"
namespace perfmon {
// This class provides support for reading one in-memory buffer of data.
class BufferReader {
// |buffer| must be sufficiently aligned (uin64_t).
static ReaderStatus Create(const std::string& name, const void* buffer, size_t buffer_size,
std::unique_ptr<BufferReader>* out_reader);
static ReaderStatus AnalyzeHeader(const BufferHeader* header, size_t buffer_size);
ReaderStatus status() const { return status_; }
// The returned value is zero until the first call to ReadNextRecord(),
// after which it contains the value used by the trace.
// Note: The returned value could be bogus, including zero.
// We just pass on what the trace told us.
uint64_t ticks_per_second() const { return ticks_per_second_; }
// Return the current time, in ticks, based on the last time record read.
// It is assumed that ReadNextRecord has been called at least once.
// Returns zero if not.
zx_time_t time() const { return time_; }
// Return a pointer to the buffer we're reading.
const void* buffer() const { return buffer_; }
// Return the total number of bytes captured.
size_t captured_bytes() const { return buffer_end_ - buffer_; }
// Return the number of remaining bytes to be read.
size_t remaining_bytes() const { return buffer_end_ - next_record_; }
// Return the offset of the last record read, for error reporting purposes.
// Only valid after a call to |ReadNextRecord()|.
size_t last_record_offset() const { return last_record_ - buffer_; }
// Read the next record.
// Note: To avoid unnecessary copying of larger records, the result contains
// a pointer to the record. Such pointers remain valid until the next call.
// Returns true on success, false if there are no more records.
// If an error is encountered during reading an error is logged and
// false is returned.
ReaderStatus ReadNextRecord(SampleRecord* record);
// |buffer| must be sufficiently aligned (uin64_t).
BufferReader(const std::string& name, const void* buffer, size_t capture_end);
// Utility to update |status_| and return the current value.
// The status is updated only if it is currently |kOk|.
ReaderStatus set_status(ReaderStatus status) {
if (status_ == ReaderStatus::kOk)
status_ = status;
return status_;
// The name of the buffer, used for logging/error reporting.
const std::string name_;
const uint8_t* const buffer_;
const BufferHeader* const header_;
const uint8_t* next_record_ = nullptr;
const uint8_t* last_record_ = nullptr;
const uint8_t* buffer_end_ = nullptr;
// Reading of one trace can span multiple cpus, and the ticks-per-second
// value comes from each cpu's trace. Generally it's all the same value,
// but there is no uber record to specify that. zx_ticks_per_second() will
// return a constant value (though not necessarily the same value on each
// boot), and it's this value we expect in the trace. OTOH, we use what
// the trace buffer gives us. We don't want each record to encode its own
// value, so keep track of the value here.
uint64_t ticks_per_second_;
// The time from the last PERFMON_RECORD_TIME record read.
zx_time_t time_ = 0;
// Reader status. Once we get a reader error, reading stops.
ReaderStatus status_ = ReaderStatus::kOk;
} // namespace perfmon