Logging and tests

Restricting log severity

By default, a test will fail if it logs a message with a severity of ERROR or higher. This often indicates that an unexpected condition had occurred during the test, so even if the test passes it‘s often useful to bring this to the developer’s attention.

This default behavior can be changed, for each test package, to allow logs at higher severities, or to fail a test that logs at lower severities. For example, a test might expect to log an ERROR, in order to cover a failure condition and recovery steps.

A test might expect to log at ERROR severity. For example, the test might be covering a failure condition & recovery steps. Other tests might expect not to log anything more severe than INFO.

For instance, to allow a test to produce ERROR logs:

  • {Using fuchsia_test_package}
fuchsia_component("my-package") {
  testonly = true
  manifest = "meta/my-test.cmx"
  deps = [ ":my_test" ]

fuchsia_test_package("my-package") {
  test_specs = {
      log_settings = {
        max_severity = "ERROR"
  test_components = [ ":my-test" ]
  • {Using test_package}
test_package("my-package") {
  deps = [

  meta = []
      path = rebase_path("meta/my-test.cmx")
      dest = "my-test.cmx"

  tests = [
      log_settings = {
        max_severity = "ERROR"
      name = "my_test"
      environments = basic_envs

To make the test fail on any message more severe than INFO, set max_severity to "INFO".

Valid values for max_severity: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.

Legacy configuration

The section above shows a method for configuring allowed log severity as metadata on the test package definition. An older approach defined a single configuration file per repository. This was more difficult to maintain, and required running fx ota before updates would take effect.

If your test has a legacy configuration, it is recommended to remove it from the global configuration file and to add it to your build target instead as shown above.

In the case of a conflict, the legacy configuration takes precedence and a warning is printed when running the test.