blob: 5cf18c3cc5cbd51f597c2458703c0b88ef1ade0f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "lib/cmdline.h"
namespace {
// Print the command line in hex (for debugging test failures).
void PrintHex(const char* data, size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
printf("%02hhx ", data[i]);
// "Base case" for EqualsOffset parameter pack template.
// See Equals template below.
bool EqualsOffset(const char* data, size_t size, size_t offset, const char* value) {
if (offset >= size) {
return false;
if (strcmp(data + offset, value)) {
return false;
return true;
// See Equals template below.
template <typename... Rest>
bool EqualsOffset(const char* data, size_t size, size_t offset, const char* value, Rest... rest) {
if (!EqualsOffset(data, size, offset, value)) {
return false;
// Step over the value and the '\0'.
return EqualsOffset(data, size, offset + strlen(value) + 1, rest...);
// Compares |data|, a sequence of \0-terminated strings followed by a final \0, with the |rest|
// args.
// Example:
// assert(Equals(c, "k1=v1", "k2=v2", "k3=v3"));
template <typename... Rest>
bool Equals(Cmdline* c, Rest... rest) {
if (!EqualsOffset(c->data(), c->size(), 0, rest...)) {
printf("Cmdline contains: [ ");
PrintHex(c->data(), c->size());
return false;
return true;
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, InitialState) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
ASSERT_EQ(1u, c->size());
ASSERT_EQ('\0', c->data()[0]);
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, AppendBasic) {
// nullptr
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), ""));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, c->size());
// empty string
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), ""));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, c->size());
// single whitespace
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
c->Append(" ");
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), ""));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, c->size());
// multiple whitespace
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
c->Append(" ");
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), ""));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, c->size());
// key only
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), "k="));
EXPECT_EQ(2 + strlen(c->data()), c->size());
// whitespace before key
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
c->Append(" k");
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), "k="));
EXPECT_EQ(2 + strlen(c->data()), c->size());
// key equals
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), "k="));
EXPECT_EQ(2 + strlen(c->data()), c->size());
// two keys
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
c->Append("k1 k2");
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), "k1=", "k2="));
// white space collapsing
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
c->Append(" k1 k2 ");
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), "k1=", "k2="));
// key equals value
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
c->Append(" k1=hello k2=world ");
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), "k1=hello", "k2=world"));
// illegal chars become dot
c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
" k1=foo k2=red"
EXPECT_TRUE(Equals(c.get(), "k1=foo", ""));
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, OverflowByALot) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
ASSERT_DEATH(([&c]() {
constexpr char kPattern[] = "abcdefg";
for (size_t j = 0; j < Cmdline::kCmdlineMax; ++j) {
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, OverflowExact) {
// Maximum is 'aaaaa...aaaaa' followed by '=\0\0'. So the longest string that
// can be added is 3 less than the max. Allocate a buffer 2 less than the max,
// so that we can \0 terminate this string, that has a strlen() of 3 less than
// the max.
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
char data[Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 2];
memset(data, 'a', Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 3);
data[Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 3] = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(data), Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 3);
EXPECT_EQ(c->size(), Cmdline::kCmdlineMax);
// Adding anything now should abort.
ASSERT_DEATH(([&c]() { c->Append("b"); }));
// However, adding "b" actually adds "b=\0" to the total length, so test 2
// fewer than above as well for the "full" starting amount.
auto c2 = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
memset(data, 'a', Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 5);
data[Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 5] = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(data), Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 5);
EXPECT_EQ(c2->size(), Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 2);
ASSERT_DEATH(([&c2]() { c2->Append("b"); }));
// Finally, confirm that one fewer doesn't fail.
auto c3 = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
memset(data, 'a', Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 6);
data[Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 6] = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(data), Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 6);
EXPECT_EQ(c3->size(), Cmdline::kCmdlineMax - 3);
// Shouldn't crash, cmdline is now full.
EXPECT_EQ(c3->size(), Cmdline::kCmdlineMax);
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, GetString) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, c->GetString("k1"));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, c->GetString(""));
EXPECT_EQ(c->data(), c->GetString(nullptr));
c->Append("k1=red k2=blue k1=green");
EXPECT_TRUE(!strcmp(c->GetString("k1"), "green"));
EXPECT_TRUE(!strcmp(c->GetString("k2"), "blue"));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, c->GetString(""));
EXPECT_EQ(c->data(), c->GetString(nullptr));
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, GetBool) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
// not found, default is returned
EXPECT_FALSE(c->GetBool("k0", false));
EXPECT_TRUE(c->GetBool("k0", true));
c->Append("k1=red k2 k3=0 k4=false k5=off k6=01 k7=falseish k8=offset");
// not found, default is returned
EXPECT_FALSE(c->GetBool("k0", false));
EXPECT_TRUE(c->GetBool("k0", true));
// values that don't "look like" false are true
EXPECT_TRUE(c->GetBool("k1", false));
EXPECT_TRUE(c->GetBool("k2", false));
// values that "look like" false are false
EXPECT_FALSE(c->GetBool("k3", true));
EXPECT_FALSE(c->GetBool("k4", true));
EXPECT_FALSE(c->GetBool("k5", true));
// almost false, but not quite
EXPECT_TRUE(c->GetBool("k6", false));
EXPECT_TRUE(c->GetBool("k7", false));
EXPECT_TRUE(c->GetBool("k8", false));
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, GetUInt32) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
EXPECT_EQ(99u, c->GetUInt32("k1", 99u));
c->Append("k1 k2= k3=42 k4=0 k5=4294967295");
EXPECT_EQ(99u, c->GetUInt32("k1", 99u));
EXPECT_EQ(99u, c->GetUInt32("k2", 99u));
EXPECT_EQ(42u, c->GetUInt32("k3", 99u));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, c->GetUInt32("k4", 99u));
EXPECT_EQ(UINT32_MAX, c->GetUInt32("k5", 99u));
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, GetUInt64) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
EXPECT_EQ(99u, c->GetUInt64("k1", 99u));
c->Append("k1 k2= k3=42 k4=0 k5=9223372036854775807 k6=18446744073709551615");
EXPECT_EQ(99u, c->GetUInt64("k1", 99u));
EXPECT_EQ(99u, c->GetUInt64("k2", 99u));
EXPECT_EQ(42u, c->GetUInt64("k3", 99u));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, c->GetUInt64("k4", 99u));
// |GetUInt64| is limited to parsing up to INT64_MAX. Anything higher is saturated to INT64_MAX.
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint64_t>(INT64_MAX), c->GetUInt64("k5", 99u));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint64_t>(INT64_MAX), c->GetUInt64("k6", 99u));
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, LaterOverride) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
c->Append("k1 k2= k1=42");
EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(c->GetString("k1"), "42") == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(c->GetString("k2"), "") == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(c->GetString("k1"), "stuff") == 0);
c->Append("k1=zip k1=zap");
EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(c->GetString("k1"), "zap") == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(c->GetString("k1"), "") == 0);
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, Short) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
EXPECT_EQ(c->GetUInt32("a", 0), 1);
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, AlmostMaximumExpansion) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
static_assert(Cmdline::kCmdlineMax == 4096, "1365 below needs to be updated");
// Appending "a " turns into "a=\0" in the buffer, for 4095 bytes, leaving one
// byte for the additional terminator.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1365; ++i) {
c->Append("a ");
// One more should panic though.
ASSERT_DEATH(([&c]() { c->Append("a "); }));
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, MaximumExpansion) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
static_assert(Cmdline::kCmdlineMax == 4096, "1364 below needs to be updated");
// AlmostMaximumExpansion was the first attempt at finding the correct maximal
// input, but, as a fuzzer found, there's a larger case. See
// for repro.
// Consider if the limit were 10 (rather than 4096), then an analogous
// 'longest' input would be "a a a " which would expand to "a=0a=0a=00" (using
// 0 instead of \0 for readability), so 6->10 (including terminator).
// But, because the end of the string also counts as the end of a variable,
// these 6 characters as input instead "a a aa" result in "a=0a=0aa=00" for an
// expansion of 6->11. (This is sort of like getting a bonus 7th character in
// the input due to null termination, rather than needing to have the trailing
// space to end the variable.)
// Attempting to use this "trick" twice results in fewer \0 being inserted, so
// doesn't further lengthen the string.
// (The specifics aren't particularly important as the kernel is already going
// to panic if the limit is exceeded, but it's necessary to get the edges
// right for this test and the fuzzer test.)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1364; ++i) {
c->Append("a ");
// One more should panic though.
ASSERT_DEATH(([&c]() { c->Append("aa"); }));
TEST(KernelCmdlineTest, ProcessRamReservations) {
auto c = std::make_unique<Cmdline>();
static constexpr const char* kTestVector =
"kernel.Ram.reserve.t0=0x2000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // Wrong argument name
"kernel.ram.reserve.t1=0x20000xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // Missing ','
"kernel.ram.reserve.t2= " // Missing args
"kernel.ram.reserve.t3=0x300G,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // Bad size
"kernel.ram.reserve.t4=0x3000,0xXXXXXXXxXXXXXXXX " // Bad dynamic allocation placeholder
"kernel.ram.reserve.t5=0x3000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // Short dynamic allocation placeholder
"kernel.ram.reserve.t6=0x3000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // Long dynamic allocation placeholder
"kernel.ram.reserve.t7=0x1000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // Good dynamic allocation
"kernel.ram.reserve.t8=0x2000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // Duplicate name, should be erased
"kernel.ram.reserve.t8=0x3000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // Duplicate name, should be erased
"kernel.ram.reserve.t8=0x5000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " // This is the real 't8'
"kernel.ram.reserve.t9=0x8000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "; // Denied reservation
struct ExpectedCallback {
size_t size;
const char* name;
std::optional<uintptr_t> to_return;
bool visited = false;
std::array expected = {
ExpectedCallback{0x1000, "t7", 0x5000},
ExpectedCallback{0x5000, "t8", 0xA000},
ExpectedCallback{0x8000, "t9", std::nullopt},
// Populate the command line instance with our test vector.
// Now process our data an make sure we get the callbacks we expect.
[&expected](size_t size, std::string_view name) -> std::optional<uintptr_t> {
// Find our expected results
auto e = std::find_if(expected.begin(), expected.end(), [&name](const ExpectedCallback& e) {
return !strncmp(,, name.size());
// If we don't find any, then this callback should not have been made.
if (e == expected.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
// Check to make sure the size we received in the callback
// matches what we expect.
EXPECT_EQ(e->size, size);
// Make sure we have not already visited this expected result, then mark it
// as visited.
e->visited = true;
// Finally, return the value the test wants us to.
return e->to_return;
// Make sure that we visited all of the nodes we expected to visit
for (const auto& e : expected) {
EXPECT_TRUE(e.visited, "callback not made for \"%s\"",;
// Finally, make sure that the transformed data in the command line buffer matches what we expect.
static constexpr const char kExpectedBuffer[] =
"kernel.Ram.reserve.t0=0x2000,0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\0" // Wrong argument name
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0" // Missing ','
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0" // Missing args
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0" // Bad size
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0" // Bad dynamic allocation placeholder
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0" // Short dynamic allocation placeholder
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0" // Long dynamic allocation placeholder
"kernel.ram.reserve.t7=0x1000,0x0000000000005000\0" // Good dynamic allocation
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0" // Duplicate name, should be erased
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0" // Duplicate name, should be erased
"kernel.ram.reserve.t8=0x5000,0x000000000000a000\0" // This is the real 't8'
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0"; // Denied reservation
ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(kExpectedBuffer), c->size());
EXPECT_BYTES_EQ(kExpectedBuffer, c->data(), c->size());
} // namespace