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// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Notes on buffering modes
// ------------------------
// Threads and strings are cached to improve performance and reduce buffer
// usage. The caching involves emitting separate records that identify
// threads/strings and then referring to them by a numeric id. For performance
// each thread in the application maintains its own cache.
// Oneshot: The trace buffer is just one large buffer, and records are written
// until the buffer is full after which all further records are dropped.
// Circular:
// The trace buffer is effectively divided into two pieces, and tracing begins
// by writing to the first piece. Once one buffer fills we start writing to the
// other one. This results in half the buffer being dropped at every switch,
// but simplifies things because we don't have to worry about varying record
// lengths.
// Streaming:
// The trace buffer is effectively divided into two pieces, and tracing begins
// by writing to the first piece. Once one buffer fills we start writing to the
// other buffer, if it is available, and notify the handler that the buffer is
// full. If the other buffer is not available, then records are dropped until
// it becomes available. The other buffer is unavailable between the point when
// it filled and when the handler reports back that the buffer's contents have
// been saved.
// There are two important properties we wish to preserve in circular and
// streaming modes:
// 1) We don't want records describing threads and strings to be dropped:
// otherwise records referring to them will have nothing to refer to.
// 2) We don't want thread records to be dropped at all: Fidelity of recording
// of all traced threads is important, even if some of their records are
// dropped.
// To implement both (1) and (2) we introduce a third buffer that holds
// records we don't want to drop called the "durable buffer". Threads and
// small strings are recorded there. The two buffers holding normal trace
// output are called "rolling buffers", as they fill we roll from one to the
// next. Thread and string records typically aren't very large, the durable
// buffer can hold a lot of records. To keep things simple, until there's a
// compelling reason to do something more, once the durable buffer fills
// tracing effectively stops, and all further records are dropped.
// Note: The term "rolling buffer" is intended to be internal to the trace
// engine/reader/manager and is not intended to appear in public APIs
// (at least not today). Externally, the two rolling buffers comprise the
// "nondurable" buffer.
// The protocol between the trace engine and the handler for saving buffers in
// streaming mode is as follows:
// 1) Buffer fills -> handler gets notified via
// |trace_handler_ops::notify_buffer_full()|. Two arguments are passed
// along with this request:
// |wrapped_count| - records how many times tracing has wrapped from one
// buffer to the next, and also records the current buffer which is the one
// needing saving. Since there are two rolling buffers, the buffer to save
// is |wrapped_count & 1|.
// |durable_data_end| - records how much data has been written to the
// durable buffer thus far. This data needs to be written before data from
// the rolling buffers is written so string and thread references work.
// 2) The handler receives the "notify_buffer_full" request.
// 3) The handler saves new durable data since the last time, saves the
// rolling buffer, and replies back to the engine via
// |trace_engine_mark_buffer_saved()|.
// 4) The engine receives this notification and marks the buffer as now empty.
// The next time the engine tries to allocate space from this buffer it will
// succeed.
// Note that the handler is free to save buffers at whatever rate it can
// manage. The protocol allows for records to be dropped if buffers can't be
// saved fast enough.
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/trace-engine/fields.h>
#include <lib/trace-engine/handler.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include "context_impl.h"
namespace trace {
namespace {
// The next context generation number.
std::atomic<uint32_t> g_next_generation{1u};
} // namespace
} // namespace trace
trace_context::trace_context(void* buffer, size_t buffer_num_bytes,
trace_buffering_mode_t buffering_mode, trace_handler_t* handler)
: generation_(trace::g_next_generation.fetch_add(1u, std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1u),
buffer_end_(buffer_start_ + buffer_num_bytes),
handler_(handler) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(buffer_num_bytes >= kMinPhysicalBufferSize);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(buffer_num_bytes <= kMaxPhysicalBufferSize);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(generation_ != 0u);
trace_context::~trace_context() = default;
uint64_t* trace_context::AllocRecord(size_t num_bytes) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((num_bytes & 7) == 0);
return nullptr;
static_assert(TRACE_ENCODED_INLINE_LARGE_RECORD_MAX_SIZE < kMaxRollingBufferSize, "");
// For the circular and streaming cases, try at most once for each buffer.
// Note: Keep the normal case of one successful pass the fast path.
// E.g., We don't do a mode comparison unless we have to.
for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; ++iter) {
// TODO(dje): This can be optimized a bit. Later.
uint64_t offset_plus_counter =
rolling_buffer_current_.fetch_add(num_bytes, std::memory_order_relaxed);
uint32_t wrapped_count = GetWrappedCount(offset_plus_counter);
int buffer_number = GetBufferNumber(wrapped_count);
uint64_t buffer_offset = GetBufferOffset(offset_plus_counter);
// Note: There's no worry of an overflow in the calcs here.
if (likely(buffer_offset + num_bytes <= rolling_buffer_size_)) {
uint8_t* ptr = rolling_buffer_start_[buffer_number] + buffer_offset;
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(ptr); // success!
// Buffer is full!
switch (buffering_mode_) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(wrapped_count == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(buffer_number == 0);
return nullptr;
MarkRollingBufferFull(wrapped_count, buffer_offset);
// If the TraceManager is slow in saving buffers we could get
// here a lot. Do a quick check and early exit for this case.
if (unlikely(!IsOtherRollingBufferReady(buffer_number))) {
StreamingBufferFullCheck(wrapped_count, buffer_offset);
return nullptr;
MarkRollingBufferFull(wrapped_count, buffer_offset);
if (iter == 1) {
// Second time through. We tried one buffer, it was full.
// We then switched to the other buffer, which was empty at
// the time, and now it is full too. This is technically
// possible in either circular or streaming modes, but rare.
// There are two possibilities here:
// 1) Keep trying (gated by some means).
// 2) Drop the record.
// In order to not introduce excessive latency into the app
// we choose (2). To assist the developer we at least provide
// a record that this happened, but since it's rare we keep
// it simple and maintain just a global count and no time
// information.
num_records_dropped_after_buffer_switch_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return nullptr;
if (!SwitchRollingBuffer(wrapped_count, buffer_offset)) {
return nullptr;
// Loop and try again.
void trace_context::StreamingBufferFullCheck(uint32_t wrapped_count, uint64_t buffer_offset) {
// We allow the current offset to grow and grow as each
// new tracing request is made: It's a trade-off to not penalize
// performance in this case. The number of counter bits is enough
// to not make this a concern: See the comments for
// |kUsableBufferOffsetBits|.
// As an absolute paranoia check, if the current buffer offset
// approaches overflow, grab the lock and snap the offset back
// to the end of the buffer. We grab the lock so that the
// buffer can't change while we're doing this.
if (unlikely(buffer_offset > MaxUsableBufferOffset())) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(buffer_switch_mutex_);
uint32_t current_wrapped_count = CurrentWrappedCount();
if (GetBufferNumber(current_wrapped_count) == GetBufferNumber(wrapped_count)) {
// Returns false if there's some reason to not record this record.
bool trace_context::SwitchRollingBuffer(uint32_t wrapped_count, uint64_t buffer_offset) {
// While atomic variables are used to track things, we switch
// buffers under the lock due to multiple pieces of state being
// changed.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(buffer_switch_mutex_);
// If the durable buffer happened to fill while we were waiting for
// the lock we're done.
if (unlikely(tracing_artificially_stopped_)) {
return false;
uint32_t current_wrapped_count = CurrentWrappedCount();
// Anything allocated to the durable buffer after this point
// won't be for this buffer. This is racy, but all we need is
// some usable value for where the durable pointer is.
uint64_t durable_data_end = DurableBytesAllocated();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(wrapped_count <= current_wrapped_count);
if (likely(wrapped_count == current_wrapped_count)) {
// Haven't switched buffers yet.
if (buffering_mode_ == TRACE_BUFFERING_MODE_STREAMING) {
// Is the other buffer ready?
if (!IsOtherRollingBufferReady(GetBufferNumber(wrapped_count))) {
// Nope. There are two possibilities here:
// 1) Wait for the other buffer to be saved.
// 2) Start dropping records until the other buffer is
// saved.
// In order to not introduce excessive latency into the
// app we choose (2). To assist the developer we at
// least provide a record that indicates the window
// during which we dropped records.
// TODO(dje): Maybe have a future mode where we block
// until there's space. This is useful during some
// kinds of debugging: Something is going wrong and we
// care less about performance and more about keeping
// data, and the dropped data may be the clue to find
// the bug.
return false;
SwitchRollingBufferLocked(wrapped_count, buffer_offset);
// Notify the handler so it starts saving the buffer if
// we're in streaming mode.
// Note: The actual notification must be done *after*
// updating the buffer header: we need trace_manager to
// see the updates. The handler will get notified on the
// engine's async loop (and thus can't call back into us
// while we still have the lock).
NotifyRollingBufferFullLocked(wrapped_count, durable_data_end);
} else {
SwitchRollingBufferLocked(wrapped_count, buffer_offset);
} else {
// Someone else switched buffers while we were trying to obtain
// the lock. Nothing to do here.
return true;
uint64_t* trace_context::AllocDurableRecord(size_t num_bytes) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((num_bytes & 7) == 0);
uint64_t buffer_offset = durable_buffer_current_.fetch_add(num_bytes, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (likely(buffer_offset + num_bytes <= durable_buffer_size_)) {
uint8_t* ptr = durable_buffer_start_ + buffer_offset;
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(ptr); // success!
// Buffer is full!
return nullptr;
bool trace_context::AllocThreadIndex(trace_thread_index_t* out_index) {
trace_thread_index_t index = next_thread_index_.fetch_add(1u, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (unlikely(index > TRACE_ENCODED_THREAD_REF_MAX_INDEX)) {
// Guard again possible wrapping. + 1u, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return false;
*out_index = index;
return true;
bool trace_context::AllocStringIndex(trace_string_index_t* out_index) {
trace_string_index_t index = next_string_index_.fetch_add(1u, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (unlikely(index > TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_MAX_INDEX)) {
// Guard again possible wrapping. + 1u, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return false;
*out_index = index;
return true;
void trace_context::ComputeBufferSizes() {
size_t full_buffer_size = buffer_end_ - buffer_start_;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(full_buffer_size >= kMinPhysicalBufferSize);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(full_buffer_size <= kMaxPhysicalBufferSize);
size_t header_size = sizeof(trace_buffer_header);
switch (buffering_mode_) {
// Create one big buffer, where durable and non-durable records share
// the same buffer. There is no separate buffer for durable records.
durable_buffer_start_ = nullptr;
durable_buffer_size_ = 0;
rolling_buffer_start_[0] = buffer_start_ + header_size;
rolling_buffer_size_ = full_buffer_size - header_size;
// The second rolling buffer is not used.
rolling_buffer_start_[1] = nullptr;
// Rather than make things more complex on the user, at least for now,
// we choose the sizes of the durable and rolling buffers.
// Note: The durable buffer must have enough space for at least
// the initialization record.
// TODO(dje): The current choices are wip.
uint64_t avail = full_buffer_size - header_size;
uint64_t durable_buffer_size = GET_DURABLE_BUFFER_SIZE(avail);
if (durable_buffer_size > kMaxDurableBufferSize)
durable_buffer_size = kMaxDurableBufferSize;
// Further adjust |durable_buffer_size| to ensure all buffers are a
// multiple of 8. |full_buffer_size| is guaranteed by
// |trace_start_engine()| to be a multiple of 4096. We only assume
// header_size is a multiple of 8. In order for rolling_buffer_size
// to be a multiple of 8 we need (avail - durable_buffer_size) to be a
// multiple of 16. Round durable_buffer_size up as necessary.
uint64_t off_by = (avail - durable_buffer_size) & 15;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(off_by == 0 || off_by == 8);
durable_buffer_size += off_by;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((durable_buffer_size & 7) == 0);
// The value of |kMinPhysicalBufferSize| ensures this:
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(durable_buffer_size >= kMinDurableBufferSize);
uint64_t rolling_buffer_size = (avail - durable_buffer_size) / 2;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((rolling_buffer_size & 7) == 0);
// We need to maintain the invariant that the entire buffer is used.
// This works if the buffer size is a multiple of
// sizeof(trace_buffer_header), which is true since the buffer is a
// vmo (some number of 4K pages).
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(durable_buffer_size + 2 * rolling_buffer_size == avail);
durable_buffer_start_ = buffer_start_ + header_size;
durable_buffer_size_ = durable_buffer_size;
rolling_buffer_start_[0] = durable_buffer_start_ + durable_buffer_size_;
rolling_buffer_start_[1] = rolling_buffer_start_[0] + rolling_buffer_size;
rolling_buffer_size_ = rolling_buffer_size;
void trace_context::ResetDurableBufferPointers() {;;
void trace_context::ResetRollingBufferPointers() {;
void trace_context::ResetBufferPointers() {
void trace_context::InitBufferHeader() {
memset(header_, 0, sizeof(*header_));
header_->version = TRACE_BUFFER_HEADER_V0;
header_->buffering_mode = static_cast<uint8_t>(buffering_mode_);
header_->total_size = buffer_end_ - buffer_start_;
header_->durable_buffer_size = durable_buffer_size_;
header_->rolling_buffer_size = rolling_buffer_size_;
void trace_context::ClearEntireBuffer() {
void trace_context::ClearRollingBuffers() { ResetRollingBufferPointers(); }
void trace_context::UpdateBufferHeaderAfterStopped() {
// If the buffer filled, then the current pointer is "snapped" to the end.
// Therefore in that case we need to use the buffer_full_mark.
uint64_t durable_last_offset = durable_buffer_current_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
uint64_t durable_buffer_full_mark = durable_buffer_full_mark_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (durable_buffer_full_mark != 0)
durable_last_offset = durable_buffer_full_mark;
header_->durable_data_end = durable_last_offset;
uint64_t offset_plus_counter = rolling_buffer_current_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
uint64_t last_offset = GetBufferOffset(offset_plus_counter);
uint32_t wrapped_count = GetWrappedCount(offset_plus_counter);
header_->wrapped_count = wrapped_count;
int buffer_number = GetBufferNumber(wrapped_count);
uint64_t buffer_full_mark =
if (buffer_full_mark != 0)
last_offset = buffer_full_mark;
header_->rolling_data_end[buffer_number] = last_offset;
header_->num_records_dropped = num_records_dropped();
size_t trace_context::RollingBytesAllocated() const {
switch (buffering_mode_) {
// There is a window during the processing of buffer-full where
// |rolling_buffer_current_| may point beyond the end of the buffer.
// This is ok, we don't promise anything better.
uint64_t full_bytes = rolling_buffer_full_mark_[0].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (full_bytes != 0)
return full_bytes;
return rolling_buffer_current_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Obtain the lock so that the buffers aren't switched on us while
// we're trying to compute the total.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(buffer_switch_mutex_);
uint64_t offset_plus_counter = rolling_buffer_current_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
uint32_t wrapped_count = GetWrappedCount(offset_plus_counter);
int buffer_number = GetBufferNumber(wrapped_count);
// Note: If we catch things at the point where the buffer has
// filled, but before we swap buffers, then |buffer_offset| can point
// beyond the end. This is ok, we don't promise anything better.
uint64_t buffer_offset = GetBufferOffset(offset_plus_counter);
if (wrapped_count == 0)
return buffer_offset;
// We've wrapped at least once, so the other buffer's "full mark"
// must be set. However, it may be zero if streaming and we happened
// to stop at a point where the buffer was saved, and hasn't
// subsequently been written to.
uint64_t full_mark_other_buffer =
return full_mark_other_buffer + buffer_offset;
size_t trace_context::DurableBytesAllocated() const {
// Note: This will return zero in oneshot mode (as it should).
uint64_t offset = durable_buffer_full_mark_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (offset == 0)
offset = durable_buffer_current_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
return offset;
void trace_context::MarkDurableBufferFull(uint64_t last_offset) {
// Snap to the endpoint to reduce likelihood of pointer wrap-around.
// Otherwise each new attempt fill continually increase the offset.<uint64_t>(durable_buffer_size_),
// Mark the end point if not already marked.
uintptr_t expected_mark = 0u;
if (durable_buffer_full_mark_.compare_exchange_strong(
expected_mark, last_offset, std::memory_order_relaxed, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
fprintf(stderr, "TraceEngine: durable buffer full @offset %" PRIu64 "\n", last_offset);
header_->durable_data_end = last_offset;
// A record may be written that relies on this durable record.
// To preserve data integrity, we disable all further tracing.
// There is a small window where a non-durable record could get
// emitted that depends on this durable record. It's rare
// enough and inconsequential enough that we ignore it.
// TODO(dje): Another possibility is we could let tracing
// continue and start allocating future durable records in the
// rolling buffers, and accept potentially lost durable
// records. Another possibility is to remove the durable buffer,
// and, say, have separate caches for each rolling buffer.
void trace_context::MarkOneshotBufferFull(uint64_t last_offset) {
// Mark the end point if not already marked.
uintptr_t expected_mark = 0u;
if (rolling_buffer_full_mark_[0].compare_exchange_strong(
expected_mark, last_offset, std::memory_order_relaxed, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
header_->rolling_data_end[0] = last_offset;
void trace_context::MarkRollingBufferFull(uint32_t wrapped_count, uint64_t last_offset) {
// Mark the end point if not already marked.
int buffer_number = GetBufferNumber(wrapped_count);
uint64_t expected_mark = 0u;
if (rolling_buffer_full_mark_[buffer_number].compare_exchange_strong(
expected_mark, last_offset, std::memory_order_relaxed, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
header_->rolling_data_end[buffer_number] = last_offset;
void trace_context::SwitchRollingBufferLocked(uint32_t prev_wrapped_count,
uint64_t prev_last_offset) {
// This has already done in streaming mode when the buffer was marked as
// saved, but hasn't been done yet for circular mode. KISS and just do it
// again. It's ok to do again as we don't resume allocating trace records
// until we update |rolling_buffer_current_|.
uint32_t new_wrapped_count = prev_wrapped_count + 1;
int next_buffer = GetBufferNumber(new_wrapped_count);
rolling_buffer_full_mark_[next_buffer].store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
header_->rolling_data_end[next_buffer] = 0;
// Do this last: After this tracing resumes in the new buffer.
uint64_t new_offset_plus_counter = MakeOffsetPlusCounter(0, new_wrapped_count);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void trace_context::MarkTracingArtificiallyStopped() {
// Grab the lock in part so that we don't switch buffers between
// |CurrentWrappedCount()| and |SnapToEnd()|.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(buffer_switch_mutex_);
// Disable tracing by making it look like the current rolling
// buffer is full. AllocRecord, on seeing the buffer is full, will
// then check |tracing_artificially_stopped_|.
tracing_artificially_stopped_ = true;
void trace_context::NotifyRollingBufferFullLocked(uint32_t wrapped_count,
uint64_t durable_data_end) {
// The notification is handled on the engine's event loop as
// we need this done outside of the lock: Certain handlers
// (e.g., trace-benchmark) just want to immediately call
// |trace_engine_mark_buffer_saved()| which wants to reacquire
// the lock. Secondly, if we choose to wait until the buffer context is
// released before notifying the handler then we can't do so now as we
// still have a reference to the buffer context.
trace_engine_request_save_buffer(wrapped_count, durable_data_end);
void trace_context::HandleSaveRollingBufferRequest(uint32_t wrapped_count,
uint64_t durable_data_end) {
// TODO(dje): An open issue is solving the problem of TraceManager
// prematurely reading the buffer: We know the buffer is full, but
// the only way we know existing writers have completed is when
// they release their trace context. Fortunately we know when all
// context acquisitions for the purpose of writing to the buffer
// have been released. The question is how to use this info.
// For now we punt the problem to the handler. Ultimately we could
// provide callers with a way to wait, and have trace_release_context()
// check for waiters and if any are present send a signal like it does
handler_->ops->notify_buffer_full(handler_, wrapped_count, durable_data_end);
void trace_context::MarkRollingBufferSaved(uint32_t wrapped_count, uint64_t durable_data_end) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(buffer_switch_mutex_);
int buffer_number = GetBufferNumber(wrapped_count);
// TODO(dje): Manage bad responses from TraceManager.
int current_buffer_number =
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(buffer_number != current_buffer_number);
rolling_buffer_full_mark_[buffer_number].store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
header_->rolling_data_end[buffer_number] = 0;
// Don't update |rolling_buffer_current_| here, that is done when we
// successfully allocate the next record. Until then we want to keep
// dropping records.