blob: 1290cce7275c7e52818d3d92c4f56187669c8938 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/sync/internal/mutex-internal.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// This mutex implementation is based on Ulrich Drepper's paper "Futexes
// Are Tricky" (dated November 5, 2011; see
// We use the approach from
// "Mutex, Take 2", with one modification: We use an atomic swap in
// sync_mutex_unlock() rather than an atomic decrement.
__NO_INLINE __NO_RETURN void PanicAttemptedToReenterMutex(void) {
__NO_INLINE __NO_RETURN void PanicMutexNotHeldDuringAssertHeld(void) {
// On success, this will leave the mutex in the LOCKED_WITH_WAITERS state.
static zx_status_t lock_slow_path(sync_mutex_t* mutex, zx_time_t deadline,
zx_futex_storage_t owned_and_contested_val,
zx_futex_storage_t old_state) {
for (;;) {
// If the state shows the futex is already contested, or we can update
// it to indicate this, then wait. Make sure that we tell the kernel
// who we think is holding the mutex (and therefore "owns" the futex) as
// we do so.
const zx_futex_storage_t contested_state = libsync_mutex_make_contested(old_state);
if ((contested_state == old_state) ||
atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&mutex->futex, &old_state, contested_state)) {
zx_status_t status = _zx_futex_wait(&mutex->futex, contested_state,
libsync_mutex_make_owner_from_state(old_state), deadline);
// There are only three different values that we expect to come back from
// a wait operation; OK, BAD_STATE, and TIMED_OUT. OK and BAD_STATE imply
// that we need to attempt to acquire the mutex again. TIMED_OUT means
// that we need to abort with a timeout error. Anything else means that
// something went fatally wrong. The most common of these things which
// can go wrong is that a user attempt to re-enter a mutex they already
// own and attempts to assign ownership of the futex to themselves. This
// is not allowed and would cause INVALID_ARGS to be returned.
// If nothing is done about this situation, we would just end up spinning
// forever, either attempting to acquire a mutex we already own or
// attempting to wait on a bad mutex address, or something like that.
// Instead of allowing this to happen, terminate the process instead.
switch (status) {
case ZX_OK:
// Explicitly check for the re-entrance failure mode here. If we see
// it, panic by calling a specific function instead of just performing
// the abort here. This only reason to do this is to make it
// absolutely clear in crashlog backtraces that an attempt to re-enter
// the mutex cause the failure.
if (_zx_thread_self() == libsync_mutex_make_owner_from_state(old_state)) {
// Try again to claim the mutex. On this try, we must set the mutex
// state to indicate that it is locked and owned by us, and contested.
// This is because we don't actually know if there are still waiters in
// the futex or not. When we get around to unlocking, we will need to
// try to release a waiter, just in case.
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&mutex->futex, &old_state, owned_and_contested_val)) {
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t sync_mutex_trylock(sync_mutex_t* mutex) {
zx_futex_storage_t old_state = LIB_SYNC_MUTEX_UNLOCKED;
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&mutex->futex, &old_state,
libsync_mutex_locked_and_uncontested())) {
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t sync_mutex_timedlock(sync_mutex_t* mutex, zx_time_t deadline) {
// Try to claim the mutex. This compare-and-swap executes the full
// memory barrier that locking a mutex is required to execute.
zx_futex_storage_t old_state = LIB_SYNC_MUTEX_UNLOCKED;
zx_futex_storage_t uncontested = libsync_mutex_locked_and_uncontested();
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&mutex->futex, &old_state, uncontested)) {
return ZX_OK;
return lock_slow_path(mutex, deadline, libsync_mutex_make_contested(uncontested), old_state);
void sync_mutex_lock(sync_mutex_t* mutex) __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
zx_status_t status = sync_mutex_timedlock(mutex, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
void sync_mutex_lock_with_waiter(sync_mutex_t* mutex) __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
zx_futex_storage_t old_state = LIB_SYNC_MUTEX_UNLOCKED;
zx_futex_storage_t contested =
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&mutex->futex, &old_state, contested)) {
zx_status_t status = lock_slow_path(mutex, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, contested, old_state);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
void sync_mutex_unlock(sync_mutex_t* mutex) __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// Attempt to release the mutex. This atomic swap executes the full
// memory barrier that unlocking a mutex is required to execute.
zx_futex_storage_t old_state = atomic_exchange(&mutex->futex, LIB_SYNC_MUTEX_UNLOCKED);
// At this point, the mutex is unlocked. In some usage patterns (e.g. for
// reference counting), another thread might now acquire the mutex and free
// the memory containing it. This means we must not dereference |mutex|
// from this point onwards.
if (unlikely(old_state == LIB_SYNC_MUTEX_UNLOCKED)) {
// Either the mutex was unlocked (in which case the unlock call
// was invalid), or the mutex was in an invalid state.
} else {
if (libsync_mutex_is_contested(old_state)) {
// Note that the mutex's memory could have been freed and reused by
// this point, so this could cause a spurious futex wakeup for a
// unrelated user of the memory location.
// With that said, this is almost certainly a user error, as their
// code allowed mutex to destruct while it still had waiters. The
// only way for this to _not_ be true would be if all of the waiters
// who had been waiting were either killed or had timed out while
// waiting.
zx_status_t status = _zx_futex_wake_single_owner(&mutex->futex);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
void sync_mutex_assert_held(sync_mutex_t* mutex) {
zx_futex_storage_t state = atomic_load_explicit(&mutex->futex, memory_order_relaxed);
if (_zx_thread_self() != libsync_mutex_make_owner_from_state(state)) {