blob: 30b732026797ae32b15573d3e1185ac7b8e73ba7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <utility>
#include <fbl/intrusive_container_node_utils.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_container_utils.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_pointer_traits.h>
// Usage Notes:
// fbl::SinglyLinkedList<> is a templated intrusive container class which
// allows users to manage singly linked lists of objects.
// The bookkeeping storage required to exist on a list is a property of the
// objects stored on the list eliminating the need for runtime bookkeeping
// allocation/deallocation to add/remove members to/from the container.
// Lists store pointers to the objects, not the objects themselves, and are
// templated based on the specific type of pointer to be stored. Supported
// pointer types are....
// 1) T* : raw unmanaged pointers
// 2) unique_ptr<T> : unique managed pointers.
// 3) RefPtr<T> : managed pointers to ref-counted objects.
// Lists of managed pointer types hold references to objects and follow the
// rules of the particular managed pointer patterns. Destroying or clearing a
// list of managed pointers will release the references to the objects and may
// end the lifecycle of an object if the reference held by the list happened to
// be the last.
// Lists of unmanaged pointer types perform no lifecycle management. It is up to
// the user of the list class to make sure that lifecycles are managed properly.
// As an added safety, a list of unmanaged pointers will ZX_ASSERT if it is
// destroyed with elements still in it.
// Objects may exist in multiple lists (or other containers) through the use of
// custom trait classes. It should be noted that it is possible to make
// different types lists of unique_ptr<T> for a given T, but there is little
// point in doing so as it is impossible to exist on multiple lists at the same
// time without violating the fundamental rules of unique_ptr<T> patterns.
// Default traits and a helper base class are provided to make it easy to
// implement list-able objects intended to exist on only one type of list.
// Example: A simple list of unmanaged pointers to Foo objects
// class Foo : public fbl::SinglyLinkedListable<Foo*> {
// ...
// };
// void Test() {
// fbl::SinglyLinkedList<Foo*> list;
// for (size_t i = 0; SOME_NUMBER; ++i)
// list.push_front(new Foo(...));
// for (const auto& foo : list)
// foo.print();
// while (!list.is_empty())
// delete list.pop_front();
// }
// Example: A simple list of unique pointers to Foo objects
// class Foo : public fbl::SinglyLinkedListable<unique_ptr<Foo>> {
// ...
// };
// void Test() {
// fbl::SinglyLinkedList<unique_ptr<Foo>> list;
// for (size_t i = 0; SOME_NUMBER; ++i) {
// unique_ptr<Foo> new_foo(new Foo(...));
// list.push_front(std::move(new_foo));
// }
// for (const auto& foo : list)
// foo.print();
// list.clear(); // Could also just let the list go out of scope.
// }
// Example: A more complicated example of a list of ref-counted objects which
// can exist on 3 different types of lists at the same time.
// class Foo : public fbl::SinglyLinkedListable<fbl::RefPtr<Foo>>
// , public fbl::RefCounted<Foo> {
// public:
// using NodeState = SinglyLinkedListNodeState<fbl::RefPtr<Foo>>;
// struct TypeATraits { static NodeState& node_state(Foo& foo) { return foo.type_a_state_; } }
// struct TypeBTraits { static NodeState& node_state(Foo& foo) { return foo.type_b_state_; } }
// /* Class implementation goes here */
// private:
// friend struct TypeATraits;
// friend struct TypeBTraits;
// NodeState type_a_state_;
// NodeState type_b_state_;
// };
// void Test() {
// using DefaultList = fbl::SinglyLinkedList<fbl::RefPtr<Foo>>;
// using TypeAList = fbl::SinglyLinkedListCustomTraits<fbl::RefPtr<Foo>, Foo::TypeATraits>;
// using TypeBList = fbl::SinglyLinkedListCustomTraits<fbl::RefPtr<Foo>, Foo::TypeBTraits>;
// DefaultList default_list;
// TypeAList a_list;
// TypeAList b_list;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < SOME_NUMBER; ++i) {
// fbl::RefPtr<Foo> new_foo = AdoptRef(new Foo(...));
// switch (i & 0x3) {
// case 0: break;
// case 1: a_list.push_front(new_foo); break;
// case 2: b_list.push_front(new_foo); break;
// case 3:
// a_list.push_front(new_foo);
// b_list.push_front(new_foo);
// break;
// }
// default_list.push_front(std::move(new_foo));
// }
// // default list contains all the Foo instances we created
// // a_list has case 1 and case 3 Foo instances
// // b_list has case 2 and case 3 Foo instances
// for (const auto& foo : default_list) foo.print();
// for (const auto& foo : a_list) foo.print();
// for (const auto& foo : b_list) foo.print();
// default_list.clear(); // case 0 Foo's get cleaned up.
// a_list.clear(); // case 1 Foo's get cleaned up.
// b_list.clear(); // case 2 and 3 Foo's get cleaned up.
// }
namespace fbl {
// Fwd decl of classes used by tests.
namespace tests {
namespace intrusive_containers {
class SinglyLinkedListChecker;
template <typename>
class SequenceContainerTestEnvironment;
} // namespace intrusive_containers
} // namespace tests
// SinglyLinkedListNodeState<PtrType>
// PtrTypehe state needed to be a member of a SinglyLinkedList<PtrType>. All members of a
// specific type SinglyLinkedList<PtrType> must expose a SinglyLinkedListNodeState<PtrType>
// to the list implementation via the supplied traits. See
// DefaultSinglyLinkedListPtrTyperaits<PtrType>
template <typename PtrType_, NodeOptions Options = NodeOptions::None>
struct SinglyLinkedListNodeState
: public internal::CommonNodeStateBase<SinglyLinkedListNodeState<PtrType_, Options>> {
using Base = internal::CommonNodeStateBase<SinglyLinkedListNodeState<PtrType_, Options>>;
using PtrType = PtrType_;
using PtrTraits = internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType_>;
static constexpr NodeOptions kNodeOptions = Options;
constexpr SinglyLinkedListNodeState() {}
~SinglyLinkedListNodeState() {
if constexpr (!(kNodeOptions & fbl::NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe)) {
// Defer to CommonNodeStateBase for enforcement of the various copy/move
// rules. Make sure, however, that we explicitly do not allow our own default
// construction/assignment operators change anything about our state.
SinglyLinkedListNodeState(const SinglyLinkedListNodeState& other) : Base(other) {}
SinglyLinkedListNodeState& operator=(const SinglyLinkedListNodeState& other) {
return *this;
SinglyLinkedListNodeState(SinglyLinkedListNodeState&& other) : Base(std::move(other)) {}
SinglyLinkedListNodeState& operator=(SinglyLinkedListNodeState&& other) {
return *this;
bool IsValid() const { return true; }
bool InContainer() const { return (next_ != nullptr); }
template <typename, typename, SizeOrder, typename>
friend class SinglyLinkedList;
template <typename>
friend class tests::intrusive_containers::SequenceContainerTestEnvironment;
friend class tests::intrusive_containers::SinglyLinkedListChecker;
typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType next_ = nullptr;
template <typename PtrType, NodeOptions Options, typename TagType>
struct SinglyLinkedListable;
// DefaultSinglyLinkedListNodeState<PtrType, TagType>
// The default implementation of traits needed to be a member of a singly linked
// list. Any valid traits implementation must expose a static node_state method
// compatible with DefaultSinglyLinkedListTraits<PtrType, TagType>::node_state(...).
// To use the default traits, an object may...
// 1) Be friends with DefaultSinglyLinkedListTraits<PtrType, TagType> and have a
// private sll_node_state_ member.
// 2) Have a public sll_node_state_ member (not recommended)
// 3) Derive from SinglyLinkedListable<PtrType> or
// ContainableBaseClasses<SinglyLinkedListable<PtrType, TagType> [...]>
// (easiest)
template <typename PtrType_, typename TagType_ = DefaultObjectTag>
struct DefaultSinglyLinkedListTraits {
using ValueType = typename internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType_>::ValueType;
using PtrType = PtrType_;
using TagType = TagType_;
using PtrTraits = internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType_>;
static auto& node_state(typename PtrTraits::RefType obj) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TagType, DefaultObjectTag>) {
return obj.ValueType::sll_node_state_;
} else {
return obj.template GetContainableByTag<TagType>().sll_node_state_;
using NodeState =
std::decay_t<std::invoke_result_t<decltype(node_state), typename PtrTraits::RefType>>;
// SinglyLinkedListable<PtrType>
// A helper class which makes it simple to exist on a singly linked list.
// Simply derive your object from SinglyLinkedListable and you are done.
template <typename PtrType_, NodeOptions Options = NodeOptions::None,
typename TagType_ = DefaultObjectTag>
struct SinglyLinkedListable {
using PtrType = PtrType_;
using TagType = TagType_;
static constexpr NodeOptions kNodeOptions = Options;
bool InContainer() const {
using Node = SinglyLinkedListable<PtrType, Options, TagType>;
return Node::sll_node_state_.InContainer();
friend struct DefaultSinglyLinkedListTraits<PtrType, TagType>;
SinglyLinkedListNodeState<PtrType, Options> sll_node_state_;
template <typename PtrType_, typename TagType_ = DefaultObjectTag,
SizeOrder ListSizeOrder_ = SizeOrder::N,
typename NodeTraits_ = DefaultSinglyLinkedListTraits<PtrType_, TagType_>>
class __POINTER(PtrType_) SinglyLinkedList : private internal::SizeTracker<ListSizeOrder_> {
// Private fwd decls of the iterator implementation.
template <typename IterTraits>
class iterator_impl;
struct iterator_traits;
struct const_iterator_traits;
// Aliases used to reduce verbosity and expose types/traits to tests
static constexpr SizeOrder ListSizeOrder = ListSizeOrder_;
using PtrType = PtrType_;
using TagType = TagType_;
using NodeTraits = NodeTraits_;
using PtrTraits = internal::ContainerPtrTraits<PtrType_>;
using RawPtrType = typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType;
using ValueType = typename PtrTraits::ValueType;
using RefType = typename PtrTraits::RefType;
using CheckerType = ::fbl::tests::intrusive_containers::SinglyLinkedListChecker;
using ContainerType = SinglyLinkedList<PtrType_, TagType_, ListSizeOrder_, NodeTraits_>;
// Declarations of the standard iterator types.
using iterator = iterator_impl<iterator_traits>;
using const_iterator = iterator_impl<const_iterator_traits>;
// Singly linked lists do not support constant order erase (erase using an
// iterator or direct object reference).
static constexpr bool SupportsConstantOrderErase = false;
static constexpr bool SupportsConstantOrderSize = (ListSizeOrder == SizeOrder::Constant);
static constexpr bool IsAssociative = false;
static constexpr bool IsSequenced = true;
// Default construction gives an empty list.
constexpr SinglyLinkedList() noexcept {
using NodeState = internal::node_state_t<NodeTraits, RefType>;
// Make certain that the type of pointer we are expected to manage matches
// the type of pointer that our Node type expects to manage.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<PtrType, typename NodeState::PtrType>,
"SinglyLinkedList's pointer type must match its Node's pointerType");
// SinglyLinkedList does not currently support direct remove-from-container.
static_assert(!(NodeState::kNodeOptions & NodeOptions::AllowRemoveFromContainer),
"SinglyLinkedList does not support nodes which allow RemoveFromContainer.");
// Rvalue construction is permitted, but will result in the move of the list
// contents from one instance of the list to the other (even for unmanaged
// pointers).
// Make sure to expand our default constructor as well in order to pick up the
// static asserts that we put there.
SinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList&& other_list) noexcept : SinglyLinkedList() {
// Rvalue assignment is permitted for managed lists, and when the target is
// an empty list of unmanaged pointers. Like Rvalue construction, it will
// result in the move of the source contents to the destination.
SinglyLinkedList& operator=(SinglyLinkedList&& other_list) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(PtrTraits::IsManaged || is_empty());
return *this;
~SinglyLinkedList() {
// It is considered an error to allow a list of unmanaged pointers to
// destruct if there are still elements in it. Managed pointer lists
// will automatically release their references to their elements.
if (PtrTraits::IsManaged == false) {
if constexpr (SupportsConstantOrderSize) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(this->SizeTrackerCount() == 0);
} else {
// Standard begin/end, cbegin/cend iterator accessors.
iterator begin() { return iterator(head_); }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(head_); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(head_); }
iterator end() { return iterator(sentinel()); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(sentinel()); }
const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(sentinel()); }
// make_iterator : construct an iterator out of a reference to an object.
iterator make_iterator(ValueType& obj) { return iterator(&obj); }
const_iterator make_iterator(const ValueType& obj) const {
return const_iterator(&const_cast<ValueType&>(obj));
// is_empty
// True if the list has at least one element in it, false otherwise.
bool is_empty() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(head_ != nullptr);
return internal::is_sentinel_ptr(head_);
// front
// Return a reference to the element at the front of the list without
// removing it. It is an error to call front on an empty list.
typename PtrTraits::RefType front() {
return *head_;
typename PtrTraits::ConstRefType front() const {
return *head_;
// push_front
// Push an element onto the front of the lists. Lvalue and Rvalue
// versions are supplied in order to support move semantics. It
// is an error to attempt to push a nullptr instance of PtrType.
void push_front(const PtrType& ptr) { push_front(PtrType(ptr)); }
void push_front(PtrType&& ptr) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ptr != nullptr);
auto& ptr_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*ptr);
ptr_ns.next_ = head_;
head_ = PtrTraits::Leak(ptr);
// insert_after
// Insert an element after iter in the list, returning an iterator to the
// newly-created element. It is an error to attempt to push a nullptr
// instance of PtrType, or to attempt to push with iter == end().
iterator insert_after(const iterator& iter, const PtrType& ptr) {
return insert_after(iter, PtrType(ptr));
iterator insert_after(const iterator& iter, PtrType&& ptr) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ptr != nullptr);
auto& iter_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*iter.node_);
auto& ptr_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*ptr);
ptr_ns.next_ = iter_ns.next_;
auto* new_item = PtrTraits::Leak(ptr);
iter_ns.next_ = new_item;
// Return an iterator to the new element.
return make_iterator(*new_item);
// pop_front
// Removes the head of the list and transfer the pointer to the
// caller. If the list is empty, return a nullptr instance of
// PtrType.
PtrType pop_front() {
if (is_empty())
return PtrType(nullptr);
auto& head_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*head_);
PtrType ret = PtrTraits::Reclaim(head_);
head_ = head_ns.next_;
head_ns.next_ = nullptr;
return ret;
// clear
// Clear out the list, unlinking all of the elements in the process. For
// managed pointer types, this will release all references held by the list
// to the objects which were in it.
void clear() {
while (!is_empty()) {
auto& head_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*head_);
RawPtrType tmp = head_;
head_ = head_ns.next_;
head_ns.next_ = nullptr;
// clear_unsafe
// A special clear operation which just resets the internal container
// structure, but leaves all of the node-state(s) of the current element(s)
// alone.
// Only usable with containers of unmanaged pointers (Very Bad things can
// happen if you try this with containers of managed pointers) whose nodes
// have the NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe option set.
// Note: While this can be useful in special cases (such as resetting a free
// list for a pool/slab allocator during destruction), you normally do not
// want this behavior. Think carefully before calling this!
void clear_unsafe() {
static_assert(PtrTraits::IsManaged == false,
"clear_unsafe is not allowed for containers of managed pointers");
static_assert(NodeTraits::NodeState::kNodeOptions & NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe,
"Container does not support clear_unsafe. Consider adding "
"NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe to your node storage.");
head_ = sentinel();
// erase_next
// Remove the element in the list which follows iter and return a pointer to
// the removed element. If there is no element in the list which follows
// iter, return a nullptr instance of PtrType. It is an error to attempt to
// erase_next an invalid iterator (either an uninitialized iterator, or an
// iterator which is equal to end())
PtrType erase_next(const iterator& iter) {
auto& iter_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*iter);
if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(iter_ns.next_))
return PtrType(nullptr);
auto& next_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*iter_ns.next_);
PtrType ret = PtrTraits::Reclaim(iter_ns.next_);
iter_ns.next_ = next_ns.next_;
next_ns.next_ = nullptr;
return ret;
// swap
// swaps the contest of two lists.
void swap(SinglyLinkedList& other) {
auto tmp = head_;
head_ = other.head_;
other.head_ = tmp;
// size_slow
// count the elements in the list in O(n) fashion
size_t size_slow() const {
// It is illegal to call this if the user requested constant order size
// operations.
ListSizeOrder == SizeOrder::N,
"size_slow is only allowed when using a list which has O(N) size! Use size() instead.");
size_t size = 0;
for (auto iter = cbegin(); iter != cend(); ++iter)
return size;
// size : Only allowed when the user has selected an SizeOrder::Constant for this list.
size_t size() const {
ListSizeOrder == SizeOrder::Constant,
"size is only allowed when using a list which has O(1) size! Use size_slow() instead.");
return this->SizeTrackerCount();
// erase_if
// Find the first member of the list which satisfies the predicate given by
// 'fn' and remove it from the list, returning a referenced pointer to the
// removed element. Return nullptr if no member satisfies the predicate.
template <typename UnaryFn>
PtrType erase_if(UnaryFn fn) {
using ConstRefType = typename PtrTraits::ConstRefType;
if (is_empty())
return PtrType(nullptr);
auto iter = begin();
if (fn(static_cast<ConstRefType>(*iter)))
return pop_front();
for (auto prev = iter++; iter != end(); prev = iter++) {
if (fn(static_cast<ConstRefType>(*iter)))
return erase_next(prev);
return PtrType(nullptr);
// find_if
// Find the first member of the list which satisfies the predicate given by
// 'fn' and return an iterator in the list which refers to it. Return end()
// if no member satisfies the predicate.
template <typename UnaryFn>
const_iterator find_if(UnaryFn fn) const {
for (auto iter = begin(); iter.IsValid(); ++iter) {
if (fn(*iter))
return iter;
return end();
template <typename UnaryFn>
iterator find_if(UnaryFn fn) {
const_iterator citer = const_cast<const ContainerType*>(this)->find_if(fn);
return iterator(citer.node_);
// replace_if (copy)
// Find the first member of the list which satisfies the predicate given by
// 'fn' and replace it in the list, returning a referenced pointer to the
// replaced element. If no member satisfies the predicate, simply return
// nullptr instead.
template <typename UnaryFn>
PtrType replace_if(UnaryFn fn, const PtrType& ptr) {
using ConstRefType = typename PtrTraits::ConstRefType;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ptr != nullptr);
auto& ptr_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*ptr);
auto iter = begin();
if (iter.IsValid()) {
RawPtrType* prev_next_ptr = &head_;
while (iter.IsValid()) {
auto& iter_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*iter);
if (fn(static_cast<ConstRefType>(*iter))) {
PtrType new_ref = ptr;
RawPtrType replaced;
replaced = *prev_next_ptr;
*prev_next_ptr = PtrTraits::Leak(new_ref);
ptr_ns.next_ = iter_ns.next_;
iter_ns.next_ = nullptr;
return PtrTraits::Reclaim(replaced);
prev_next_ptr = &iter_ns.next_;
return nullptr;
// replace_if (move)
// Same as the copy version, except that if no member satisfies the
// predicate, the original reference is returned instead of nullptr.
template <typename UnaryFn>
PtrType replace_if(UnaryFn fn, PtrType&& ptr) {
using ConstRefType = typename PtrTraits::ConstRefType;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ptr != nullptr);
auto& ptr_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*ptr);
auto iter = begin();
if (iter.IsValid()) {
RawPtrType* prev_next_ptr = &head_;
while (iter.IsValid()) {
auto& iter_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(*iter);
if (fn(static_cast<ConstRefType>(*iter))) {
RawPtrType replaced;
replaced = *prev_next_ptr;
*prev_next_ptr = PtrTraits::Leak(ptr);
ptr_ns.next_ = iter_ns.next_;
iter_ns.next_ = nullptr;
return PtrTraits::Reclaim(replaced);
prev_next_ptr = &iter_ns.next_;
return std::move(ptr);
// Split the list immediately after |iter|, returning the remainder of the
// list in a new list instance.
// |iter| *must* refer to a member of the list being split. Attempt to split
// list A with an iterator to an element which is a member of list B will
// result in undefined behavior which may not be detectable at runtime.
ContainerType split_after(const iterator& iter) {
if (!iter.IsValid()) {
// iter must refer to a member of this list, therefore it must be valid.
// DEBUG_ASSERT if it is not, or return an empty list in a release build.
return {};
return split_after(*iter.node_);
// Alternate form of split_after which uses an object reference instead of an
// iterator to determine the split point. Just like the iterator form of
// split_after, |obj| *must* be a member of the list being split.
ContainerType split_after(ValueType& obj) {
static_assert(ListSizeOrder == SizeOrder::N,
"split_after is not allowed for SizedSinglyLinkedLists");
auto& A_ns = NodeTraits::node_state(obj);
// If this is element is already the tail of the list, or if it is an
// illegal split in a release build, simply return an empty list.
if (!A_ns.InContainer()) {
return {};
if (internal::is_sentinel_ptr(A_ns.next_)) {
// Since this node is at the end of the list, we can sanity check to make
// sure that obj was actually a member of this list.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(A_ns.next_ == sentinel());
return {};
// At this point in time, we know that we have at least 2 nodes in the list
// we are splitting. Let A be |obj|, and B be the node immediately after A.
// We have 2 pointers we need to update in total.
// ret.head : needs to point to B, which is the new head of ret
// : A is the new tail. Next becomes this.sentinel();
// Thankfully, singly linked lists do not support reverse iteration, which
// means that their sentinels are all the same. This means that we don't
// actually have to go and fixup (which would force an O(n)
// operation to find the tail).
ContainerType ret;
ret.head_ = A_ns.next_;
A_ns.next_ = this->sentinel();
return ret;
// The traits of a non-const iterator
struct iterator_traits {
using RefType = typename PtrTraits::RefType;
using RawPtrType = typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType;
// The traits of a const iterator
struct const_iterator_traits {
using RefType = typename PtrTraits::ConstRefType;
using RawPtrType = typename PtrTraits::ConstRawPtrType;
// The shared implementation of the iterator
template <class IterTraits>
class iterator_impl {
iterator_impl() = default;
iterator_impl(const iterator_impl& other) = default;
iterator_impl& operator=(const iterator_impl& other) = default;
bool IsValid() const { return (node_ != nullptr) && !internal::is_sentinel_ptr(node_); }
bool operator==(const iterator_impl& other) const { return node_ == other.node_; }
bool operator!=(const iterator_impl& other) const { return node_ != other.node_; }
// Prefix
iterator_impl& operator++() {
if (!IsValid())
return *this;
node_ = NodeTraits::node_state(*node_).next_;
return *this;
// Postfix
iterator_impl operator++(int) {
iterator_impl ret(*this);
return ret;
typename PtrTraits::PtrType CopyPointer() const {
return IsValid() ? PtrTraits::Copy(node_) : nullptr;
typename IterTraits::RefType operator*() const {
return *node_;
typename IterTraits::RawPtrType operator->() const {
return node_;
friend class SinglyLinkedList<PtrType_, TagType_, ListSizeOrder_, NodeTraits_>;
explicit iterator_impl(typename IterTraits::RawPtrType node)
: node_(const_cast<typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType>(node)) {}
typename PtrTraits::RawPtrType node_ = nullptr;
// The test framework's 'checker' class is our friend.
friend CheckerType;
// move semantics only
SinglyLinkedList(const SinglyLinkedList&) = delete;
SinglyLinkedList& operator=(const SinglyLinkedList&) = delete;
// Note: the sentinel value we use for singly linked list is a bit different
// from the sentinel value we use for everything else. Instead of being the
// this pointer of the container with the sentinel bit set, the sentinel is
// just the bit with nothing else (aka; nullptr | kContainerSentinelBit).
// The reasons which drive this decision are as follows.
// 1) When swapping lists, if the sentinel value was list specific, we would
// need to update the sentinel values at the end of each list. This would
// be an O(n) operation for a SLL, whereas it is an O(1) operation for
// every other container.
// 2) The sentinel value used by a list cannot simply be nullptr, or the
// node state for an element which is list-able would not be able to
// distinguish between an element which was not InContainer() and one
// which was InContainer, but located at the end of the list.
constexpr RawPtrType sentinel() const { return internal::make_sentinel<RawPtrType>(nullptr); }
// State consists of just a head pointer.
RawPtrType head_ = sentinel();
// SizedSinglyLinkedList<> is an alias for a SinglyLinkedList<> which keeps
// track of it's size internally so that it may be accessed in O(1) time.
template <typename PtrType, typename TagType = DefaultObjectTag,
typename NodeTraits = DefaultSinglyLinkedListTraits<PtrType, TagType>>
using SizedSinglyLinkedList = SinglyLinkedList<PtrType, TagType, SizeOrder::Constant, NodeTraits>;
// SinglyLinkedListCustomTraits<> is an alias for a SinglyLinkedList<> which makes is easier to
// define a SinglyLinkedList which uses custom node traits. It defaults to O(n) size, and will not
// allow users to use a non-default object tag, since lists which use custom node traits are
// required to use the default tag.
template <typename PtrType, typename NodeTraits, SizeOrder ListSizeOrder = SizeOrder::N>
using SinglyLinkedListCustomTraits =
SinglyLinkedList<PtrType, DefaultObjectTag, ListSizeOrder, NodeTraits>;
// TaggedSinglyLinkedList<> is intended for use with ContainableBaseClasses<>.
// For an easy way to allow instances of your class to live in multiple
// intrusive containers at once, simply derive from
// ContainableBaseClasses<YourContainables<PtrType, TagType>...> and then use
// this template instead of SinglyLinkedList<> as the container, passing the same tag
// type you used earlier as the third parameter.
// See comments on ContainableBaseClasses<> in fbl/intrusive_container_utils.h
// for more details.
template <typename PtrType, typename TagType>
using TaggedSinglyLinkedList = SinglyLinkedList<PtrType, TagType, SizeOrder::N,
DefaultSinglyLinkedListTraits<PtrType, TagType>>;
template <typename PtrType, typename TagType, NodeOptions Options = NodeOptions::None>
using TaggedSinglyLinkedListable = SinglyLinkedListable<PtrType, Options, TagType>;
} // namespace fbl