blob: f50bab9832d41cd0c3bb30d8b3cfe117471acd2b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/edid/edid.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include "eisa_vid_lut.h"
namespace {
template <typename T>
bool base_validate(const T* block) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == edid::kBlockSize, "Size check for Edid struct");
const uint8_t* edid_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(block);
if (edid_bytes[0] != T::kTag) {
return false;
// The last byte of the 128-byte EDID data is a checksum byte which
// should make the 128 bytes sum to zero.
uint8_t sum = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < edid::kBlockSize; ++i) {
sum = static_cast<uint8_t>(sum + edid_bytes[i]);
return sum == 0;
uint32_t round_div(double num, double div) { return (uint32_t)((num / div) + .5); }
} // namespace
namespace edid {
const char* GetEisaVendorName(uint16_t manufacturer_name_code) {
uint8_t c1 = static_cast<uint8_t>((((manufacturer_name_code >> 8) & 0x7c) >> 2) + 'A' - 1);
uint8_t c2 = static_cast<uint8_t>(
((((manufacturer_name_code >> 8) & 0x03) << 3) | (manufacturer_name_code & 0xe0) >> 5) + 'A' -
uint8_t c3 = static_cast<uint8_t>(((manufacturer_name_code & 0x1f)) + 'A' - 1);
return lookup_eisa_vid(EISA_ID(c1, c2, c3));
bool BaseEdid::validate() const {
static const uint8_t kEdidHeader[8] = {0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0};
return base_validate<BaseEdid>(this) && memcmp(header, kEdidHeader, sizeof(kEdidHeader)) == 0;
bool CeaEdidTimingExtension::validate() const {
if (!(dtd_start_idx <= sizeof(payload) && base_validate<CeaEdidTimingExtension>(this))) {
return false;
// If this is zero, there is no DTDs present and no non-DTD data.
if (dtd_start_idx == 0) {
return true;
if (dtd_start_idx > 0 && dtd_start_idx < offsetof(CeaEdidTimingExtension, payload)) {
return false;
size_t offset = 0;
size_t dbc_end = dtd_start_idx - offsetof(CeaEdidTimingExtension, payload);
while (offset < dbc_end) {
const DataBlock* data_block = reinterpret_cast<const DataBlock*>(payload + offset);
offset += (1 + data_block->length()); // Length doesn't include the header
// Check that the block doesn't run past the end if the dbc
if (offset > dbc_end) {
return false;
return true;
bool Edid::Init(void* ctx, ddc_i2c_transact transact, const char** err_msg) {
uint8_t segment_address = 0;
uint8_t segment_offset = 0;
ddc_i2c_msg_t msgs[3] = {
{.is_read = false, .addr = kDdcSegmentI2cAddress, .buf = &segment_address, .length = 1},
{.is_read = false, .addr = kDdcDataI2cAddress, .buf = &segment_offset, .length = 1},
{.is_read = true, .addr = kDdcDataI2cAddress, .buf = nullptr, .length = kBlockSize},
BaseEdid base_edid;
msgs[2].buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&base_edid);
// + 1 to skip trying to set the segment for the first block
if (!transact(ctx, msgs + 1, 2)) {
*err_msg = "Failed to read base edid";
return false;
} else if (!base_edid.validate()) {
*err_msg = "Failed to validate base edid";
return false;
uint16_t edid_length = static_cast<uint16_t>((base_edid.num_extensions + 1) * kBlockSize);
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
edid_bytes_ = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new (&ac) uint8_t[edid_length]);
if (!ac.check()) {
*err_msg = "Failed to allocate edid storage";
return false;
memcpy(edid_bytes_.get(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(&base_edid), kBlockSize);
for (uint8_t i = 1; i && i <= base_edid.num_extensions; i++) {
*msgs[0].buf = i / 2;
*msgs[1].buf = i % 2 ? kBlockSize : 0;
msgs[2].buf = edid_bytes_.get() + i * kBlockSize;
bool include_segment = i % 2;
if (!transact(ctx, msgs + include_segment, 3 - include_segment)) {
*err_msg = "Failed to read full edid";
return false;
return Init(edid_bytes_.get(), edid_length, err_msg);
bool Edid::Init(const uint8_t* bytes, uint16_t len, const char** err_msg) {
// The maximum size of an edid is 255 * 128 bytes, so any 16 bit multiple is fine.
if (len == 0 || len % kBlockSize != 0) {
*err_msg = "Invalid edid length";
return false;
bytes_ = bytes;
len_ = len;
if (!(base_edid_ = GetBlock<BaseEdid>(0)) || !base_edid_->validate()) {
*err_msg = "Failed to validate base edid";
return false;
if (((base_edid_->num_extensions + 1) * kBlockSize) != len) {
*err_msg = "Bad extension count";
return false;
if (!base_edid_->digital()) {
*err_msg = "Analog displays not supported";
return false;
for (uint8_t i = 1; i < len / kBlockSize; i++) {
if (bytes_[i * kBlockSize] == CeaEdidTimingExtension::kTag) {
if (!GetBlock<CeaEdidTimingExtension>(i)->validate()) {
*err_msg = "Failed to validate extensions";
return false;
monitor_serial_[0] = monitor_name_[0] = '\0';
for (auto it = descriptor_iterator(this); it.is_valid(); ++it) {
char* dest;
if (it->timing.pixel_clock_10khz != 0) {
} else if (it->monitor.type == Descriptor::Monitor::kName) {
dest = monitor_name_;
} else if (it->monitor.type == Descriptor::Monitor::kSerial) {
dest = monitor_serial_;
} else {
// Look for '\n' if it exists, otherwise take the whole string.
uint32_t len;
for (len = 0; len < sizeof(Descriptor::Monitor::data) && it->[len] != 0x0A; ++len) {
// Empty body
// Copy the string and remember to null-terminate.
memcpy(dest, it->, len);
dest[len] = '\0';
// If we didn't find a valid serial descriptor, use the base serial number
if (monitor_serial_[0] == '\0') {
sprintf(monitor_serial_, "%d", base_edid_->serial_number);
uint8_t c1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(((base_edid_->manufacturer_id1 & 0x7c) >> 2) + 'A' - 1);
uint8_t c2 = static_cast<uint8_t>(
(((base_edid_->manufacturer_id1 & 0x03) << 3) | (base_edid_->manufacturer_id2 & 0xe0) >> 5) +
'A' - 1);
uint8_t c3 = static_cast<uint8_t>(((base_edid_->manufacturer_id2 & 0x1f)) + 'A' - 1);
manufacturer_id_[0] = c1;
manufacturer_id_[1] = c2;
manufacturer_id_[2] = c3;
manufacturer_id_[3] = '\0';
manufacturer_name_ = lookup_eisa_vid(EISA_ID(c1, c2, c3));
return true;
template <typename T>
const T* Edid::GetBlock(uint8_t block_num) const {
const uint8_t* bytes = bytes_ + block_num * kBlockSize;
return bytes[0] == T::kTag ? reinterpret_cast<const T*>(bytes) : nullptr;
bool Edid::is_hdmi() const {
data_block_iterator dbs(this);
if (!dbs.is_valid() || dbs.cea_revision() < 0x03) {
return false;
do {
if (dbs->type() == VendorSpecificBlock::kType) {
// HDMI's 24-bit IEEE registration is 0x000c03 - vendor_number is little endian
if (dbs->payload.vendor.vendor_number[0] == 0x03 &&
dbs->payload.vendor.vendor_number[1] == 0x0c &&
dbs->payload.vendor.vendor_number[2] == 0x00) {
return true;
} while ((++dbs).is_valid());
return false;
void convert_dtd_to_timing(const DetailedTimingDescriptor& dtd, timing_params* params) {
params->pixel_freq_10khz = dtd.pixel_clock_10khz;
params->horizontal_addressable = dtd.horizontal_addressable();
params->horizontal_front_porch = dtd.horizontal_front_porch();
params->horizontal_sync_pulse = dtd.horizontal_sync_pulse_width();
params->horizontal_blanking = dtd.horizontal_blanking();
params->vertical_addressable = dtd.vertical_addressable();
params->vertical_front_porch = dtd.vertical_front_porch();
params->vertical_sync_pulse = dtd.vertical_sync_pulse_width();
params->vertical_blanking = dtd.vertical_blanking();
if (dtd.type() != TYPE_DIGITAL_SEPARATE) {
printf("edid: Ignoring bad timing type %d\n", dtd.type());
params->flags = (dtd.vsync_polarity() ? timing_params::kPositiveVsync : 0) |
(dtd.hsync_polarity() ? timing_params::kPositiveHsync : 0) |
(dtd.interlaced() ? timing_params::kInterlaced : 0);
double total_pxls = (params->horizontal_addressable + params->horizontal_blanking) *
(params->vertical_addressable + params->vertical_blanking);
double pixel_clock_hz = params->pixel_freq_10khz * 1000 * 10;
params->vertical_refresh_e2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(round(100 * pixel_clock_hz / total_pxls));
void convert_std_to_timing(const BaseEdid& edid, const StandardTimingDescriptor& std,
timing_params* params) {
// Pick the largest resolution advertised by the display and then use the
// generalized timing formula to compute the timing parameters.
// TODO( Handle secondary GTF and CVT
// TODO(stevensd): Support interlaced modes and margins
uint32_t width = std.horizontal_resolution();
uint32_t height = std.vertical_resolution(edid.edid_version, edid.edid_revision);
uint32_t v_rate = std.vertical_freq() + 60;
if (!width || !height || !v_rate) {
const timing_params_t* dmt_timing = internal::dmt_timings;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < internal::dmt_timings_count; i++, dmt_timing++) {
if (dmt_timing->horizontal_addressable == width && dmt_timing->vertical_addressable == height &&
((dmt_timing->vertical_refresh_e2 + 50) / 100) == v_rate) {
*params = *dmt_timing;
// Default values for GFT variables
static constexpr uint32_t kCellGran = 8;
static constexpr uint32_t kMinPorch = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t kVsyncRequired = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t kHsyncPercent = 8;
static constexpr uint32_t kMinVsyncPlusBpUs = 550;
static constexpr uint32_t kM = 600;
static constexpr uint32_t kC = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t kK = 128;
static constexpr uint32_t kJ = 20;
static constexpr uint32_t kCPrime = ((kC - kJ) * kK / 256) + kJ;
static constexpr uint32_t kMPrime = (kK * kM) / 256;
uint32_t h_pixels_rnd = round_div(width, kCellGran) * kCellGran;
double h_period_est = (1000000.0 - kMinVsyncPlusBpUs * v_rate) / (v_rate * (height + kMinPorch));
uint32_t vsync_bp = round_div(kMinVsyncPlusBpUs, h_period_est);
uint32_t v_total_lines = height + vsync_bp + kMinPorch;
double v_field_rate_est = 1000000.0 / (h_period_est * v_total_lines);
double h_period = (1.0 * h_period_est * v_field_rate_est) / v_rate;
double v_field_rate = 1000000.0 / h_period / v_total_lines;
double ideal_duty_cycle = kCPrime - (kMPrime * h_period_est / 1000);
uint32_t h_blank_pixels =
2 * kCellGran *
round_div(h_pixels_rnd * ideal_duty_cycle, (100 - ideal_duty_cycle) * (2 * kCellGran));
uint32_t total_pixels = h_pixels_rnd + h_blank_pixels;
double pixel_freq = total_pixels / h_period;
params->pixel_freq_10khz = (uint32_t)(pixel_freq * 100 + 50);
params->horizontal_addressable = h_pixels_rnd;
params->horizontal_sync_pulse =
round_div(kHsyncPercent * total_pixels, 100 * kCellGran) * kCellGran;
params->horizontal_front_porch = h_blank_pixels / 2 - params->horizontal_sync_pulse;
params->horizontal_blanking = h_blank_pixels;
params->vertical_addressable = height;
params->vertical_front_porch = kMinPorch;
params->vertical_sync_pulse = kVsyncRequired;
params->vertical_blanking = vsync_bp + kMinPorch;
// TODO( Set these depending on if we use default/secondary GTF
params->flags = timing_params::kPositiveVsync;
params->vertical_refresh_e2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(v_field_rate * 100 + .5);
timing_iterator& timing_iterator::operator++() {
while (state_ != kDone) {
// If either of these are 0, then the timing value is definitely wrong
if (params_.vertical_addressable != 0 && params_.horizontal_addressable != 0) {
return *this;
void timing_iterator::Advance() {
if (state_ == kDtds) {
while (descriptors_.is_valid()) {
if (descriptors_->timing.pixel_clock_10khz != 0) {
convert_dtd_to_timing(descriptors_->timing, &params_);
state_ = kSvds;
state_index_ = UINT16_MAX;
if (state_ == kSvds) {
while (dbs_.is_valid()) {
if (dbs_->type() == ShortVideoDescriptor::kType) {
uint32_t modes_to_skip = state_index_;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < dbs_->length(); i++) {
uint32_t idx = dbs_->[i].standard_mode_idx() - 1;
if (idx >= internal::cea_timings_count) {
if (modes_to_skip == 0) {
params_ = internal::cea_timings[idx];
// For timings with refresh rates that are multiples of 6, there are
// corresponding timings adjusted by a factor of 1000/1001.
uint32_t rounded_refresh = (internal::cea_timings[idx].vertical_refresh_e2 + 99) / 100;
if (rounded_refresh % 6 == 0) {
if (modes_to_skip == 1) {
params_ = internal::cea_timings[idx];
double clock = params_.pixel_freq_10khz;
double refresh = params_.vertical_refresh_e2;
// 240/480 height entries are already multipled by 1000/1001
double mult =
params_.vertical_addressable == 240 || params_.vertical_addressable == 480
? 1.001
: (1000. / 1001.);
params_.pixel_freq_10khz = static_cast<uint32_t>(round(clock * mult));
params_.vertical_refresh_e2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(round(refresh * mult));
modes_to_skip -= 2;
} else {
// Reset the index for either the next SVD block or the STDs.
state_index_ = UINT16_MAX;
state_ = kStds;
if (state_ == kStds) {
while (++state_index_ < std::size(edid_->base_edid_->standard_timings)) {
const StandardTimingDescriptor* desc = edid_->base_edid_->standard_timings + state_index_;
if (desc->byte1 == 0x01 && desc->byte2 == 0x01) {
convert_std_to_timing(*edid_->base_edid_, *desc, &params_);
state_ = kDone;
audio_data_block_iterator& audio_data_block_iterator::operator++() {
while (dbs_.is_valid()) {
uint32_t num_sads = static_cast<uint32_t>(dbs_->length() / sizeof(ShortAudioDescriptor));
if (dbs_->type() != ShortAudioDescriptor::kType || ++sad_idx_ > num_sads) {
sad_idx_ = UINT8_MAX;
descriptor_ = dbs_->[sad_idx_];
return *this;
edid_ = nullptr;
return *this;
Edid::descriptor_iterator& Edid::descriptor_iterator::operator++() {
if (!edid_) {
return *this;
if (block_idx_ == 0) {
if (descriptor_idx_ < std::size(edid_->base_edid_->detailed_descriptors)) {
descriptor_ = edid_->base_edid_->detailed_descriptors + descriptor_idx_;
if (descriptor_->timing.pixel_clock_10khz != 0 || descriptor_->monitor.type != 0x10) {
return *this;
descriptor_idx_ = UINT32_MAX;
while (block_idx_ < (edid_->len_ / kBlockSize)) {
auto cea_extn_block = edid_->GetBlock<CeaEdidTimingExtension>(block_idx_);
size_t offset = sizeof(CeaEdidTimingExtension::payload);
if (cea_extn_block &&
cea_extn_block->dtd_start_idx > offsetof(CeaEdidTimingExtension, payload)) {
offset = cea_extn_block->dtd_start_idx - offsetof(CeaEdidTimingExtension, payload);
offset += sizeof(Descriptor) * descriptor_idx_;
// Return if the descriptor is within bounds and either a timing descriptor or not
// a dummy monitor descriptor, otherwise advance to the next block
if (offset + sizeof(DetailedTimingDescriptor) <= sizeof(CeaEdidTimingExtension::payload)) {
descriptor_ = reinterpret_cast<const Descriptor*>(cea_extn_block->payload + offset);
if (descriptor_->timing.pixel_clock_10khz != 0 ||
descriptor_->monitor.type != Descriptor::Monitor::kDummyType) {
return *this;
descriptor_idx_ = UINT32_MAX;
edid_ = nullptr;
return *this;
Edid::data_block_iterator::data_block_iterator(const Edid* edid) : edid_(edid) {
if (is_valid()) {
cea_revision_ = edid_->GetBlock<CeaEdidTimingExtension>(block_idx_)->revision_number;
Edid::data_block_iterator& Edid::data_block_iterator::operator++() {
if (!edid_) {
return *this;
while (block_idx_ < (edid_->len_ / kBlockSize)) {
auto cea_extn_block = edid_->GetBlock<CeaEdidTimingExtension>(block_idx_);
size_t dbc_end = 0;
if (cea_extn_block &&
cea_extn_block->dtd_start_idx > offsetof(CeaEdidTimingExtension, payload)) {
dbc_end = cea_extn_block->dtd_start_idx - offsetof(CeaEdidTimingExtension, payload);
uint32_t db_to_skip = db_idx_;
uint32_t offset = 0;
while (offset < dbc_end) {
auto* dblk = reinterpret_cast<const DataBlock*>(cea_extn_block->payload + offset);
if (db_to_skip == 0) {
db_ = dblk;
return *this;
offset += (dblk->length() + 1); // length doesn't include the data block header byte
db_idx_ = UINT32_MAX;
edid_ = nullptr;
return *this;
void Edid::Print(void (*print_fn)(const char* str)) const {
char str_buf[128];
print_fn("Raw edid:\n");
for (auto i = 0; i < edid_length(); i++) {
constexpr int kBytesPerLine = 16;
char* b = str_buf;
if (i % kBytesPerLine == 0) {
b += sprintf(b, "%04x: ", i);
sprintf(b, "%02x%s", edid_bytes()[i], i % kBytesPerLine == kBytesPerLine - 1 ? "\n" : " ");
bool Edid::supports_basic_audio() const {
uint8_t block_idx = 1; // Skip block 1, since it can't be a CEA block
while (block_idx < (len_ / kBlockSize)) {
auto cea_extn_block = GetBlock<CeaEdidTimingExtension>(block_idx);
if (cea_extn_block && cea_extn_block->revision_number >= 2) {
return cea_extn_block->basic_audio();
return false;
} // namespace edid