blob: 0f8e49ad1fa8818e92fe8030e2a88fe558ecaf9e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
namespace cobalt_client {
struct MetricOptions {
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxEventCodes = 5;
// Allows using a |MetricOptions| as key in ordered containers.
struct LessThan {
bool operator()(const MetricOptions& lhs, const MetricOptions& rhs) const {
if (lhs.component < rhs.component) {
return true;
} else if (lhs.component > rhs.component) {
return false;
if (lhs.metric_id < rhs.metric_id) {
return true;
} else if (lhs.metric_id > rhs.metric_id) {
return false;
return lhs.event_codes < rhs.event_codes;
// Allows comparing two |MetricOptions|, which is a shortcut for checking if
// all fields are equal.
bool operator==(const MetricOptions& rhs) const {
return rhs.metric_id == metric_id && rhs.event_codes == event_codes &&
rhs.component == component;
bool operator!=(const MetricOptions& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
// Provides refined metric collection for remote metrics.
// Warning: |component| is not yet supported in the backend, so it will be ignored.
std::string component = {};
// Used by remote metrics to match with the respective unique id for the projects defined
// metrics in the backend.
uint32_t metric_id = {};
// Number of dimensions defined in the cobalt metric definition.
uint32_t metric_dimensions = 0;
// This is the equivalent of the event enums defined in the cobalt configuration, because of
// this order matters.
// E.g. Metric{id:1, event_codes:{0,0,0,0,1}}
// Metric{id:1, event_codes:{0,0,0,0,2}}
// Can be seen independently in the cobalt backend, or aggregated together.
// The sent data will be limited by |max_event_codes|.
std::array<uint32_t, kMaxEventCodes> event_codes = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Describes an histogram, and provides data for mapping a value to a given bucket.
// Every histogram contains two additional buckets, one at index 0 and bucket_count + 1.
// These buckets are used to store underflow and overflow respectively.
// buckets = [-inf, min_value) ...... [max_value, +inf)
// Parameters are calculated by the factory methods based on the input parameters,
// so that expectations are met.
// If using cobalt to flush your observations to the backend, this options should match
// your metric definitions for correct behavior. Mismatch with the respective metric definition
// will not allow proper collection and aggregation of metrics in the backend.
struct HistogramOptions : public MetricOptions {
enum class Type {
// Each bucket is described in the following form:
// range(i) = [ b * i + c, b * {i +1} + c)
// i = (val - c) / b
// Each bucket is described in the following form:
// range(i) = [ b * a^i + c, b * a^{i+1} + c)
// The cost of this type is O(1), because:
// i = floor(log (val - c) - log b)/log a
// Returns HistogramOptions that:
// * Exponential bucket range with base 2 => lower_bound[i] = a*2^i-1 - 1
// * Has underflow bucket from (-inf, 0)
// * The first bucket contains [0, 1)
// * a is an integer greater or equal to 1.
// * if |max| % (2^|bucket_count| - 1):
// - Is not 0, then |max| is contained in the last bucket.
// - Is 0, then |max| is the lower bound of the overflow bucket.
// For example:
// - With bucket_count 12 and max 40950, we get scalar 10, base 2,
// and offset -10.
// - With bucket_count 12 and max 40960, we get scalar 11, base 2,
// and offset -11.
static HistogramOptions Exponential(uint32_t bucket_count, int64_t max);
// Returns HistogramOptions that:
// * Exponential bucket range with base 2 => lower_bound[i] = a*2^i-1 - 1
// * Has underflow bucket from (-inf, min)
// * The first bucket contains [min, min+1)
// * a is an integer greater or equal to 1.
// * if |max - min| % (2^|bucket_count| - 1):
// - Is not, then |max| is contained in the last bucket.
// - Is 0, then |max| is the lower bound of the overflow bucket.
static HistogramOptions Exponential(uint32_t bucket_count, int64_t min, int64_t max);
// Returns HistogramOptions that:
// * Has an extra underflow bucket.
// * Has an extra overflow bucket.
// * For every bucket from i = 1 to |bucket_count| has a lower bound defined by:
// scalar * (base^(i-1) - 1) + min
static HistogramOptions CustomizedExponential(uint32_t bucket_count, uint32_t base,
uint32_t scalar, int64_t min);
// Returns HistogramOptions that:
// * Linear bucket range with fixed step size ceil(|max|/|bucket_count|).
// * Has underflow bucket from (-inf, 0)
// * The first bucket contains [0, step_size)
// * |max| is contained in the last bucket if its not a multiple of |bucket_count|.
static HistogramOptions Linear(uint32_t bucket_count, int64_t max);
// Returns HistogramOptions that:
// * Linear bucket range with fixed step size ceil(|max|/|bucket_count|).
// * Has underflow bucket from (-inf, 0)
// * The first bucket contains [0, step_size)
// * |max| is contained in the last bucket if its not a multiple of |bucket_count|.
static HistogramOptions Linear(uint32_t bucket_count, int64_t min, int64_t max);
// Returns HistogramOptions that:
// * Has an extra underflow bucket.
// * Has an extra overflow bucket.
// * For every bucket from i = 1 to |bucket_count| has a lower bound defined by:
// min + step_size * (i-1)
static HistogramOptions CustomizedLinear(uint32_t bucket_count, uint32_t step_size, int64_t min);
HistogramOptions() = default;
HistogramOptions(const HistogramOptions&);
HistogramOptions& operator=(const HistogramOptions&);
// Sanity check.
bool IsValid() const;
// This parameters should not be set manually.
// Function used for mapping a value to a given bucket.
uint32_t (*map_fn)(double, uint32_t, const HistogramOptions&) = nullptr;
// Function used for mapping a bucket to its lowerbound.
double (*reverse_map_fn)(uint32_t, uint32_t, const HistogramOptions&) = nullptr;
// Base to describe the width of each step, in |kExponentialWidth|.
double base = 1;
// Scalar used by the type. This scales the width of each step.
double scalar = 1;
// This matchest offset', which is calculated depending on the histogram type.
double offset = 0;
// Bounds for the histogram.
double max_value = 0;
// Type of the histogram to be constructed.
Type type;
} // namespace cobalt_client