blob: e76e42e4da7dd8fe725283e1d75071514266e832 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/counter_internal.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/metric_options.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/types_internal.h>
namespace cobalt_client {
namespace internal {
// Note: Everything on this namespace is internal, no external users should rely
// on the behaviour of any of these classes.
// Base class for histogram, that provides a thin layer over a collection of buckets
// that represent a histogram. Once constructed, unless moved, the class is thread-safe.
// All allocations happen when constructed.
// This class is not moveable, not copyable or assignable.
// This class is thread-compatible.
template <uint32_t num_buckets>
class BaseHistogram {
using Count = uint64_t;
using Bucket = uint32_t;
BaseHistogram() = default;
BaseHistogram(const BaseHistogram&) = delete;
BaseHistogram(BaseHistogram&&) = delete;
BaseHistogram& operator=(const BaseHistogram&) = delete;
BaseHistogram& operator=(BaseHistogram&&) = delete;
~BaseHistogram() = default;
// Returns the number of buckets of this histogram.
constexpr uint32_t size() const { return num_buckets; }
void IncrementCount(Bucket bucket, Count val = 1) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(bucket < size(), "IncrementCount bucket(%u) out of range(%u).", bucket,
Count GetCount(uint32_t bucket) const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(bucket < size(), "GetCount bucket out of range.");
return buckets_[bucket].Load();
// Counter for the abs frequency of every histogram bucket.
BaseCounter<uint64_t> buckets_[num_buckets];
// Free functions to move logic outside the templated class.
// Initializes buckets such that bucket[i].index = i and bucket[i].count = 0.
void InitBucketBuffer(HistogramBucket* buckets, uint32_t bucket_count);
// Sets the count of each bucket in |bucket_buffer| to the respective value in
// |buckets|, and sets the count in |buckets| to 0.
bool HistogramFlush(const HistogramOptions& metric_options, Logger* logger,
BaseCounter<uint64_t>* buckets, HistogramBucket* bucket_buffer,
uint32_t num_buckets);
// Undo's an ungoing Flush effects.
void HistogramUndoFlush(BaseCounter<uint64_t>* buckets, HistogramBucket* bucket_buffer,
uint32_t num_buckets);
// This class provides a histogram which represents a full fledged cobalt metric. The histogram
// owner will call |Flush| which is meant to incrementally persist data to cobalt.
// This class is not moveable, copyable or assignable.
// This class is thread-compatible.
template <uint32_t num_buckets>
class RemoteHistogram : public BaseHistogram<num_buckets>, public FlushInterface {
RemoteHistogram() = default;
RemoteHistogram(const HistogramOptions& metric_options)
: BaseHistogram<num_buckets>(), metric_options_(metric_options) {
InitBucketBuffer(bucket_buffer_, num_buckets);
RemoteHistogram(const RemoteHistogram&) = delete;
RemoteHistogram(RemoteHistogram&&) = delete;
RemoteHistogram& operator=(const RemoteHistogram&) = delete;
RemoteHistogram& operator=(RemoteHistogram&&) = delete;
~RemoteHistogram() override = default;
bool Flush(Logger* logger) override {
return HistogramFlush(metric_options_, logger, this->buckets_, bucket_buffer_, num_buckets);
void UndoFlush() override { HistogramUndoFlush(this->buckets_, bucket_buffer_, num_buckets); }
// Returns the metric_id associated with this remote metric.
const HistogramOptions& metric_options() const { return metric_options_; }
// Buffer for out of line allocation for the data being sent
// through fidl. This buffer is rewritten on every flush, and contains
// an entry for each bucket.
HistogramBucket bucket_buffer_[num_buckets];
// Metric information such as metric_id, event_code and component.
HistogramOptions metric_options_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace cobalt_client