blob: 5e87dad0fc6fad2be3c9d8cc60075575f0f80da9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/ddk/hw/inout.h>
#include <lib/pci/pio.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/time.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <utility>
#include <bitmap/raw-bitmap.h>
#include <bitmap/storage.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_hash_table.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_single_list.h>
#if !defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__x86__)
#error "Unsupported architecture"
#include "acpi.h"
__WEAK zx_handle_t root_resource_handle;
#define UNIMPLEMENTED() ZX_PANIC("%s unimplemented\n", __func__)
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
#define TRACEF(str, x...) \
do { \
printf("%s:%d: " str, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##x); \
} while (0)
#define LTRACEF(x...) \
do { \
if (LOCAL_TRACE) { \
TRACEF(x); \
} \
} while (0)
/* Structures used for implementing AcpiOsExecute and
* AcpiOsWaitEventsComplete */
struct AcpiOsTaskCtx : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<AcpiOsTaskCtx>> {
void* ctx;
/* Thread function for implementing AcpiOsExecute */
static int AcpiOsExecuteTask(void* arg);
/* Tear down the OsExecuteTask thread */
static void ShutdownOsExecuteTask();
/* Data used for implementing AcpiOsExecute and
* AcpiOsWaitEventsComplete */
static struct {
thrd_t thread;
cnd_t cond;
cnd_t idle_cond;
mtx_t lock = MTX_INIT;
bool shutdown = false;
bool idle = true;
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<AcpiOsTaskCtx>> tasks;
} os_execute_state;
class AcpiOsMappingNode : public fbl::SinglyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<AcpiOsMappingNode>> {
using HashTable = fbl::HashTable<uintptr_t, std::unique_ptr<AcpiOsMappingNode>>;
// @param vaddr Virtual address returned to ACPI, used as key to the hashtable.
// @param vaddr_actual Actual virtual address of the mapping. May be different than
// vaddr if it is unaligned.
// @param length Length of the mapping
// @param vmo_handle Handle to the mapped VMO
AcpiOsMappingNode(uintptr_t vaddr, uintptr_t vaddr_actual, size_t length, zx_handle_t vmo_handle);
// Trait implementation for fbl::HashTable
uintptr_t GetKey() const { return vaddr_; }
static size_t GetHash(uintptr_t key) { return key; }
uintptr_t vaddr_;
uintptr_t vaddr_actual_;
size_t length_;
zx_handle_t vmo_handle_;
fbl::Mutex os_mapping_lock;
AcpiOsMappingNode::HashTable os_mapping_tbl;
const size_t PCIE_MAX_DEVICES_PER_BUS = 32;
AcpiOsMappingNode::AcpiOsMappingNode(uintptr_t vaddr, uintptr_t vaddr_actual, size_t length,
zx_handle_t vmo_handle)
: vaddr_(vaddr), vaddr_actual_(vaddr_actual), length_(length), vmo_handle_(vmo_handle) {}
AcpiOsMappingNode::~AcpiOsMappingNode() {
zx_vmar_unmap(zx_vmar_root_self(), (uintptr_t)vaddr_actual_, length_);
static zx_status_t mmap_physical(zx_paddr_t phys, size_t size, uint32_t cache_policy,
zx_handle_t* out_vmo, zx_vaddr_t* out_vaddr) {
zx_handle_t vmo;
zx_vaddr_t vaddr;
zx_status_t st = zx_vmo_create_physical(root_resource_handle, phys, size, &vmo);
if (st != ZX_OK) {
return st;
st = zx_vmo_set_cache_policy(vmo, cache_policy);
if (st != ZX_OK) {
return st;
st = zx_vmar_map(zx_vmar_root_self(), ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0,
vmo, 0, size, &vaddr);
if (st != ZX_OK) {
return st;
} else {
*out_vmo = vmo;
*out_vaddr = vaddr;
return ZX_OK;
static ACPI_STATUS thrd_status_to_acpi_status(int status) {
switch (status) {
case thrd_success:
return AE_OK;
case thrd_nomem:
return AE_NO_MEMORY;
case thrd_timedout:
return AE_TIME;
return AE_ERROR;
static std::timespec timeout_to_timespec(UINT16 Timeout) {
std::timespec ts;
ZX_ASSERT(std::timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC) != 0);
return zx_timespec_from_duration(
zx_duration_add_duration(zx_duration_from_timespec(ts), ZX_MSEC(Timeout)));
// The |acpi_spinlock_lock| is used to guarantee that all spinlock acquisitions will
// be uncontested in certain circumstances. This allows us to ensure that
// the codepaths for entering an S-state will not need to wait for some other thread
// to finish processing. The scheme works with the following protocol:
// Normal operational threads: If attempting to acquire a lock, and the thread
// holds no spinlock yet, then acquire |acpi_spinlock_lock| in READ mode before
// acquiring the desired lock. For all other lock acquisitions behave normally.
// If a thread is releasing its last held lock, release the |acpi_spinlock_lock|.
// Non-contested thread: To enter non-contested mode, call
// |acpica_enable_noncontested_mode| while not holding any ACPI spinlock. This will
// acquire the |acpi_spinlock_lock| in WRITE mode. Call
// |acpica_disable_noncontested_mode| while not holding any ACPI spinlock to release
// the |acpi_spinlock_lock|.
// Non-contested mode needs to apply to both spin locks and mutexes to prevent deadlock.
static pthread_rwlock_t acpi_spinlock_lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
static thread_local uint64_t acpi_spinlocks_held = 0;
void acpica_enable_noncontested_mode() {
ZX_ASSERT(acpi_spinlocks_held == 0);
int ret = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&acpi_spinlock_lock);
ZX_ASSERT(ret == 0);
void acpica_disable_noncontested_mode() {
ZX_ASSERT(acpi_spinlocks_held == 1);
int ret = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&acpi_spinlock_lock);
ZX_ASSERT(ret == 0);
static void initialize_port_bitmap();
static zx_status_t handle_port_permissions(uint16_t address, UINT32 width_bits);
static ACPI_STATUS zx_status_to_acpi_status(zx_status_t st);
* @brief Initialize the OSL subsystem.
* This function allows the OSL to initialize itself. It is called during
* intiialization of the ACPICA subsystem.
* @return Initialization status
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsInitialize() {
ACPI_STATUS status = thrd_status_to_acpi_status(cnd_init(&os_execute_state.cond));
if (status != AE_OK) {
return status;
status = thrd_status_to_acpi_status(cnd_init(&os_execute_state.idle_cond));
if (status != AE_OK) {
return status;
status =
thrd_status_to_acpi_status(thrd_create(&os_execute_state.thread, AcpiOsExecuteTask, nullptr));
if (status != AE_OK) {
return status;
// For AcpiOsWritePort and AcpiOsReadPort to operate they need access to ioports 0xCF8 and 0xCFC
// per the Pci Local Bus specification v3.0. Each address is a 32 bit port.
for (const auto addr : {kPciConfigAddrPort, kPciConfigDataPort}) {
zx_status_t pio_status = handle_port_permissions(addr, 32);
if (pio_status != ZX_OK) {
return zx_status_to_acpi_status(pio_status);
return AE_OK;
* @brief Terminate the OSL subsystem.
* This function allows the OSL to cleanup and terminate. It is called during
* termination of the ACPICA subsystem.
* @return Termination status
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsTerminate() {
return AE_OK;
* @brief Obtain the Root ACPI table pointer (RSDP).
* @return The physical address of the RSDP
zx_paddr_t acpi_rsdp, smbios;
zx_status_t zx_status = zx_pc_firmware_tables(root_resource_handle, &acpi_rsdp, &smbios);
if (zx_status == ZX_OK && acpi_rsdp != 0) {
return acpi_rsdp;
ACPI_STATUS status = AcpiFindRootPointer(&TableAddress);
if (status != AE_OK) {
return 0;
return TableAddress;
* @brief Allow the host OS to override a predefined ACPI object.
* @param PredefinedObject A pointer to a predefind object (name and initial
* value)
* @param NewValue Where a new value for the predefined object is returned.
* NULL if there is no override for this object.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsPredefinedOverride(const ACPI_PREDEFINED_NAMES* PredefinedObject,
ACPI_STRING* NewValue) {
*NewValue = NULL;
return AE_OK;
* @brief Allow the host OS to override a firmware ACPI table via a logical
* address.
* @param ExistingTable A pointer to the header of the existing ACPI table
* @param NewTable Where the pointer to the replacment table is returned. The
* OSL returns NULL if no replacement is provided.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsTableOverride(ACPI_TABLE_HEADER* ExistingTable, ACPI_TABLE_HEADER** NewTable) {
*NewTable = NULL;
return AE_OK;
* @brief Allow the host OS to override a firmware ACPI table via a physical
* address.
* @param ExistingTable A pointer to the header of the existing ACPI table
* @param NewAddress Where the physical address of the replacment table is
* returned. The OSL returns NULL if no replacement is provided.
* @param NewLength Where the length of the replacement table is returned.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(ACPI_TABLE_HEADER* ExistingTable,
ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS* NewAddress, UINT32* NewTableLength) {
*NewAddress = 0;
return AE_OK;
// If we decide to make use of a more Zircon specific cache mechanism,
// remove the ACPI_USE_LOCAL_CACHE define from the header and implement these
// functions.
#if 0
* @brief Create a memory cache object.
* @param CacheName An ASCII identfier for the cache.
* @param ObjectSize The size of each object in the cache.
* @param MaxDepth Maximum number of objects in the cache.
* @param ReturnCache Where a pointer to the cache object is returned.
* @return AE_OK The cache was successfully created.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The ReturnCache pointer is NULL or ObjectSize < 16.
* @return AE_NO_MEMORY Insufficient dynamic memory to complete the operation.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsCreateCache(
char *CacheName,
UINT16 ObjectSize,
UINT16 MaxDepth,
ACPI_CACHE_T **ReturnCache) {
return AE_NO_MEMORY;
* @brief Delete a memory cache object.
* @param Cache The cache object to be deleted.
* @return AE_OK The cache was successfully deleted.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The Cache pointer is NULL.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsDeleteCache(ACPI_CACHE_T *Cache) {
return AE_OK;
* @brief Free all objects currently within a cache object.
* @param Cache The cache object to purge.
* @return AE_OK The cache was successfully purged.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The Cache pointer is NULL.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsPurgeCache(ACPI_CACHE_T *Cache) {
return AE_OK;
* @brief Acquire an object from a cache.
* @param Cache The cache object from which to acquire an object.
* @return A pointer to a cache object. NULL if the object could not be
* acquired.
void *AcpiOsAcquireObject(ACPI_CACHE_T *Cache) {
return NULL;
* @brief Release an object to a cache.
* @param Cache The cache object to which the object will be released.
* @param Object The object to be released.
* @return AE_OK The object was successfully released.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The Cache or Object pointer is NULL.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsReleaseObject(ACPI_CACHE_T *Cache, void *Object) {
return AE_OK;
* @brief Map physical memory into the caller's address space.
* @param PhysicalAddress A full physical address of the memory to be mapped
* into the caller's address space
* @param Length The amount of memory to mapped starting at the given physical
* address
* @return Logical pointer to the mapped memory. A NULL pointer indicated failures.
void* AcpiOsMapMemory(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress, ACPI_SIZE Length) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&os_mapping_lock);
// Caution: PhysicalAddress might not be page-aligned, Length might not
// be a page multiple.
const size_t kPageSize = zx_system_get_page_size();
ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS aligned_address = PhysicalAddress & ~(kPageSize - 1);
ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS end = (PhysicalAddress + Length + kPageSize - 1) & ~(kPageSize - 1);
uintptr_t vaddr;
size_t length = end - aligned_address;
zx_handle_t vmo;
zx_status_t status =
mmap_physical(aligned_address, end - aligned_address, ZX_CACHE_POLICY_CACHED, &vmo, &vaddr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return NULL;
void* out_addr = (void*)(vaddr + (PhysicalAddress - aligned_address));
std::unique_ptr<AcpiOsMappingNode> mn(
new AcpiOsMappingNode(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(out_addr), vaddr, length, vmo));
return out_addr;
* @brief Remove a physical to logical memory mapping.
* @param LogicalAddress The logical address that was returned from a previous
* call to AcpiOsMapMemory.
* @param Length The amount of memory that was mapped. This value must be
* identical to the value used in the call to AcpiOsMapMemory.
void AcpiOsUnmapMemory(void* LogicalAddress, ACPI_SIZE Length) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&os_mapping_lock);
std::unique_ptr<AcpiOsMappingNode> mn = os_mapping_tbl.erase((uintptr_t)LogicalAddress);
if (mn == NULL) {
printf("AcpiOsUnmapMemory nonexisting mapping %p\n", LogicalAddress);
* @brief Allocate memory from the dynamic memory pool.
* @param Size Amount of memory to allocate.
* @return A pointer to the allocated memory. A NULL pointer is returned on
* error.
void* AcpiOsAllocate(ACPI_SIZE Size) { return malloc(Size); }
* @brief Free previously allocated memory.
* @param Memory A pointer to the memory to be freed.
void AcpiOsFree(void* Memory) { free(Memory); }
* @brief Obtain the ID of the currently executing thread.
* @return A unique non-zero value that represents the ID of the currently
* executing thread. The value -1 is reserved and must not be returned
* by this interface.
static_assert(sizeof(ACPI_THREAD_ID) >= sizeof(zx_handle_t), "tid size");
ACPI_THREAD_ID AcpiOsGetThreadId() { return (uintptr_t)thrd_current(); }
static int AcpiOsExecuteTask(void* arg) {
while (1) {
std::unique_ptr<AcpiOsTaskCtx> task;
while ((task = os_execute_state.tasks.pop_front()) == nullptr) {
os_execute_state.idle = true;
// If anything is waiting for the queue to empty, notify it.
// If we're waiting to shutdown, do it now that there's no more work
if (os_execute_state.shutdown) {
return 0;
cnd_wait(&os_execute_state.cond, &os_execute_state.lock);
os_execute_state.idle = false;
return 0;
static void ShutdownOsExecuteTask() {
os_execute_state.shutdown = true;
thrd_join(os_execute_state.thread, nullptr);
* @brief Schedule a procedure for deferred execution.
* @param Type Type of the callback function.
* @param Function Address of the procedure to execute.
* @param Context A context value to be passed to the called procedure.
* @return AE_OK The procedure was successfully queued for execution.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The Type is invalid or the Function pointer
* is NULL.
if (Function == NULL) {
switch (Type) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
std::unique_ptr<AcpiOsTaskCtx> task(new (&ac) AcpiOsTaskCtx);
if (!ac.check()) {
return AE_NO_MEMORY;
task->func = Function;
task->ctx = Context;
return AE_OK;
* @brief Wait for completion of asynchronous events.
* This function blocks until all asynchronous events initiated by
* AcpiOsExecute have completed.
void AcpiOsWaitEventsComplete(void) {
while (!os_execute_state.idle) {
cnd_wait(&os_execute_state.idle_cond, &os_execute_state.lock);
* @brief Suspend the running task (course granularity).
* @param Milliseconds The amount of time to sleep, in milliseconds.
void AcpiOsSleep(UINT64 Milliseconds) {
if (Milliseconds > UINT32_MAX) {
// If we're asked to sleep for a long time (>1.5 months), shorten it
Milliseconds = UINT32_MAX;
* @brief Wait for a short amount of time (fine granularity).
* Execution of the running thread is not suspended for this time.
* @param Microseconds The amount of time to delay, in microseconds.
void AcpiOsStall(UINT32 Microseconds) { zx_nanosleep(zx_deadline_after(ZX_USEC(Microseconds))); }
* @brief Create a semaphore.
* @param MaxUnits The maximum number of units this semaphore will be required
* to accept
* @param InitialUnits The initial number of units to be assigned to the
* semaphore.
* @param OutHandle A pointer to a locaton where a handle to the semaphore is
* to be returned.
* @return AE_OK The semaphore was successfully created.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The InitialUnits is invalid or the OutHandle
* pointer is NULL.
* @return AE_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory to create the semaphore.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsCreateSemaphore(UINT32 MaxUnits, UINT32 InitialUnits, ACPI_SEMAPHORE* OutHandle) {
sem_t* sem = (sem_t*)malloc(sizeof(sem_t));
if (!sem) {
return AE_NO_MEMORY;
if (sem_init(sem, 0, InitialUnits) < 0) {
return AE_ERROR;
*OutHandle = sem;
return AE_OK;
* @brief Delete a semaphore.
* @param Handle A handle to a semaphore objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateSemaphore.
* @return AE_OK The semaphore was successfully deleted.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsDeleteSemaphore(ACPI_SEMAPHORE Handle) {
return AE_OK;
* @brief Wait for units from a semaphore.
* @param Handle A handle to a semaphore objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateSemaphore.
* @param Units The number of units the caller is requesting.
* @param Timeout How long the caller is willing to wait for the requested
* units, in milliseconds. A value of -1 indicates that the caller
* is willing to wait forever. Timeout may be 0.
* @return AE_OK The requested units were successfully received.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The Handle is invalid.
* @return AE_TIME The units could not be acquired within the specified time.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsWaitSemaphore(ACPI_SEMAPHORE Handle, UINT32 Units, UINT16 Timeout) {
if (Timeout == UINT16_MAX) {
if (sem_wait(Handle) < 0) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(false, "sem_wait failed %d", errno);
return AE_OK;
std::timespec then = timeout_to_timespec(Timeout);
if (sem_timedwait(Handle, &then) < 0) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(errno == ETIMEDOUT, "sem_timedwait failed unexpectedly %d", errno);
return AE_TIME;
return AE_OK;
* @brief Send units to a semaphore.
* @param Handle A handle to a semaphore objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateSemaphore.
* @param Units The number of units to send to the semaphore.
* @return AE_OK The semaphore was successfully signaled.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The Handle is invalid.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsSignalSemaphore(ACPI_SEMAPHORE Handle, UINT32 Units) {
// TODO: Implement support for Units > 1
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(Units == 1);
return AE_OK;
* @brief Create a mutex.
* @param OutHandle A pointer to a locaton where a handle to the mutex is
* to be returned.
* @return AE_OK The mutex was successfully created.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The OutHandle pointer is NULL.
* @return AE_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory to create the mutex.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsCreateMutex(ACPI_MUTEX* OutHandle) {
mtx_t* lock = (mtx_t*)malloc(sizeof(mtx_t));
if (!lock) {
return AE_NO_MEMORY;
ACPI_STATUS status = thrd_status_to_acpi_status(mtx_init(lock, mtx_plain));
if (status != AE_OK) {
return status;
*OutHandle = lock;
return AE_OK;
* @brief Delete a mutex.
* @param Handle A handle to a mutex objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateMutex.
void AcpiOsDeleteMutex(ACPI_MUTEX Handle) {
* @brief Acquire a mutex.
* @param Handle A handle to a mutex objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateMutex.
* @param Timeout How long the caller is willing to wait for the requested
* units, in milliseconds. A value of -1 indicates that the caller
* is willing to wait forever. Timeout may be 0.
* @return AE_OK The requested units were successfully received.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The Handle is invalid.
* @return AE_TIME The mutex could not be acquired within the specified time.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsAcquireMutex(ACPI_MUTEX Handle, UINT16 Timeout)
if (Timeout == UINT16_MAX) {
if (acpi_spinlocks_held == 0) {
int ret = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&acpi_spinlock_lock);
ZX_ASSERT(ret == 0);
int res = mtx_lock(Handle);
ZX_ASSERT(res == thrd_success);
} else {
std::timespec then = timeout_to_timespec(Timeout);
if (acpi_spinlocks_held == 0) {
int ret = pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(&acpi_spinlock_lock, &then);
if (ret == ETIMEDOUT)
return AE_TIME;
ZX_ASSERT(ret == 0);
int res = mtx_timedlock(Handle, &then);
if (res == thrd_timedout) {
if (acpi_spinlocks_held == 0) {
int res = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&acpi_spinlock_lock);
ZX_ASSERT(res == 0);
return AE_TIME;
ZX_ASSERT(res == thrd_success);
return AE_OK;
* @brief Release a mutex.
* @param Handle A handle to a mutex objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateMutex.
void AcpiOsReleaseMutex(ACPI_MUTEX Handle) TA_REL(Handle) {
if (acpi_spinlocks_held == 0) {
int ret = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&acpi_spinlock_lock);
ZX_ASSERT(ret == 0);
* @brief Create a spin lock.
* @param OutHandle A pointer to a locaton where a handle to the lock is
* to be returned.
* @return AE_OK The lock was successfully created.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The OutHandle pointer is NULL.
* @return AE_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory to create the lock.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsCreateLock(ACPI_SPINLOCK* OutHandle) {
// Since we don't have a notion of interrupt contex in usermode, just make
// these mutexes.
return AcpiOsCreateMutex(OutHandle);
* @brief Delete a spin lock.
* @param Handle A handle to a lock objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateLock.
void AcpiOsDeleteLock(ACPI_SPINLOCK Handle) { AcpiOsDeleteMutex(Handle); }
* @brief Acquire a spin lock.
* @param Handle A handle to a lock objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateLock.
* @return Platform-dependent CPU flags. To be used when the lock is released.
int ret = AcpiOsAcquireMutex(Handle, UINT16_MAX);
// The thread safety analysis doesn't seem to handle the noreturn inside of the assert
ZX_ASSERT(ret == AE_OK);
return 0;
* @brief Release a spin lock.
* @param Handle A handle to a lock objected that was returned by a
* previous call to AcpiOsCreateLock.
* @param Flags CPU Flags that were returned from AcpiOsAcquireLock.
void AcpiOsReleaseLock(ACPI_SPINLOCK Handle, ACPI_CPU_FLAGS Flags) TA_REL(Handle) {
// Wrapper structs for interfacing between our interrupt handler convention and
struct AcpiIrqThread {
thrd_t thread;
zx_handle_t irq_handle;
void* context;
static int acpi_irq_thread(void* arg) {
auto real_arg = static_cast<AcpiIrqThread*>(arg);
while (1) {
zx_status_t status = zx_interrupt_wait(real_arg->irq_handle, NULL);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// TODO: Should we do something with the return value from the handler?
return 0;
static std::unique_ptr<AcpiIrqThread> sci_irq;
* @brief Install a handler for a hardware interrupt.
* @param InterruptLevel Interrupt level that the handler will service.
* @param Handler Address of the handler.
* @param Context A context value that is passed to the handler when the
* interrupt is dispatched.
* @return AE_OK The handler was successfully installed.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The InterruptNumber is invalid or the Handler
* pointer is NULL.
* @return AE_ALREADY_EXISTS A handler for this interrupt level is already
* installed.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsInstallInterruptHandler(UINT32 InterruptLevel, ACPI_OSD_HANDLER Handler,
void* Context) {
// Note that InterruptLevel here is ISA IRQs (or global of the legacy PIC
// does't exist), not system exceptions.
// TODO: Clean this up to be less x86 centric.
if (InterruptLevel == 0) {
/* Some buggy firmware fails to populate the SCI_INT field of the FADT
* properly. 0 is a known bad value, since the legacy PIT uses it and
* cannot be remapped. Just lie and say we installed a handler; this
* system will just never receive an SCI. If we return an error here,
* ACPI init will fail completely, and the system will be unusable. */
return AE_OK;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(InterruptLevel == 0x9); // SCI
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
std::unique_ptr<AcpiIrqThread> arg(new (&ac) AcpiIrqThread());
if (!ac.check()) {
return AE_NO_MEMORY;
zx_handle_t handle;
zx_status_t status =
zx_interrupt_create(root_resource_handle, InterruptLevel, ZX_INTERRUPT_REMAP_IRQ, &handle);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return AE_ERROR;
arg->handler = Handler;
arg->context = Context;
arg->irq_handle = handle;
int ret = thrd_create(&arg->thread, acpi_irq_thread, arg.get());
if (ret != 0) {
return AE_ERROR;
sci_irq = std::move(arg);
return AE_OK;
* @brief Remove an interrupt handler.
* @param InterruptNumber Interrupt number that the handler is currently
* servicing.
* @param Handler Address of the handler that was previously installed.
* @return AE_OK The handler was successfully removed.
* @return AE_BAD_PARAMETER The InterruptNumber is invalid, the Handler
* pointer is NULL, or the Handler address is no the same as the one
* currently installed.
* @return AE_NOT_EXIST There is no handler installed for this interrupt level.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsRemoveInterruptHandler(UINT32 InterruptNumber, ACPI_OSD_HANDLER Handler) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(InterruptNumber == 0x9); // SCI
thrd_join(sci_irq->thread, nullptr);
return AE_OK;
* @brief Read a value from a memory location.
* @param Address Memory address to be read.
* @param Value A pointer to a location where the data is to be returned.
* @param Width The memory width in bits, either 8, 16, 32, or 64.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsReadMemory(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address, UINT64* Value, UINT32 Width) {
return AE_OK;
* @brief Write a value to a memory location.
* @param Address Memory address where data is to be written.
* @param Value Data to be written to the memory location.
* @param Width The memory width in bits, either 8, 16, 32, or 64.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsWriteMemory(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address, UINT64 Value, UINT32 Width) {
return AE_OK;
// Essentially, we're using a bitmap here to represent each individual I/O port, so that we can
// keep track of which I/O ports are allowed and which are not by the kernel.
static constexpr size_t max_io_port = UINT16_MAX;
static constexpr size_t io_port_bitmap_size = max_io_port + 1;
static fbl::Mutex bitmap_lock;
static bitmap::RawBitmapGeneric<bitmap::FixedStorage<io_port_bitmap_size>> port_bitmap;
static void initialize_port_bitmap() {
// This cannot fail given that we're using fixed storage
static bool check_port_permissions(uint16_t address, uint8_t width_bytes) {
LTRACEF("Testing %#x until %#x, in bitmap of size %#zx\n", address, address + width_bytes,
return port_bitmap.Scan(address, address + width_bytes, true);
* @brief Make the I/O ports accessible and set them in the bitmap, so that we don't call
* the kernel again.
* @param address The I/O address.
* @param width_bytes The width of the access, in bytes.
* @return Status code that indicates success or reason for error.
static zx_status_t add_port_permissions(uint16_t address, uint8_t width_bytes) {
zx_status_t result = port_bitmap.Set(address, address + width_bytes);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
LTRACEF("Adding permissions to [%#x, %#x]\n", address, address + width_bytes);
return zx_ioports_request(root_resource_handle, address, width_bytes);
* @brief Handle all matters of I/O port permissions with the kernel.
* @param address The I/O address.
* @param width_bits The width of the access, in bits.
* @return Status code that indicates success or reason for error.
static zx_status_t handle_port_permissions(uint16_t address, UINT32 width_bits) {
// It's a good idea to convert bits to bytes here, considering each
// I/O port "byte" has its own bit in the bitmap
uint8_t width_bytes = static_cast<uint8_t>(width_bits / 8);
fbl::AutoLock g{&bitmap_lock};
if (!check_port_permissions(address, width_bytes)) {
// If the port is disallowed at the moment, call the kernel so it isn't
return add_port_permissions(address, width_bytes);
} else {
LTRACEF("port %#x(width %#x) was already set.\n", address, width_bytes);
return ZX_OK;
static ACPI_STATUS zx_status_to_acpi_status(zx_status_t st) {
// Note: This function was written with regard to zx_ioports_request(),
// but it may be a good idea to fill this out with more ZX_ statuses
// if needed in the future.
switch (st) {
return AE_NO_MEMORY;
return AE_ACCESS;
case ZX_OK:
return AE_OK;
return AE_ERROR;
* @brief Read a value from an input port.
* @param Address Hardware I/O port address to be read.
* @param Value A pointer to a location where the data is to be returned.
* @param Width The port width in bits, either 8, 16, or 32.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsReadPort(ACPI_IO_ADDRESS Address, UINT32* Value, UINT32 Width) {
if (Address > max_io_port) {
uint16_t io_port = (uint16_t)Address;
if (zx_status_t st = handle_port_permissions(io_port, Width); st != ZX_OK) {
return zx_status_to_acpi_status(st);
switch (Width) {
case 8:
*Value = inp(io_port);
case 16:
*Value = inpw(io_port);
case 32:
*Value = inpd(io_port);
return AE_OK;
* @brief Write a value to an output port.
* @param Address Hardware I/O port address where data is to be written.
* @param Value The value to be written.
* @param Width The port width in bits, either 8, 16, or 32.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsWritePort(ACPI_IO_ADDRESS Address, UINT32 Value, UINT32 Width) {
if (Address > max_io_port) {
uint16_t io_port = (uint16_t)Address;
if (zx_status_t st = handle_port_permissions(io_port, Width); st != ZX_OK) {
return zx_status_to_acpi_status(st);
switch (Width) {
case 8:
outp(io_port, (uint8_t)Value);
case 16:
outpw(io_port, (uint16_t)Value);
case 32:
outpd(io_port, (uint32_t)Value);
return AE_OK;
* @brief Read/Write a value from a PCI configuration register.
* @param PciId The full PCI configuration space address, consisting of a
* segment number, bus number, device number, and function number.
* @param Register The PCI register address to be read from.
* @param Value A pointer to a location where the data is to be returned.
* @param Width The register width in bits, either 8, 16, 32, or 64.
* @param Write Write or Read.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
static ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsReadWritePciConfiguration(ACPI_PCI_ID* PciId, UINT32 Register,
UINT64* Value, UINT32 Width, bool Write) {
printf("ACPIOS: %s PCI Config %x:%x:%x:%x register %#x width %u\n", Write ? "write" : "read",
PciId->Segment, PciId->Bus, PciId->Device, PciId->Function, Register, Width);
// Only segment 0 is supported for now
if (PciId->Segment != 0) {
printf("ACPIOS: read/write config, segment != 0 not supported.\n");
return AE_ERROR;
// Check bounds of device and function offsets
if (PciId->Device >= PCIE_MAX_DEVICES_PER_BUS ||
printf("ACPIOS: device out of reasonable bounds.\n");
return AE_ERROR;
// PCI config only supports up to 32 bit values
if (Write && (*Value > UINT_MAX)) {
printf("ACPIOS: read/write config, Value passed does not fit confg registers.\n");
// Clear higher bits before a read
if (!Write) {
*Value = 0;
#if __x86_64__
uint8_t bus = static_cast<uint8_t>(PciId->Bus);
uint8_t dev = static_cast<uint8_t>(PciId->Device);
uint8_t func = static_cast<uint8_t>(PciId->Function);
uint8_t offset = static_cast<uint8_t>(Register);
zx_status_t st;
pci_bdf_t addr = {bus, dev, func};
switch (Width) {
case 8u:
(Write) ? st = pci_pio_write8(addr, offset, static_cast<uint8_t>(*Value))
: st = pci_pio_read8(addr, offset, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(Value));
case 16u:
(Write) ? st = pci_pio_write16(addr, offset, static_cast<uint16_t>(*Value))
: st = pci_pio_read16(addr, offset, reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(Value));
// assume 32bit by default since 64 bit reads on IO ports are not a thing supported by the spec
(Write) ? st = pci_pio_write32(addr, offset, static_cast<uint32_t>(*Value))
: st = pci_pio_read32(addr, offset, reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(Value));
st = zx_pci_cfg_pio_rw(root_resource_handle, bus, dev, func, offset,
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(Value), static_cast<uint8_t>(Width), Write);
if (st != ZX_OK) {
printf("ACPIOS: pci rw error: %d\n", st);
return (st == ZX_OK) ? AE_OK : AE_ERROR;
#endif // __x86_64__
* @brief Read a value from a PCI configuration register.
* @param PciId The full PCI configuration space address, consisting of a
* segment number, bus number, device number, and function number.
* @param Register The PCI register address to be read from.
* @param Value A pointer to a location where the data is to be returned.
* @param Width The register width in bits, either 8, 16, 32, or 64.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsReadPciConfiguration(ACPI_PCI_ID* PciId, UINT32 Register, UINT64* Value,
UINT32 Width) {
return AcpiOsReadWritePciConfiguration(PciId, Register, Value, Width, false);
* @brief Write a value to a PCI configuration register.
* @param PciId The full PCI configuration space address, consisting of a
* segment number, bus number, device number, and function number.
* @param Register The PCI register address to be written to.
* @param Value Data to be written.
* @param Width The register width in bits, either 8, 16, or 32.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsWritePciConfiguration(ACPI_PCI_ID* PciId, UINT32 Register, UINT64 Value,
UINT32 Width) {
return AcpiOsReadWritePciConfiguration(PciId, Register, &Value, Width, true);
* @brief A hook before writing sleep registers to enter the sleep state.
* @param Which sleep state to enter
* @param Register A value
* @param Register B value
* @return AE_CTRL_TERMINATE to skip further sleep register writes, otherwise AE_OK
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsEnterSleep(UINT8 SleepState, UINT32 RegaValue, UINT32 RegbValue) {
/* The upstream ACPICA code expects that AcpiHwLegacySleep() is invoked with interrupts
* disabled. It requires this because the last steps of going to sleep is writing to a few
* registers, flushing the caches (so we don't lose data if the caches are dropped), and then
* writing to a register to enter the sleep. If we were to take an interrupt after the cache
* flush but before entering sleep, we could have inconsistent memory after waking up.*/
/* In Fuchsia, ACPICA runs in usermode and we don't expose a mechanism for it to disable
* interrupts. For full shutdown (sleep state 5) this does not matter as any cache corruption
* will be trumped by full power loss. Any other sleep state becomes forbidden. */
if (SleepState == ACPI_STATE_S5) {
return (AE_OK);
} else {
return (AE_ERROR);
* @brief Formatted stream output.
* @param Format A standard print format string.
* @param ...
void ACPI_INTERNAL_VAR_XFACE AcpiOsPrintf(const char* Format, ...) {
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, Format);
AcpiOsVprintf(Format, argp);
* @brief Formatted stream output.
* @param Format A standard print format string.
* @param Args A variable parameter list
void AcpiOsVprintf(const char* Format, va_list Args) {
// Only implement if ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT is defined, otherwise this causes
// excess boot spew.
vprintf(Format, Args);
* @brief Get current value of the system timer
* @return The current value of the system timer in 100-ns units.
UINT64 AcpiOsGetTimer() { return zx_clock_get_monotonic() / 100; }
* @brief Break to the debugger or display a breakpoint message.
* @param Function Signal to be sent to the host operating system. Either
* @param Info Data associated with the signal; type depends on signal type.
* @return Exception code that indicates success or reason for failure.
ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsSignal(UINT32 Function, void* Info) {
return AE_OK;
* According to the the ACPI specification, section 5.2.10, the platform boot firmware aligns the
* FACS (Firmware ACPI Control Structure) on a 64-byte boundary anywhere within the system’s
* memory address space. This means we can assume the alignment when interacting with it.
* Specifically we need to be able to manipulate the GlobalLock contained in the FACS table with
* atomic operations, and these require aligned accesses.
* Although we know that the table will be aligned, to prevent the compiler from complaining we use
* a wrapper struct to set the alignment attribute.
struct AlignedFacs {
} __attribute__((aligned(8)));
/* Setting the alignment should not have changed the size. */
static_assert(sizeof(AlignedFacs) == sizeof(ACPI_TABLE_FACS));
/* @brief Acquire the ACPI global lock
* Implementation for ACPI_ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_LOCK
* @param FacsPtr pointer to the FACS ACPI structure
* @return True if the lock was successfully acquired
bool _acpica_acquire_global_lock(void* FacsPtr) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(FacsPtr) % 8 == 0);
AlignedFacs* table = (AlignedFacs*)FacsPtr;
uint32_t old_val, new_val, test_val;
do {
old_val = test_val = table->table.GlobalLock;
new_val = old_val & ~ACPI_GLOCK_PENDING;
// If the lock is owned, we'll mark it pending
if (new_val & ACPI_GLOCK_OWNED) {
new_val |= ACPI_GLOCK_OWNED;
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&table->table.GlobalLock, &old_val, new_val, false,
} while (old_val != test_val);
/* If we're here, we either acquired the lock or marked it pending */
return !(new_val & ACPI_GLOCK_PENDING);
/* @brief Release the ACPI global lock
* Implementation for ACPI_RELEASE_GLOBAL_LOCK
* @param FacsPtr pointer to the FACS ACPI structure
* @return True if there is someone waiting to acquire the lock
bool _acpica_release_global_lock(void* FacsPtr) {
// the FACS table is required to be 8 byte aligned, so sanity check with an assert but otherwise
// we can just treat it as being aligned.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(FacsPtr) % 8 == 0);
AlignedFacs* table = (AlignedFacs*)FacsPtr;
uint32_t old_val, new_val, test_val;
do {
old_val = test_val = table->table.GlobalLock;
new_val = old_val & ~(ACPI_GLOCK_PENDING | ACPI_GLOCK_OWNED);
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&table->table.GlobalLock, &old_val, new_val, false,
} while (old_val != test_val);
return !!(old_val & ACPI_GLOCK_PENDING);