blob: 93f18091dc55fd3167eb24ce29f336c2ab975a78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <object/port_dispatcher.h>
#include <vm/page_source.h>
// Page provider implementation that talks to a userspace pager service.
// The lifecycle of this class is a little complicated because the pager dispatcher's port
// potentially has an unmanaged reference to the PageSource that contains the PagerProxy through
// packet_. Because of this, we need to ensure that the last RefPtr to the PageSource isn't released
// too early when the pager dispatcher gets closed. Normally, the dispatcher can retain its
// reference to the PageSource until the port frees its reference to packet_ (through the
// PortAllocator). However, if the dispatcher is destroyed, if we can't revoke the port's reference
// to packet_, then we end up making the PagerProxy keep a reference to the containing PageSource
// until the packet is freed.
class PagerProxy : public PageProvider, public PortAllocator {
~PagerProxy() override;
PagerProxy(PagerDispatcher* dispatcher, fbl::RefPtr<PortDispatcher> port, uint64_t key);
// PortAllocator methods.
PortPacket* Alloc() final {
return nullptr;
void Free(PortPacket* port_packet) final;
// PageProvider methods.
bool GetPageSync(uint64_t offset, VmoDebugInfo vmo_debug_info, vm_page_t** const page_out,
paddr_t* const pa_out) final {
// Pagers cannot synchronusly fulfill requests.
return false;
void GetPageAsync(page_request_t* request) final;
void ClearAsyncRequest(page_request_t* request) final;
void SwapRequest(page_request_t* old, page_request_t* new_req) final;
void OnClose() final;
void OnDetach() final;
zx_status_t WaitOnEvent(Event* event) final;
// Called by the pager dispatcher when it is about to go away. Handles cleaning up port's
// reference to the containing PageSource object.
void OnDispatcherClose() final;
void Dump() final;
PagerDispatcher* const pager_;
const fbl::RefPtr<PortDispatcher> port_;
const uint64_t key_;
mutable DECLARE_MUTEX(PagerProxy) mtx_;
bool closed_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_) = false;
// Flag set when there is a pending ZX_PAGER_VMO_COMPLETE message. This serves as a proxy
// for whether or not the port has a reference to packet_ (as the complete message is the
// last message sent). This flag is used to delay cleanup if PagerProxy::Close is called
// while the port still has a reference to packet_.
bool complete_pending_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_) = false;
// Ref to keep the object alive in certain circumstances - see PagerDispatcher::on_zero_handles.
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> self_src_ref_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_);
// PortPacket used for sending all page requests to the pager service. The pager
// dispatcher serves as packet_'s allocator. This informs the dispatcher when
// packet_ is freed by the port, which lets the single packet be continuously reused
// for all of the source's page requests.
PortPacket packet_ = PortPacket(nullptr, this);
// Bool indicating whether or not packet_ is currently queued in the port.
bool packet_busy_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_) = false;
// The page_request_t which corresponds to the current packet_.
page_request_t* active_request_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_) = nullptr;
// Queue of page_request_t's that have come in while packet_ is busy. The
// head of this queue is sent to the port when packet_ is freed.
list_node_t pending_requests_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_) = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(pending_requests_);
// page_request_t struct used for the complete message.
page_request_t complete_request_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_) = {
.offset = 0,
.length = 0,
.pages_available_cb = nullptr,
.drop_ref_cb = nullptr,
.cb_ctx = nullptr,
// Back pointer to the PageSource that owns this instance.
PageSource* page_source_ = nullptr;
// Queues the page request, either sending it to the port or putting it in pending_requests_.
void QueuePacketLocked(page_request_t* request) TA_REQ(mtx_);
// Called when the packet becomes free. If pending_requests_ is non-empty, queues the
// next request.
void OnPacketFreedLocked() TA_REQ(mtx_);
friend PagerDispatcher;