blob: ea65ea7ed2940f044c735143e0d5c67ee62d70f2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fidl_fuchsia_ui_scenic::{ScenicMarker, ScenicProxy},
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync},
fuchsia_scenic, fuchsia_syslog as syslog,
fuchsia_zircon::{Duration, Time},
futures::{StreamExt, TryFutureExt},
use crate::view;
/// An `App` represents an instance of the Graphical session.
/// To start the session, create a new `App` instance and then
/// call ``.
pub struct App {
/// The Scenic session associated with this `App`.
/// Note: This is not a Session in the Session Framework sense.
session: fuchsia_scenic::SessionPtr,
/// The `view::Context` which the `App` is responsible for updating the `presentation_time`
/// of.
context: view::ContextPtr,
/// The `View` which contains the `App`'s content.
view: view::View,
// The frequency at which an `App`'s `view` is updated.
impl App {
/// Creates a new `App` instance.
/// # Returns
/// A new `App` with an active Scenic session, or an error if a `View` cannot be created due to
/// eiher the Scenic calls failing, or the `View` not being successfully created.
pub async fn new() -> Result<App, Error> {
let scenic = connect_to_service::<ScenicMarker>()?;
let session = App::make_session(&scenic)?;
let display_info = scenic.get_display_info().await?;
let context = view::Context::new_ptr(session.clone(), display_info);
let view = view::View::new(context.clone())?;
Ok(App { session, context, view })
/// Creates a new Scenic session.
/// # Parameters
/// - `scenic`: The `ScenicProxy` which is used to create the Scenic `SessionPtr`.
/// # Returns
/// A `SessionPtr` representing the created Scenic session, or an `Error` if the creation
/// failed.
fn make_session(scenic: &ScenicProxy) -> Result<fuchsia_scenic::SessionPtr, Error> {
let (session_proxy, session_request) = create_proxy()?;
scenic.create_session(session_request, None)?;
/// Runs the application indefinitely.
/// # Returns
/// `Ok` if the application ran successfully, or an `Error` if execution halted unexpectedly.
pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let timer = fasync::Interval::new(Duration::from_millis(UPDATE_FREQUENCY_MILLIS));
// The timer triggers once per `UPDATE_FREQUENCY`, at which point `self.update()` is called
// to update the view. |_| self.update()).collect::<()>().await;
/// Updates the `View` associated with this `App`. This method is expected to be called in a
/// loop, as each `update` produces a single new "frame."
fn update(&mut self) {
self.context.lock().unwrap().presentation_time = Time::get_monotonic();
.present(self.context.lock().unwrap().presentation_time.into_nanos() as u64)
.map_ok(|_| ())
.unwrap_or_else(|error| syslog::fx_log_err!("Present error: {:?}", error)),