blob: ef86ec1c6769aebd3b3ad583837048fd67e7c8fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// The UsageBuilder provides a simple way to create usages for DataControllers.
/// This provides a unified format for all help commands in Scrutiny.
pub struct UsageBuilder {
name: String,
summary: String,
description: String,
args: Vec<(String, String)>,
impl UsageBuilder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
name: String::new(),
summary: String::new(),
description: String::new(),
args: Vec::new(),
/// Sets the name of the command.
pub fn name<'a>(&'a mut self, name: impl Into<String>) -> &'a mut Self { = name.into();
/// Sets the summary for the usage of this builder.
pub fn summary<'a>(&'a mut self, summary: impl Into<String>) -> &'a mut Self {
self.summary = summary.into();
/// Sets the basic description for the command.
pub fn description<'a>(&'a mut self, description: impl Into<String>) -> &'a mut Self {
self.description = description.into();
/// Sets an argument to be appended to the description section.
pub fn arg<'a>(&'a mut self, arg: impl Into<String>, desc: impl Into<String>) -> &'a mut Self {
self.args.push((arg.into(), desc.into()));
/// Returns the formatted usage statement.
pub fn build<'a>(&'a mut self) -> String {
let mut usage = String::new();
usage.push_str(&format!("{:<5}{}", " ",;
usage.push_str(&format!("{:<5}{}", " ", self.summary));
// Implement basic word wrapping for descriptions.
let desc_words: Vec<&str> = self.description.split(" ").collect();
let mut current: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let mut count = 0;
const WRAP_COUNT: usize = 74;
for word in desc_words.iter() {
if count + word.len() > WRAP_COUNT {
usage.push_str(&format!("{:<5}{}\n", " ", current.join(" ")));
current = Vec::new();
count = 0;
count += word.len();
if !current.is_empty() {
usage.push_str(&format!("{:<5}{}\n", " ", current.join(" ")));
for (arg, desc) in self.args.iter() {
usage.push_str(&format!("{:<5}{}\n", " ", arg));
usage.push_str(&format!("{:<5}{:<5}{}\n", " ", " ", desc));
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_usage_builder() {
let usage = UsageBuilder::new()
.arg("foo1", "foo1arg")
.arg("foo2", "foo2arg")
assert_eq!(usage.contains("NAME"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("SUMMARY"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("DESCRIPTION"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("foo"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("bar"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("baz"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("foo1"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("foo1arg"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("foo2"), true);
assert_eq!(usage.contains("foo2arg"), true);