blob: 038de4c104ebdeb90d93db018d4e74153c37e2e7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("fonts") {
public_deps = [
# XXX: external dependencies on //src/fonts are intending just to get the
# package, but that layout does not follow the convention of directory
# targets including all their tests and buildable artifacts. For now these
# need to be disabled, and all external consumers only intending to import
# fonts support should be moved to using //src/fonts:pkg instead.
# ":open-fonts",
# ":tests",
group("tests") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
# Group of all the dependencies needed for downstream tests that rely on fonts,
# such as Chromium tests.
# Tests that use this dependency should also put
# { "fuchsia.fonts.Provider": "fuchsia-pkg://" }
# in their component manifests' "facets" > "fuchsia.test" > "injected-services".
group("downstream_test_deps") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
rustc_binary("font_provider") {
name = "font_provider"
with_unit_tests = true
edition = "2018"
deps = [
test_deps = [
non_rust_deps = [ "//third_party/freetype2" ]
sources = [
fuchsia_component("font_provider_cm") {
manifest = "meta/fonts.cml"
component_name = "fonts"
deps = [ ":font_provider" ]
# TODO: Remove fonts.cmx once external clients aren't using it.
fuchsia_component("font_provider_cmx") {
manifest = "meta/fonts.cmx"
component_name = "fonts"
deps = [ ":font_provider" ]
fuchsia_component("font_provider_cmx_tests") {
manifest = "meta/fonts_for_downstream_tests.cmx"
component_name = "fonts_for_downstream_tests"
deps = [ ":font_provider" ]
fuchsia_package("pkg") {
package_name = "fonts"
deps = [
build_type_config_data("build_type") {
for_pkg = "fonts"
fuchsia_component("font_provider_unit_tests_cmp") {
testonly = true
manifest = "meta/font_provider_bin_test.cml"
component_name = "font_provider_bin_test"
deps = [ ":font_provider_test" ]
fuchsia_test_package("font_provider_unit_tests") {
test_components = [ ":font_provider_unit_tests_cmp" ]
# Re-export:
# Group of all open-source font packages. This should be added to
# `universe_package_labels`.
group("open-fonts") {
deps = [ "collections:open-fonts" ]
# Re-export:
# Font collection for semi-hermetic downstream tests (e.g. Chromium) that need
# to use a fixed set of fonts.
group("downstream-test-fonts-collection") {
testonly = true
deps = [ "collections:downstream-test-fonts-collection" ]
# Re-export:
# Font collection for open-source products. This should be added to
# `base_package_labels` or `cache_package_labels`.
group("open-fonts-collection") {
testonly = true
deps = [ "collections:open-fonts-collection" ]
# Re-export:
# Empty font collection for products that spawn a font server but don't want any
# actual fonts. This should be added to `base_package_labels` or
# `cache_package_labels`.
group("empty-font-collection") {
deps = [ "collections:empty-font-collection" ]