blob: 9b92739b8b0df8659f255463f779691fb6981fb0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::{container::ComponentIdentity, inspect::container::InspectArtifactsContainer},
diagnostics_data::{self as schema, LifecycleType},
diagnostics_hierarchy::{DiagnosticsHierarchy, Property},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
pub struct LifecycleArtifactsContainer {
// The time when the Start|Existing event that
// caused the instantiation of the LifecycleArtifactsContainer
// was created.
pub event_timestamp: zx::Time,
// Optional time when the component who the instantiating lifecycle
// event was about was started. If None, it is the same as the
// event_timestamp.
pub component_start_time: Option<zx::Time>,
/// LifecycleDataContainer holds all the information,
/// both metadata and payload, needed to populate a
/// snapshotted Lifecycle schema.
pub struct LifecycleDataContainer {
pub identity: Arc<ComponentIdentity>,
pub payload: Option<DiagnosticsHierarchy>,
pub event_timestamp: zx::Time,
pub lifecycle_type: schema::LifecycleType,
impl LifecycleDataContainer {
pub fn from_inspect_artifact(
artifact: &InspectArtifactsContainer,
identity: Arc<ComponentIdentity>,
) -> Self {
LifecycleDataContainer {
payload: None,
event_timestamp: artifact.event_timestamp,
lifecycle_type: LifecycleType::DiagnosticsReady,
pub fn from_lifecycle_artifact(
artifact: &LifecycleArtifactsContainer,
identity: Arc<ComponentIdentity>,
) -> Self {
if let Some(component_start_time) = artifact.component_start_time {
let payload = DiagnosticsHierarchy::new(
LifecycleDataContainer {
payload: Some(payload),
event_timestamp: artifact.event_timestamp,
lifecycle_type: LifecycleType::Running,
} else {
LifecycleDataContainer {
payload: None,
event_timestamp: artifact.event_timestamp,
lifecycle_type: LifecycleType::Started,