blob: e0883e4b754675b0eeac2b1245882e7b565ff825 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/constants.h"
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/device-info.h"
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/superblock.h"
namespace block_verity {
typedef void (*SuperblockVerifierCallback)(void* cookie, zx_status_t status,
const Superblock* superblock);
// `SuperblockVerifier` encapsulates asynchronously loading and verifying that a
// superblock hashes to the `expected_superblock_hash` provided to the
// constructor, and also verifies that the configuration expressed therein is
// supported by this version of the driver.
// Example:
// SuperblockVerifier verifier(std::move(info), superblock_hash);
// if (rc != verifier.StartVerifying(this, OnSuperblockVerificationComplete)) {
// return rc;
// }
// /* OnSuperblockVerificationComplete does something useful with the superblock */
class SuperblockVerifier final {
SuperblockVerifier(DeviceInfo info,
const std::array<uint8_t, kHashOutputSize>& expected_superblock_hash);
~SuperblockVerifier() = default;
// Load the superblock from the device specified in `info_` and verify its hash
// matches `expected_superblock_hash_`. If it does, calls `callback` with
// ZX_OK and a borrowed pointer to a superblock struct in `superblock` which
// will cease to be valid at the end of the callback. If not, calls `callback`
// with a non-ZX_OK status and a null pointer for `superblock`.
zx_status_t StartVerifying(void* cookie, SuperblockVerifierCallback callback);
// Callback for underlying async block device I/O.
void OnReadCompleted(zx_status_t status, block_op_t* block);
// Driver geometry/block client handle.
const DeviceInfo info_;
// A single block op request buffer, allocated to be the size of the parent
// block op size request.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> block_op_buf_;
// A vmo used in block device operations. Don't bother mapping it; it's going
// to be a single block and zx_vmo_read is faster for small ops.
zx::vmo block_op_vmo_;
// Holds the callback function and context pointer across async boundaries.
// Saved when StartVerifying is called and called exactly once.
SuperblockVerifierCallback callback_;
void* cookie_;
Superblock superblock_;
// The expected superblock hash
const std::array<uint8_t, kHashOutputSize> expected_superblock_hash_;
} // namespace block_verity