
iquery - the Fuchsia Inspect API Query Toolkit


iquery [--format <format>] <command> [<args>]


iquery is a utility program for inspecting component nodes exposed over the Inspect API. It accepts a set of options and a command with its respective options.

To prevent hard to debug issues in selectors where your shell is escaping some character or others, it's recommended to always wrap selectors in single or double quotes so your shell passes them as raw strings to iquery.



The format in which the output will be displayed.

Accepted formats:

  • text: default, good for human reading
  • json: good for machine reading


Prints usage information.



Lists all components (relative to the scope where the archivist receives events from) of components that expose inspect.

For v1: this is the realm path plus the realm name.

For v2: this is the moniker without the instances ids.

Example usage:

$ iquery list


The name that you specified for the manifest file. If this is specified, the output only contains monikers for components whose URL contains the specified name.


Prints both the moniker and the URL with which the component was launched.


Prints usage information about list.

list-files [<paths...>]

Lists all files that contain inspect data under the given paths. This will only list files for v1 components given that v2 components are not mapped to the filesystem at the moment.

The files that this command looks for are:

  • fuchsia.inspect.Tree: A service file. The standard way inspect libraries export inspect data.
  • *.inspect: VMO files with inspect data. The standard way the Dart inspect library exports inspect data.
  • fuchsia.inspect.deprecated.Inspect: A service file. The standard way the Go library exports inspect data.

Example usage:

$ iquery list-files /hub /dev


Prints usage information about list-files.

selectors [<selectors...>]

Lists all available full selectors (component selector + tree selector).

If a component selector is provided, it’ll only print selectors for that component.

If a full selector (component + tree) is provided, it lists all selectors under the given node.

Example usage:

$ iquery selectors 'archivist.cmx:root/fuchsia.inspect.Health' 'timekeeper.cmx'


The name that you specified for the manifest file. If this is specified, the output only contains monikers for components whose URL contains the specified name.


Prints usage information about selectors

show [<selectors...>]

Prints the inspect hierarchies that match the given selectors.

Example usage:

$ iquery show 'archivist.cmx:root/fuchsia.inspect.Health' 'timekeeper.cmx'
      start_timestamp_nanos = 30305104656
      status = OK
    start_time_monotonic_nanos = 30347000053
      system_uptime_monotonic_nanos = 61617527688648
      utc_nanos = 1591119246552989779


The name that you specified for the manifest file. If this is specified, the output only contains monikers for components whose URL contains the specified name.


Prints usage information about show.

show-file [<paths...>]

Given a path, prints the inspect data contained in files at the given paths. At the moment this command only works for v1 components as we only have a v1 hub.

Example usage:

$ fx shell iquery show-file /dev/diagnostics/driver_manager/dm.inspect /hub/c/archivist.cmx/21352/out/diagnostics/fuchsia.inspect.Tree
    device_count = 126
      archive_accessor_connections_closed = 15


Prints usage information about show-file.