blob: d1bf81588c881906d84180a06d2203b5fb2c8d42 [file] [log] [blame]
include: [ "sdk/lib/diagnostics/syslog/client.shard.cml" ],
program: {
binary: "bin/test_manager",
children: [
name: "elf_test_runner",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "gtest_runner",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "rust_test_runner",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "go_test_runner",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "runner_memfs",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
name: "test_tmpfs",
url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
collections: [
name: "tests",
environment: "#test-env",
durability: "transient",
capabilities: [
storage: "data",
from: "#runner_memfs",
backing_dir: "memfs",
storage: "temp",
from: "#test_tmpfs",
backing_dir: "memfs",
{ protocol: "fuchsia.test.manager.Harness" },
use: [
{ runner: "elf" },
protocol: "fuchsia.sys2.Realm",
from: "framework",
offer: [
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: [ "#tests" ],
// These capabilities are offered for use by certain non-hermetic tests.
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: [ "#tests" ],
protocol: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink",
from: "parent",
to: [
protocol: "fuchsia.process.Launcher",
from: "parent",
to: [
storage: "data",
from: "self",
to: [
directory: "config-ssl",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#tests" ],
rights: [ "r*" ],
// Some components run under test need access to /config/data.
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#tests" ],
storage: "temp",
from: "self",
to: [ "#tests" ],
// temporary solution for tests that depend on having admin rights on
// /tmp. Will be removed once these tests either remove this requirement
// or begin hosting their own memfs.
directory: "memfs",
from: "#test_tmpfs",
as: "deprecated-tmp",
to: [ "#tests" ],
// fuchsia-pkg://
// needs access to /dev/class/input-report.
directory: "dev-input-report",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#tests" ],
rights: [ "r*" ],
// Some non-hermetic tests require access to the real display controller.
directory: "dev-display-controller",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#tests" ],
rights: [ "rw*" ],
expose: [
protocol: "fuchsia.test.manager.Harness",
from: "self",
environments: [
name: "test-env",
extends: "realm",
runners: [
runner: "elf_test_runner",
from: "#elf_test_runner",
runner: "gtest_runner",
from: "#gtest_runner",
runner: "rust_test_runner",
from: "#rust_test_runner",
runner: "go_test_runner",
from: "#go_test_runner",