blob: f01dc3c83e30d14c6c9b50dc2f4414ccef3271ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.update.installer;
using fuchsia.pkg;
alias AttemptId = string:36; // 36 == strlen("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef")
/// Updates the system.
/// This protocol is intended to be consumed by a component capable of
/// discovering when to update and what version of the system to install.
protocol Installer {
/// Get the status of the last update attempt. If this device hasn't
/// attempted an update since the last factory reset, every field in the
/// result will be absent.
/// - response `info` the status of the last update attempt, if available.
GetLastUpdateResult() -> (UpdateResult info);
/// Get the status of the given update attempt, if it exists. If this device
/// hasn't attempted an update with the given `attempt_id` or forgotten about
/// that attempt, every field in the result will be absent.
/// + request `attempt_id` UUID identifying the requested update attempt.
/// - response `info` the status of the last update attempt, if available.
GetUpdateResult(AttemptId attempt_id) -> (UpdateResult info);
/// Start an update if one is not running, or attach to a pending update
/// attempt if one is running and
/// [`Options.allow_attach_to_existing_attempt`] is true. If an update
/// attempt is started or attached to, provide status updates through
/// `monitor`.
/// + request `url` The fuchsia-pkg URL of the update package to update to.
/// + request `options` Configuration options for this update attempt.
/// Ignored or merged with the existing `options` if an update attempt
/// is already in progress.
/// + request `monitor` A protocol on which to receive progress updates.
/// + request `reboot_controller` An optional protocol to control the timing
/// of the reboot into the update system. If not provided, the update
/// attempt will initiate the reboot as soon as it is ready.
/// - response `attempt_id` UUID identifying this update attempt. For
/// updates that require a reboot, components may use this identifier to
/// disambiguate the completion of this update attempt from new update
/// attempts that start post-reboot.
fuchsia.pkg.PackageUrl url,
Options options,
Monitor monitor,
request<RebootController>? reboot_controller
) -> (AttemptId attempt_id) error UpdateNotStartedReason;
/// Attempt to monitor a specific update attempt, if it exists. This request
/// will not start an update if one is not already running.
/// + request `attempt_id` UUID identifying the requested update attempt. If
/// not given, monitor any active update attempt.
/// + request `monitor` A protocol on which to receive progress updates.
/// - response `attached` Whether or not the provided monitor was attached
/// to an in-progress update attempt. If false, monitor will be closed
/// by the server.
AttemptId? attempt_id,
Monitor monitor
) -> (bool attached);
/// Controls the timing of the reboot into the updated system.
/// If the client end of a [`RebootController`] is closed without calling
/// [`RebootController.Detach()`], the update attempt will fall back to the
/// default behavior of rebooting as soon as it is ready.
protocol RebootController {
/// Informs the update attempt that it may reboot when ready, unblocking a
/// pending reboot if it is already ready to reboot.
/// If a controller is dropped without sending this request or
/// [`RebootController.Detach`], the update attempt reclaims control of the
/// timing of the reboot, behaving as if the update attempt was not given a
/// [`RebootController`] at all.
/// Informs the update attempt that it should wait to reboot indefinitely,
/// even if this [`RebootController`] connection is dropped.
/// Metadata about a prior update attempt.
table UpdateResult {
/// Unique identifier for this specific update attempt. Always present.
1: AttemptId attempt_id;
/// fuchsia-pkg:// url for the update package associated with this update
/// attempt. Always present.
2: fuchsia.pkg.PackageUrl url;
/// Configuration options for this update attempt. Always present.
3: Options options;
/// Terminal state of this update attempt. Always present if the update
/// failed. None if the update succeeded.
4: State state;
/// Configuration options for an update attempt.
table Options {
/// What initiated this update attempt. Required.
1: Initiator initiator;
/// If an update is already in progress, it's acceptable to instead attach a
/// Monitor to that in-progress update instead of failing this request to
/// install the update. Setting this option to true may convert situations
/// that would have resulted in the ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS to be treated as
/// non-error cases. A controller, if provided, will be ignored if the
/// running update attempt already has a controller.
2: bool allow_attach_to_existing_attempt;
/// Determines if the installer should update the recovery partition if an
/// update is available. Defaults to true.
3: bool should_write_recovery;
/// Who or what initiated the update installation.
enum Initiator {
/// The install was initiated by an interactive user, or the user is
/// otherwise blocked and waiting for the result of this update.
USER = 0;
/// The install was initiated by a service, in the background.
/// The set of values that are returned by an request to start an update.
enum UpdateNotStartedReason {
/// There was already another update attempt in progress when this request was
/// made. A new update attempt will not be started.