blob: 4d210a27b0ac05107038b2ac5bd7716a1940a7bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
event::{Event, EventMode},
registry::{ExecutionMode, SubscriptionOptions, SubscriptionType},
Event as ComponentEvent, EventError, EventErrorPayload, EventPayload, HasEventType,
fuchsia_trace as trace,
channel::{mpsc, oneshot},
/// EventDispatcher and EventStream are two ends of a channel.
/// EventDispatcher represents the sending end of the channel.
/// An EventDispatcher receives events of a particular event type,
/// and dispatches though events out to the EventStream if they fall within
/// one of the scopes associated with the dispatcher.
/// EventDispatchers are owned by EventStreams. If an EventStream is dropped,
/// all corresponding EventDispatchers are dropped.
/// An EventStream is owned by the client - usually a test harness or a
/// EventSource. It receives a Event from an EventDispatcher and propagates it
/// to the client.
pub struct EventDispatcher {
/// The options used to generate this EventDispatcher.
options: SubscriptionOptions,
/// Determines whether component manager waits for a response from the
/// event receiver.
mode: EventMode,
/// Specifies the realms that this EventDispatcher can dispatch events from and under what
/// conditions.
scopes: Vec<EventDispatcherScope>,
/// An `mpsc::Sender` used to dispatch an event. Note that this
/// `mpsc::Sender` is wrapped in an Mutex<..> to allow it to be passed along
/// to other tasks for dispatch.
tx: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>>,
impl EventDispatcher {
pub fn new(
options: SubscriptionOptions,
mode: EventMode,
scopes: Vec<EventDispatcherScope>,
tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>,
) -> Self {
// TODO( flatten scope_monikers. There might be monikers that are
// contained within another moniker in the list.
Self { options, mode, scopes, tx: Mutex::new(tx) }
/// Sends the event to an event stream, if fired in the scope of `scope_moniker`. Returns
/// a responder which can be blocked on.
pub async fn dispatch(
event: &ComponentEvent,
) -> Result<Option<oneshot::Receiver<()>>, Error> {
let maybe_scope = self.find_scope(&event);
if maybe_scope.is_none() {
return Ok(None);
let scope_moniker = maybe_scope.unwrap().moniker.clone();
trace::duration!("component_manager", "events:send");
let event_type = format!("{:?}", event.event_type());
let target_moniker = event.target_moniker.to_string();
"event_type" => event_type.as_str(),
"target_moniker" => target_moniker.as_str()
let (maybe_responder_tx, maybe_responder_rx) = match self.mode {
EventMode::Async => (None, None),
EventMode::Sync => {
let (responder_tx, responder_rx) = oneshot::channel();
(Some(responder_tx), Some(responder_rx))
let mut tx = self.tx.lock().await;
tx.send(Event {
event: event.transfer().await,
responder: maybe_responder_tx,
fn find_scope(&self, event: &ComponentEvent) -> Option<&EventDispatcherScope> {
// TODO( once flattening of monikers is done, we would expect to have a single
// moniker here. For now taking the first one and ignoring the rest.
// Ensure that the event is coming from a realm within the scope of this dispatcher and
// matching the path filter if one exists.
.filter(|scope| scope.contains(&self.options, self.mode.clone(), &event))
/// A scope for dispatching and filters on that scope.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct EventDispatcherScope {
/// The moniker of the realm
pub moniker: AbsoluteMoniker,
/// Filters for an event in that realm.
pub filter: EventFilter,
pub mode_set: EventModeSet,
impl EventDispatcherScope {
pub fn new(moniker: AbsoluteMoniker) -> Self {
Self {
filter: EventFilter::new(None),
mode_set: EventModeSet::new(cm_rust::EventMode::Async),
pub fn with_filter(mut self, filter: EventFilter) -> Self {
self.filter = filter;
pub fn with_mode_set(mut self, mode_set: EventModeSet) -> Self {
self.mode_set = mode_set;
/// For the top-level EventStreams and event strems used in unit tests in the c_m codebase we
/// don't take filters into account.
pub fn for_debug(mut self) -> Self {
self.filter = EventFilter::debug();
self.mode_set = EventModeSet::debug();
/// Given the provided options, indicates whether or not the event is contained
/// in this scope.
pub fn contains(
options: &SubscriptionOptions,
mode: EventMode,
event: &ComponentEvent,
) -> bool {
let in_scope = match &event.result {
Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityRequested { source_moniker, .. })
| Err(EventError {
event_error_payload: EventErrorPayload::CapabilityRequested { source_moniker, .. },
}) => match &options.subscription_type {
SubscriptionType::AboveRoot => true,
SubscriptionType::Component(target) => *source_moniker == *target,
// CapabilityRouted events are only dispatched when component manager runs
// in debug mode.
Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityRouted { .. })
| Err(EventError {
event_error_payload: EventErrorPayload::CapabilityRouted { .. },
}) => match &options.execution_mode {
ExecutionMode::Debug => self.moniker.contains_in_realm(&event.target_moniker),
ExecutionMode::Production => false,
_ => self.moniker.contains_in_realm(&event.target_moniker),
if !in_scope {
return false;
// TODO(fsamuel): Creating hashmaps on every lookup is not ideal, but in practice this
// likely doesn't happen too often.
let filterable_fields = match &event.result {
Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityRequested { name, .. }) => Some(hashmap! {
"name".to_string() => DictionaryValue::Str(name.into())
Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityReady { name, .. }) => Some(hashmap! {
"name".to_string() => DictionaryValue::Str(name.into())
Err(EventError {
event_error_payload: EventErrorPayload::CapabilityRequested { name, .. },
}) => Some(hashmap! {
"name".to_string() => DictionaryValue::Str(name.into())
Err(EventError {
event_error_payload: EventErrorPayload::CapabilityReady { name, .. },
}) => Some(hashmap! {
"name".to_string() => DictionaryValue::Str(name.into())
_ => None,
self.filter.has_fields(&filterable_fields) && self.mode_set.supports_mode(&mode)
mod tests {
use {
capability::{CapabilitySource, InternalCapability},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
std::{convert::TryInto, sync::Arc},
struct EventDispatcherFactory {
/// The receiving end of a channel of Events.
rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Event>,
/// The sending end of a channel of Events.
tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>,
impl EventDispatcherFactory {
fn new() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
Self { rx, tx }
/// Receives the next event from the sender.
pub async fn next_event(&mut self) -> Option<ComponentEvent> {|e| e.event)
fn create_dispatcher(
options: SubscriptionOptions,
mode: EventMode,
) -> Arc<EventDispatcher> {
let scopes = vec![EventDispatcherScope::new(AbsoluteMoniker::root()).for_debug()];
Arc::new(EventDispatcher::new(options.clone(), mode, scopes, self.tx.clone()))
async fn dispatch_capability_requested_event(
dispatcher: &EventDispatcher,
source_moniker: &AbsoluteMoniker,
) -> Option<oneshot::Receiver<()>> {
let (_, capability_server_end) = zx::Channel::create().unwrap();
let capability_server_end = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(capability_server_end)));
let event = ComponentEvent::new_for_test(
Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityRequested {
source_moniker: source_moniker.clone(),
name: "foo".to_string(),
capability: capability_server_end,
async fn dispatch_capability_routed_event(
dispatcher: &EventDispatcher,
) -> Option<oneshot::Receiver<()>> {
let empty_capability_provider = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let event = ComponentEvent::new_for_test(
Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityRouted {
source: CapabilitySource::Builtin {
capability: InternalCapability::Protocol(
capability_provider: empty_capability_provider,
// This test verifies that the CapabilityRequested event can only be sent to a source
// that matches its source moniker.
async fn can_send_capability_requested_to_source() {
// Verify we can dispatch to a debug source.
// Sync events get a responder if the message was dispatched.
let options =
SubscriptionOptions::new(SubscriptionType::AboveRoot, ExecutionMode::Production);
let mut factory = EventDispatcherFactory::new();
let dispatcher = factory.create_dispatcher(options, EventMode::Async);
let source_moniker = vec!["root:0", "a:0", "b:0", "c:0"].into();
assert!(dispatch_capability_requested_event(&dispatcher, &source_moniker).await.is_none());
Some(ComponentEvent { result: Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityRequested { .. }), .. })
// Verify that we cannot dispatch the CapabilityRequested event to the root component.
let options = SubscriptionOptions::new(
let dispatcher = factory.create_dispatcher(options, EventMode::Sync);
assert!(dispatch_capability_requested_event(&dispatcher, &source_moniker).await.is_none());
// Verify that we cannot dispatch the CapabilityRequested event to the root:0/a:0 component.
let options = SubscriptionOptions::new(
SubscriptionType::Component(vec!["root:0", "a:0"].into()),
let dispatcher = factory.create_dispatcher(options, EventMode::Sync);
assert!(dispatch_capability_requested_event(&dispatcher, &source_moniker).await.is_none());
// Verify that we cannot dispatch the CapabilityRequested event to the root:0/a:0/b:0 component.
let options = SubscriptionOptions::new(
SubscriptionType::Component(vec!["root:0", "a:0", "b:0"].into()),
let dispatcher = factory.create_dispatcher(options, EventMode::Sync);
assert!(dispatch_capability_requested_event(&dispatcher, &source_moniker).await.is_none());
// Verify that we CAN dispatch the CapabilityRequested event to the root:0/a:0/b:0/c:0 component.
let options = SubscriptionOptions::new(
SubscriptionType::Component(vec!["root:0", "a:0", "b:0", "c:0"].into()),
let dispatcher = factory.create_dispatcher(options, EventMode::Sync);
assert!(dispatch_capability_requested_event(&dispatcher, &source_moniker).await.is_some());
Some(ComponentEvent { result: Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityRequested { .. }), .. })
// Verify that we cannot dispatch the CapabilityRequested event to the root:0/a:0/b:0/c:0/d:0 component.
let options = SubscriptionOptions::new(
SubscriptionType::Component(vec!["root:0", "a:0", "b:0", "c:0", "d:0"].into()),
let dispatcher = factory.create_dispatcher(options, EventMode::Sync);
assert!(dispatch_capability_requested_event(&dispatcher, &source_moniker).await.is_none());
// This test verifies that the CapabilityRouted event can only be sent in Debug mode and
// not in production.
async fn cannot_send_capability_routed_in_production() {
let mut factory = EventDispatcherFactory::new();
// Verify we can dispatch a CapabilityRouted event in debug mode.
let options = SubscriptionOptions::new(SubscriptionType::AboveRoot, ExecutionMode::Debug);
let dispatcher = factory.create_dispatcher(options, EventMode::Sync);
Some(ComponentEvent { result: Ok(EventPayload::CapabilityRouted { .. }), .. })
// Verify that we cannot dispatch the CapabilityRouted event in production.
let options = SubscriptionOptions::new(
let dispatcher = factory.create_dispatcher(options, EventMode::Sync);
// This indicates that the event was not dispatched.