Zircon on iMX8M EVK

Periodically check this file as the setup workflow will change/improve.

Please refer to the following documents for SoC and board related information:

i.MX 8M EVK Board Hardware User's Guide: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/IMX8MDQLQEVKHUG.pdf

iMX8M Technical Reference Manual: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/reference-manual/IMX8MDQLQRM.pdf

u-Boot Source: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/uboot-imx/ https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/uboot-imx/log/?h=imx_v2017.03_4.9.51_imx8m_ga

Flashing Zircon on eMMC:

The board will boot out of eMMC by default. In order to boot Zircon, a custom u-boot binary is needed. The binary can be found at: go/imx8m-bootloader

First step involves flashing the board with the custom u-boot binary:


  • Linux Host Machine
  • For serial console: connect USB from your host to the Micro USB port on the board
  • For fastboot: connect USB cable from your host to the USB-C port on the board
  • Create a file under /etc/udev/rules.d/70-nxp.rules with the following content:

SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“0525”, MODE=“0664”, GROUP=“plugdev”, TAG+=“uaccess”

From Device (iMX8 EVK):

  • Reboot board and in serial console press space to halt autoboot
  • From u-boot command line do the following:
    • fastboot 0

From Linux Host:

  • fastboot flash bootloader0 /PATH/TO/CUSTOM/UBOOT/u-boot.imx
  • fastboot reboot

If successful, the new U-Boot prompt should be “zircon-u-boot=>”

Once the custom U-Boot has been flashed, perform the following:

  • Reboot board and press space to halt autoboot
  • From u-boot command line do the following:
    • fastboot 0

From the host side, go to your zircon repository and run the following command:

  • ./scripts/flash-nxp

If successful, the board will reboot into Zircon.