blob: 9304462f70582620961b01b86a8d5295a3a4956c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import datetime
from functools import total_ordering
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
tool_description = """Move directory to new location in source tree
This is a tool to move a directory of source code from one place in the
Fuchsia Platform Source Tree to another location in a minimally invasive
manner. This script attempts to identify references to the original location
and updates them or generates artifacts that transparently forward to the
new location. To use:
1.) Check out origin/main and configure a build in the default build
directory with 'fx set'
2.) Run 'scripts/move/source/ <source> <dest>'. This will
generate a new git branch and create a commit with a description of what the
tool did.
3.) Examine the references that the tool reports that it could not handle
and fix up as needed with 'git commit -a'
4.) Upload for review
fuchsia_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
Creates a git branch for a move and checks it out.
def create_branch_for_move(source, dest, dry_run):
branch_name = 'move_%s_to_%s' % (
source.replace('/', '_'), dest.replace('/', '_'))
['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch_name, '--track', 'origin/main'],
Guess if a target is a go library target, which requires a specialized
forwarding target type.
def is_go_library_target(target):
return (
target['type'] == 'action' and
target['script'] == '//build/go/')
Stores information about a forwarding GN target to generate.
class ForwardingTarget:
def __init__(self, label, target):
self.label = label
self.testonly = target['testonly']
self.is_go_library = is_go_library_target(target)
def __repr__(self):
return 'ForwardingTarget(%s, %s, %s)' % (
self.label, self.testonly, self.is_go_library)
def __str__(self):
return '%s testonly %s go_library %s' % (
self.label, self.testonly, self.is_go_library)
def __lt__(self, other):
return id(self) < id(other)
Finds all external references to GN targets in the source directory and
records information needed to generate forwarding targets.
def find_referenced_targets(build_graph, source):
# List of targets in the source directory tree. Each entry is a tuple
# of (string, boolean)
targets_in_source = []
# Set of targets (identified by gn label) in the source directory that
# are referenced by targets outside the source directory.
referenced_targets = set()
for label, target in build_graph.items():
if label.startswith('//' + source):
targets_in_source.append(ForwardingTarget(label, target))
all_deps = target['deps']
if 'public_deps' in target:
all_deps = all_deps + target['public_deps']
for dep in all_deps:
# Remove the toolchain qualifier, if present
if '(' in dep:
dep = dep[0:dep.find('(')]
if dep.startswith('//' + source):
logging.debug('targets_in_source %s' % targets_in_source)
logging.debug('referenced_targets %s' % referenced_targets)
forwarding_targets = []
# compute forwarding targets to create
for target in sorted(targets_in_source):
if target.label in referenced_targets:
logging.debug('Need to generate forwarding target for %s' % target)
return forwarding_targets
Finds all references to the source path that we don't know how to automatically
handle so the user can examine and update as needed.
def find_unknown_references(source):
unknown_references = []
jiri_grep_args = ['jiri', 'grep', source]
logging.debug('Running %s' % jiri_grep_args)
grep_results = subprocess.check_output(jiri_grep_args, cwd=fuchsia_root)
for line in grep_results.splitlines():
if ':' in line:
file, match = line.split(':', 1)
if not os.path.normpath(file).startswith(source):
if '#include' in match:
if file.endswith(''):
return unknown_references
Partial information about the contents of a build file. Can be combined with
other instances and written out to a file object.
class PartialBuildFile():
def __init__(self):
self.imports = set()
self.snippet = ''
def merge(self, other):
self.imports |= other.imports
self.snippet += '\n' + other.snippet
def write(self, f):
for import_path in sorted(self.imports):
import("%s")''' % import_path)
Generates a partial build file representing a forwarding target.
- path to file
- partial GN build file contents
def generate_forwarding_target(target, source, dest):
label_path, target_name = target.label.split(':')
containing_directory = label_path[2:]
build_file_path = os.path.join(
fuchsia_root, containing_directory, '')
imports = set()
# compute label relative to directory. This will be the same in the
# source and destination
relative_label = os.path.relpath(containing_directory, source)
dest_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dest, relative_label))
dest_label = '//%s:%s' % (dest_path, target_name)
'relative_label %s dest_label %s target_name %s' %
(relative_label, dest_label, target_name))
build = PartialBuildFile()
build.snippet = '''
# Do not use this target directly, instead depend on %s.''' % dest_label
if target.is_go_library:
build.snippet += '''
go_library("%s") {
name = "%s_forwarding_target"
deps = [
''' % (target_name, target_name)
build.snippet += '''
group("%s") {
public_deps = [
''' % target_name
build.snippet += ''' "%s"
''' % dest_label
if target.testonly:
build.snippet += ''' testonly = true
build.snippet += '''}
return build_file_path, build
Write out forwarding build rules for a set of forwarding targets.
def write_forwarding_build_rules(forwarding_targets, source, dest, dry_run):
build_files = {}
for target in forwarding_targets:
path, build = generate_forwarding_target(target, source, dest)
if path not in build_files:
build_files[path] = PartialBuildFile()
for path, build in build_files.items():
if not dry_run:
if not os.path.exists(path):
dest_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
write_copyright_header(f, '#')
with open(path, 'a') as f:
run_command(['git', 'add', path], dry_run)
Appends contents to a file in a given directory. Creates the file
if necessary, including copyright headers. Does not format the file it
creates or modifies.
def append_to_gn_file(directory, contents):
dest_path = os.path.join(fuchsia_root, directory, '')
if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_path)
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
with open(dest_path, 'w') as f:
write_copyright_header(f, '#')
with open(dest_path, 'a') as f:
dry_run = False
run_command(['git', 'add', dest_path], False)
Writes a copyright header for the current year into a provided open file.
def write_copyright_header(f, comment):
copyright_header = '''%s Copyright %s The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
%s Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
%s found in the LICENSE file.
''' % (comment,, comment, comment)
Generates a forwarding header.
def generate_forwarding_header(header, source, dest, dry_run):
header_dir = os.path.dirname(header)
relative_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(header, source))
dest_path = os.path.join(dest, relative_path)
'Generating forwarding header %s pointing to %s' % (header, dest_path))
if dry_run:
if not os.path.exists(header_dir):
with open(header, 'w') as f:
write_copyright_header(f, '//')
# Formatter will generate a proper header guard
f.write('#pragma once\n')
// Do not use this header directly, instead use %s.
''' % dest_path)
f.write('#include "%s"\n' % dest_path)
run_command(['git', 'add', header], dry_run)
Generates a commit message for the move including general information
about the move as well as a list of generated forwarding artifacts.
def generate_commit_message(
source, dest, forwarding_targets, forwarding_headers, change_id):
commit_message = '''[%s] Move %s to %s
This moves the contents of the directory:
to the directory:
to better match Fuchsia's desired source layout:
''' % (os.path.basename(dest), source, dest, source, dest)
if len(forwarding_targets):
commit_message += '''
This commit includes the following forwarding build targets to ease the
transition to the new layout:
for target in sorted(forwarding_targets):
commit_message += ' %s\n' % target.label
commit_message += '''
New code should rely on the new paths for these targets. A follow up commit
will remove the forwarding targets once all references are updated.
if len(forwarding_headers):
commit_message += '''
This commit includes the following forwarding headers to ease the
transition to the new layout:
for header in sorted(forwarding_headers):
commit_message += ' %s\n' % header
commit_message += '''
New code should rely on the new paths for these headers. A follow up commit
will remove the forwarding headers once all references are updated.
commit_message += '''
This commit is generated by the script //scripts/move_source/ and
should contain no behavioral changes.
Bug: 36063
if change_id:
commit_message += '''
Change-Id: %s
''' % change_id
return commit_message
This finds all header files in a source directory that are referenced by
files outside the source directory.
def find_externally_referenced_headers(source):
externally_referenced_headers = set()
jiri_grep_args = ['jiri', 'grep', '#include .%s' % source]
logging.debug('Running %s' % jiri_grep_args)
# search for all includes
grep_results = subprocess.check_output(jiri_grep_args, cwd=fuchsia_root)
for line in grep_results.splitlines():
file, include = line.split(':', 1)
# filter out includes from within the source directory
if not os.path.normpath(file).startswith(source):
include = include[len('#include "'):-1]
'Externally referenced headers: %s' % externally_referenced_headers)
return externally_referenced_headers
This runs 'gn desc' and parses the output to produce a representation of the
build graph.
def extract_build_graph(label_or_pattern='//*'):
out_dir = subprocess.check_output(['fx', 'get-build-dir']).strip()
args = [
'fx', 'gn', 'desc', out_dir, label_or_pattern, '--format=json',
json_build_graph = subprocess.check_output(args)
return json.loads(json_build_graph)
Moves everything from the directory 'source' to 'dest'
def move_directory(source, dest, dry_run, repository=fuchsia_root):
# git mv requires the parent of the destination directory to exist in
# order to move a directory.
dest_parent = os.path.dirname(dest)
dest_parent_abs = os.path.join(repository, dest_parent)
if not os.path.exists(dest_parent_abs):
run_command(['git', 'mv', source, dest], dry_run, cwd=repository)
Updates all references to 'source' in files in the directory 'dest'.
def update_all_references(source, dest, dry_run):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dest):
for name in filenames:
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
'converting %s to %s in %s' % (source, dest, filepath))
# On a dry run, verify that the input_file can be read
# On a normal run, read the input, write with new references
# to a temp file, and then swap the temp file over the input file
with open(filepath, 'r') as input_file:
lines = input_file.readlines()
if not dry_run:
filepath_temp = filepath + ".temp"
with open(filepath_temp, 'w') as output_file:
for line in lines:
output_file.write(re.sub(source, dest, line))
os.rename(filepath_temp, filepath)
Make a git commit with the provided commit message.
def commit_with_message(commit_message, dry_run, no_commit):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as commit_message_file:
if not no_commit:
['git', 'commit', '-a',
'--file=%s' %], dry_run)
Logs a command and then runs it in the Fuchsia root if dry_run is false.
def run_command(command, dry_run, cwd=fuchsia_root):
logging.debug('Running %s in cwd %s' % (command, cwd))
if not dry_run:
subprocess.check_call(command, cwd=cwd)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('source', help='Source path')
parser.add_argument('dest', help='Destination path')
help='Do not create a git branch for this move')
help='Do not create a git commit for this move')
help='Change-Id value to use in generated commit. ' +
'Use this to generate new commits associated with ' +
'an existing review')
help='Dry run - log commands, but do not modify tree')
help='Enable verbose debug logging')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
source = os.path.normpath(args.source)
source_abs = os.path.join(fuchsia_root, source)
dest = os.path.normpath(args.dest)
dest_abs = os.path.join(fuchsia_root, args.dest)
if not os.path.exists(source):
print('Source path %s does not exist within source tree' % source)
return 1
if os.path.exists(dest):
print('Destination path %s already exists' % dest)
return 1
# create fresh branch
if not args.no_branch:
create_branch_for_move(source, dest, args.dry_run)
# query build graph
build_graph = extract_build_graph()
# find forwarding targets to create
forwarding_targets = find_referenced_targets(build_graph, source)
# Set of forwarding headers to generate, identified by path
forwarding_headers = find_externally_referenced_headers(source)
# Libraries in garnet/public/lib use //garnet/public:config which adds
# //garnet/public to the include path, so includes will look like
# #include <lib/foo/...>. Look for includes of that type as well, and
# generate forwarding headers as if these were fully qualified includes
# if that header exists in garnet/public/lib
garnet_public_prefix = 'garnet/public/'
if source.startswith(garnet_public_prefix):
relative_source = source[len(garnet_public_prefix):]
relative_headers = find_externally_referenced_headers(relative_source)
for relative_header in relative_headers:
relative_path = garnet_public_prefix + relative_header
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(fuchsia_root, relative_path)):
forwarding_headers.add(garnet_public_prefix + relative_header)
# search for other references to old path
other_references = find_unknown_references(source)
# git mv to destination
move_directory(source, dest, args.dry_run)
# generate forwarding targets
write_forwarding_build_rules(forwarding_targets, source, dest, args.dry_run)
# generate forwarding headers
for header in forwarding_headers:
generate_forwarding_header(header, source, dest, args.dry_run)
# update references in destination directory
update_all_references(source, dest, args.dry_run)
# format code
run_command(['fx', 'format-code'], args.dry_run)
# generate commit message
commit_message = generate_commit_message(
source, dest, forwarding_targets, forwarding_headers, args.change_id)
# commit with message
commit_with_message(commit_message, args.dry_run, args.no_commit)
# log other references
if len(other_references):
'%s references to old location found, please update manually' %
for line in other_references:
print(' %s' % line)
if __name__ == '__main__':