blob: 2d4a6579d9adee5f1f479ddb9bce45704e41b9f4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines an ffx-compatible subtool in the form of a rust binary target
# All parameters to `rustc_binary` are available, along with a few extra
# to control the application of version information and compatibility
# with the legacy ffx plugin interface.
# The following targets will be produced, in addition to any from `rustc_binary`:
# `<target_name>`
# The rust binary before applying build version information to it.
# Output: `<target_name>`
# `<target_name>_versioned`
# The rust binary after applying build version information to it.
# Output: `<target_name>_unversioned`
# `<target_name>_metadata`
# The json metadata for this tool that allows ffx to discover it
# and determine compatibility information.
# Output: `<target_name>.json`
# `<target_name>_host_tool`
# Installation of the versioned binary and metadata as a host tool.
# Output: `host-tools/<target_name>`, `host-tools/<target_name>.json`
# Additional Parameters
template("ffx_tool") {
if (!defined(invoker.output_name)) {
output_name = target_name
} else {
output_name = invoker.output_name
target_versioned = "${target_name}_versioned"
target_unversioned = target_name
target_metadata = "${target_name}_metadata"
target_host_tool_bin = "${target_name}_host_tool_bin"
target_host_tool = "${target_name}_host_tool"
output_versioned = output_name
output_unversioned = "${output_name}_unversioned"
output_metadata = "${output_name}.json"
# Make the rust binary
rustc_binary(target_unversioned) {
output_name = output_unversioned
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "output_name" ])
# Replace the special linker sections containing the version information with the real values
ffx_apply_version(target_versioned) {
output_name = output_versioned
deps = [ ":$target_unversioned" ]
# Create the metadata file for in-tree discovery
ffx_action(target_metadata) {
ffx_tool = ":$target_versioned"
ffx_tool_output_name = output_versioned
inputs = []
outputs = [ "$host_tools_dir/$output_metadata" ]
args = [
rebase_path("$host_tools_dir/$output_metadata", root_build_dir),
# Install host tool
install_host_tools(target_host_tool_bin) {
deps = [ ":$target_versioned" ]
outputs = [ output_versioned ]
# Install both the host tool and the metadata
group(target_host_tool) {
deps = [