blob: 40ff20b132e46914d6d13ebb2f9e65dda6da0d98 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/zircon_utils.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
namespace debug_agent {
namespace zircon {
namespace {
template <typename ResultObject>
std::vector<ResultObject> GetChildObjects(const zx::object_base& parent, uint32_t child_kind) {
auto koids = GetChildKoids(parent, child_kind);
std::vector<ResultObject> result;
for (zx_koid_t koid : koids) {
zx_handle_t handle;
if (zx_object_get_child(parent.get(), koid, ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &handle) == ZX_OK)
return result;
} // namespace
zx_koid_t KoidForObject(const zx::object_base& object) {
zx_info_handle_basic_t info;
if (object.get_info(ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr) != ZX_OK)
return info.koid;
std::string NameForObject(const zx::object_base& object) {
char name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
if (object.get_property(ZX_PROP_NAME, name, sizeof(name)) == ZX_OK)
return std::string(name);
return std::string();
std::vector<zx_koid_t> GetChildKoids(const zx::object_base& parent, uint32_t child_kind) {
constexpr size_t kNumExtraKoids = 10u;
size_t actual = 0;
size_t available = 0;
std::vector<zx_koid_t> result;
// This is inherently racy, but we retry once with a bit of slop to try to get a complete list.
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
if (actual < available)
result.resize(available + kNumExtraKoids);
zx_status_t status = parent.get_info(child_kind,,
result.size() * sizeof(zx_koid_t), &actual, &available);
if (status != ZX_OK || actual == available)
return result;
std::vector<zx::thread> GetChildThreads(const zx::process& process) {
return GetChildObjects<zx::thread>(process, ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS);
std::vector<zx::process> GetChildProcesses(const zx::job& job) {
return GetChildObjects<zx::process>(job, ZX_INFO_JOB_PROCESSES);
std::vector<zx::job> GetChildJobs(const zx::job& job) {
return GetChildObjects<zx::job>(job, ZX_INFO_JOB_CHILDREN);
} // namespace zircon
} // namespace debug_agent