blob: cbcac2f8f46473b2002dc9fa9b628458ce05bb59 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/zircon_limbo_provider.h"
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/default.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/testing/service_directory_provider.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/test_utils.h"
using namespace ::fuchsia::exception;
namespace debug_agent {
namespace {
class StubProcessLimbo : public fuchsia::exception::ProcessLimbo {
void SetActive(bool active, SetActiveCallback cb) override {
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Not needed for tests.";
void GetActive(GetActiveCallback cb) override { FX_NOTREACHED() << "Not needed for tests."; }
void WatchActive(WatchActiveCallback callback) override {
if (!reply_active_)
reply_active_ = false;
void ListProcessesWaitingOnException(ListProcessesWaitingOnExceptionCallback) override {
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Not needed for tests.";
void WatchProcessesWaitingOnException(
ProcessLimbo::WatchProcessesWaitingOnExceptionCallback callback) override {
if (!reply_watch_processes_) {
watch_processes_callback_ = std::move(callback);
reply_watch_processes_ = true;
reply_watch_processes_ = false;
void RetrieveException(zx_koid_t process_koid,
ProcessLimbo::RetrieveExceptionCallback callback) override {
auto it = processes_.find(process_koid);
if (it == processes_.end())
return callback(fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND));
// We cannot set any fake handles, as they will fail on the channel write.
ProcessException exception;
void ReleaseProcess(zx_koid_t process_koid, ProcessLimbo::ReleaseProcessCallback cb) override {
auto it = processes_.find(process_koid);
if (it == processes_.end())
return cb(fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND));
if (reply_watch_processes_ && watch_processes_callback_) {
reply_watch_processes_ = false;
void AppendException(zx_koid_t process_koid, zx_koid_t thread_koid,
ExceptionType exception_type) {
ExceptionInfo info = {};
info.process_koid = process_koid;
info.thread_koid = thread_koid;
info.type = exception_type;
// Track the metadata in the limbo.
ProcessExceptionMetadata metadata = {};
// Sadly we cannot send bad handles over a channel, so we cannot actually send the "invented"
// handles for this test. Setting the info is enough though.
// metadata.set_process(...);
// metadata.set_thread(...);
processes_[info.process_koid] = std::move(metadata);
// If there is a callback, only send the new exceptions over.
if (watch_processes_callback_) {
watch_processes_callback_ = {};
reply_watch_processes_ = false;
std::vector<ProcessExceptionMetadata> CreateExceptionList() {
std::vector<ProcessExceptionMetadata> processes;
for (auto& [process_koid, metadata] : processes_) {
ProcessExceptionMetadata new_metadata = {};
return processes;
// Not used for now.
void GetFilters(GetFiltersCallback) override {}
void AppendFilters(std::vector<std::string> filters, AppendFiltersCallback) override {}
void RemoveFilters(std::vector<std::string> filters, RemoveFiltersCallback) override {}
const std::map<zx_koid_t, ProcessExceptionMetadata>& processes() const { return processes_; }
// Boilerplate needed for getting a FIDL binding to work in unit tests.
fidl::InterfaceRequestHandler<ProcessLimbo> GetHandler() { return bindings_.GetHandler(this); }
void set_is_active(bool is_active) { is_active_ = is_active; }
void set_reply_active(bool reply) { reply_active_ = reply; }
void set_reply_watch_processes(bool reply) { reply_watch_processes_ = reply; }
bool has_watch_processes_callback() const { return !!watch_processes_callback_; }
int watch_count() const { return watch_count_.load(); }
std::map<zx_koid_t, ProcessExceptionMetadata> processes_;
fidl::BindingSet<ProcessLimbo> bindings_;
bool is_active_ = true;
bool reply_active_ = true;
bool reply_watch_processes_ = true;
ProcessLimbo::WatchProcessesWaitingOnExceptionCallback watch_processes_callback_;
std::atomic<int> watch_count_ = 0;
void RunUntil(async::Loop* loop, fit::function<bool()> condition,
zx::duration step = zx::msec(10)) {
while (!condition()) {
} // namespace
// Tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEST(ZirconLimboProvider, WatchProcessesOnException) {
StubProcessLimbo process_limbo;
constexpr zx_koid_t kProc1Koid = 100;
constexpr zx_koid_t kThread1Koid = 101;
process_limbo.AppendException(kProc1Koid, kThread1Koid, ExceptionType::FATAL_PAGE_FAULT);
constexpr zx_koid_t kProc2Koid = 102;
constexpr zx_koid_t kThread2Koid = 103;
process_limbo.AppendException(kProc2Koid, kThread2Koid, ExceptionType::UNALIGNED_ACCESS);
// Setup the async loop to respond to the async call.
async::Loop remote_loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread);
sys::testing::ServiceDirectoryProvider services(remote_loop.dispatcher());
ASSERT_ZX_EQ(remote_loop.StartThread("process-limbo-thread"), ZX_OK);
async::Loop local_loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToCurrentThread);
ZirconLimboProvider limbo_provider(services.service_directory());
// Validate that both exceptions came through. The handles aren't real so the values will not
// be useful, but we can verify that two come out the other end.
const auto& processes = limbo_provider.GetLimboRecords();
ASSERT_EQ(processes.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_NE(processes.find(kProc1Koid), processes.end());
EXPECT_NE(processes.find(kProc2Koid), processes.end());
TEST(ZirconLimboProvider, WatchProcessesCallback) {
constexpr zx_koid_t kProc1Koid = 100;
constexpr zx_koid_t kThread1Koid = 101;
constexpr auto kException1Type = ExceptionType::FATAL_PAGE_FAULT;
StubProcessLimbo process_limbo;
process_limbo.AppendException(kProc1Koid, kThread1Koid, kException1Type);
// These will be appended later.
constexpr zx_koid_t kProc2Koid = 102;
constexpr zx_koid_t kThread2Koid = 103;
constexpr auto kException2Type = ExceptionType::UNALIGNED_ACCESS;
// Setup the async loop to respond to the async call.
async::Loop remote_loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread);
sys::testing::ServiceDirectoryProvider services(remote_loop.dispatcher());
ASSERT_ZX_EQ(remote_loop.StartThread("process-limbo-thread"), ZX_OK);
async::Loop local_loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToCurrentThread);
ZirconLimboProvider limbo_provider(services.service_directory());
[&process_limbo]() { return process_limbo.has_watch_processes_callback(); });
// There should be one exception in limbo.
const auto& limbo = limbo_provider.GetLimboRecords();
ASSERT_EQ(limbo.size(), 1u);
EXPECT_NE(limbo.find(kProc1Koid), limbo.end());
// Set the callback.
int called_count = 0;
[&called_count](const ZirconLimboProvider::Record& record) { called_count++; });
// The event should've not been signaled.
ASSERT_EQ(called_count, 0);
// We post an exception on the limbo's loop.
zx::event exception_posted;
ASSERT_ZX_EQ(zx::event::create(0, &exception_posted), ZX_OK);
async::PostTask(remote_loop.dispatcher(), [&process_limbo, &exception_posted]() {
// Add the new exception.
process_limbo.AppendException(kProc2Koid, kThread2Koid, kException2Type);
exception_posted.signal(0, ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0);
// Wait until it was posted.
ASSERT_ZX_EQ(exception_posted.wait_one(ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0, zx::time::infinite(), nullptr), ZX_OK);
// Process the callback.
RunUntil(&local_loop, [&called_count]() { return called_count > 0; });
// Should've called the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(called_count, 1);
const auto& records = limbo_provider.GetLimboRecords();
ASSERT_EQ(records.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_NE(records.find(kProc1Koid), records.end());
EXPECT_NE(records.find(kProc2Koid), records.end());
// Releasing an exception should also call the enter limbo callback.
called_count = 0;
zx::event release_event;
ASSERT_ZX_EQ(zx::event::create(0, &release_event), ZX_OK);
async::PostTask(remote_loop.dispatcher(), [&process_limbo, &release_event]() {
// Add the new exception.
process_limbo.ReleaseProcess(kProc2Koid, [](auto a) {});
release_event.signal(0, ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0);
// Wait until it was posted.
ASSERT_ZX_EQ(release_event.wait_one(ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0, zx::time::infinite(), nullptr), ZX_OK);
// The enter limbo callback should not have been called.
ASSERT_EQ(called_count, 0);
// We wait until the limbo have had a time to issue the other watch, thus having processes the
// release callback.
RunUntil(&local_loop, [&process_limbo]() { return process_limbo.watch_count() == 4; });
// The limbo should be updated.
const auto& records = limbo_provider.GetLimboRecords();
ASSERT_EQ(records.size(), 1u);
EXPECT_NE(records.find(kProc1Koid), records.end());
} // namespace debug_agent