blob: 27202f614bb45c913105caa0605a01a82ed49b8f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/unwind.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ngunwind/fuchsia.h>
#include <ngunwind/libunwind.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/arch.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/general_registers.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/module_list.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/process_handle.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/thread_handle.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/unwinder_support.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/third_party/libunwindstack/fuchsia/MemoryFuchsia.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/third_party/libunwindstack/fuchsia/RegsFuchsia.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/third_party/libunwindstack/include/unwindstack/Unwinder.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/unwinder/fuchsia.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/unwinder/unwind.h"
namespace debug_agent {
namespace {
using debug::RegisterID;
using ModuleVector = std::vector<debug_ipc::Module>;
// Default unwinder type to use.
UnwinderType unwinder_type = UnwinderType::kFuchsia;
// The general registers include thread-specific information (fsbase/gsbase on x64, and tpidr on
// ARM64). The unwinders don't deal with these registers because unwinding shouldn't affect them.
// This function copies the current platform's thread-specific registers to the stack frame record
// under the assumption that they never change across stack frames.
void AddThreadRegs(const GeneralRegisters& source, debug_ipc::StackFrame* dest) {
const auto& native_regs = source.GetNativeRegisters();
#if defined(__x86_64__)
dest->regs.emplace_back(RegisterID::kX64_fsbase, native_regs.fs_base);
dest->regs.emplace_back(RegisterID::kX64_gsbase, native_regs.gs_base);
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
dest->regs.emplace_back(RegisterID::kARMv8_tpidr, native_regs.tpidr);
#error Write for your platform
// These are the registers we attempt to extract from stack frams from NGUnwind This does not
// include the IP/SP which are specially handled separately.
struct NGUnwindRegisterMap {
int ngunwind; // NGUnwind's register #define.
RegisterID id; // Our RegisterID for the same thing.
cpp20::span<const NGUnwindRegisterMap> GetNGUnwindGeneralRegisters() {
// clang-format off
#if defined(__x86_64__)
static NGUnwindRegisterMap kGeneral[] = {
{UNW_X86_64_RAX, RegisterID::kX64_rax},
{UNW_X86_64_RBX, RegisterID::kX64_rbx},
{UNW_X86_64_RCX, RegisterID::kX64_rcx},
{UNW_X86_64_RDX, RegisterID::kX64_rdx},
{UNW_X86_64_RSI, RegisterID::kX64_rsi},
{UNW_X86_64_RDI, RegisterID::kX64_rdi},
{UNW_X86_64_RBP, RegisterID::kX64_rbp},
{UNW_X86_64_R8, RegisterID::kX64_r8},
{UNW_X86_64_R9, RegisterID::kX64_r9},
{UNW_X86_64_R10, RegisterID::kX64_r10},
{UNW_X86_64_R11, RegisterID::kX64_r11},
{UNW_X86_64_R12, RegisterID::kX64_r12},
{UNW_X86_64_R13, RegisterID::kX64_r13},
{UNW_X86_64_R14, RegisterID::kX64_r14},
{UNW_X86_64_R15, RegisterID::kX64_r15}};
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
static NGUnwindRegisterMap kGeneral[] = {
{UNW_AARCH64_X0, RegisterID::kARMv8_x0},
{UNW_AARCH64_X1, RegisterID::kARMv8_x1},
{UNW_AARCH64_X2, RegisterID::kARMv8_x2},
{UNW_AARCH64_X3, RegisterID::kARMv8_x3},
{UNW_AARCH64_X4, RegisterID::kARMv8_x4},
{UNW_AARCH64_X5, RegisterID::kARMv8_x5},
{UNW_AARCH64_X6, RegisterID::kARMv8_x6},
{UNW_AARCH64_X7, RegisterID::kARMv8_x7},
{UNW_AARCH64_X8, RegisterID::kARMv8_x8},
{UNW_AARCH64_X9, RegisterID::kARMv8_x9},
{UNW_AARCH64_X10, RegisterID::kARMv8_x10},
{UNW_AARCH64_X11, RegisterID::kARMv8_x11},
{UNW_AARCH64_X12, RegisterID::kARMv8_x12},
{UNW_AARCH64_X13, RegisterID::kARMv8_x13},
{UNW_AARCH64_X14, RegisterID::kARMv8_x14},
{UNW_AARCH64_X15, RegisterID::kARMv8_x15},
{UNW_AARCH64_X16, RegisterID::kARMv8_x16},
{UNW_AARCH64_X17, RegisterID::kARMv8_x17},
{UNW_AARCH64_X18, RegisterID::kARMv8_x18},
{UNW_AARCH64_X19, RegisterID::kARMv8_x19},
{UNW_AARCH64_X20, RegisterID::kARMv8_x20},
{UNW_AARCH64_X21, RegisterID::kARMv8_x21},
{UNW_AARCH64_X22, RegisterID::kARMv8_x22},
{UNW_AARCH64_X23, RegisterID::kARMv8_x23},
{UNW_AARCH64_X24, RegisterID::kARMv8_x24},
{UNW_AARCH64_X25, RegisterID::kARMv8_x25},
{UNW_AARCH64_X26, RegisterID::kARMv8_x26},
{UNW_AARCH64_X27, RegisterID::kARMv8_x27},
{UNW_AARCH64_X28, RegisterID::kARMv8_x28},
{UNW_AARCH64_X29, RegisterID::kARMv8_x29},
{UNW_AARCH64_X30, RegisterID::kARMv8_lr}};
#error Write for your platform
// clang-format on
return cpp20::span<const NGUnwindRegisterMap>(std::begin(kGeneral), std::end(kGeneral));
zx_status_t UnwindStackAndroid(const ProcessHandle& process, const ModuleList& modules,
const ThreadHandle& thread, const GeneralRegisters& regs,
size_t max_depth, std::vector<debug_ipc::StackFrame>* stack) {
unwindstack::Maps maps;
for (size_t i = 0; i < modules.modules().size(); i++) {
// Our module currently doesn't have a size so just report the next address boundary.
// TODO(brettw) hook up the real size.
uint64_t end;
if (i < modules.modules().size() - 1)
end = modules.modules()[i + 1].base;
end = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
// The offset of the module is the offset in the file where the memory map starts. For
// libraries, we can currently always assume 0.
uint64_t offset = 0;
uint64_t flags = 0; // We don't have flags.
// Don't know what this is, it's not set by the Android impl that reads
// from /proc.
uint64_t load_bias = 0;
maps.Add(modules.modules()[i].base, end, offset, flags, modules.modules()[i].name, load_bias);
unwindstack::RegsFuchsia unwind_regs;
auto memory = std::make_shared<unwindstack::MemoryFuchsia>(process.GetNativeHandle().get());
// Always ask for one more frame than requested so we can get the canonical frame address for the
// frames we do return (the CFA is the previous frame's stack pointer at the time of the call).
unwindstack::Unwinder unwinder(max_depth + 1, &maps, &unwind_regs, std::move(memory), true);
// We don't need names from the unwinder since those are computed in the client. This will
// generally fail anyway since the target binaries don't usually have symbols, so turning off
// makes it a little more efficient.
for (size_t i = 0; i < unwinder.NumFrames(); i++) {
const auto& src = unwinder.frames()[i];
if (i > 0) {
// The next frame's canonical frame address is our stack pointer.
debug_ipc::StackFrame* next_frame = &(*stack)[i - 1];
next_frame->cfa = src.sp;
// This termination condition is in the middle here because we don't know for sure if the
// unwinder was able to return the number of frames we requested, and we always want to fill in
// the CFA (above) for the returned frames if possible.
if (i == max_depth)
debug_ipc::StackFrame* dest = &stack->emplace_back();
// unwindstack will adjust the pc for all frames except the bottom-most one. The logic lives in
// RegsFuchsia::GetPcAdjustment and is required in order to get the correct cfa_offset. However,
// it's not ideal for us because we want return addresses rather than call sites for previous
// frames. So we restore the pc here.
if (i == 0) {
dest->ip = src.pc;
} else {
dest->ip = src.pc + unwind_regs.GetPcAdjustment(src.pc, nullptr);
dest->sp = src.sp;
if (src.regs) {
src.regs->IterateRegisters([&dest](const char* name, uint64_t val) {
// TODO(sadmac): It'd be nice to be using some sort of ID constant instead of a converted
// string here.
auto id = debug::StringToRegisterID(name);
if (id != RegisterID::kUnknown) {
dest->regs.emplace_back(id, val);
AddThreadRegs(regs, dest);
return 0;
// Callback for ngunwind.
int LookupDso(void* context, unw_word_t pc, unw_word_t* base, const char** name) {
// Context is a ModuleVector sorted by load address, need to find the largest one smaller than or
// equal to the pc.
// We could use lower_bound for better perf with lots of modules but we expect O(10) modules.
const ModuleList* modules = static_cast<const ModuleList*>(context);
for (int i = static_cast<int>(modules->modules().size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const debug_ipc::Module& module = modules->modules()[i];
if (pc >= module.base) {
*base = module.base;
*name =;
return 1;
return 0;
zx_status_t UnwindStackNgUnwind(const ProcessHandle& process, const ModuleList& modules,
const ThreadHandle& thread, const GeneralRegisters& regs,
size_t max_depth, std::vector<debug_ipc::StackFrame>* stack) {
// Any of these functions can fail if the program or thread was killed out from under us.
unw_fuchsia_info_t* fuchsia = unw_create_fuchsia(
process.GetNativeHandle().get(), thread.GetNativeHandle().get(), (void*)&modules, &LookupDso);
if (!fuchsia)
unw_addr_space_t remote_aspace =
unw_create_addr_space(const_cast<unw_accessors_t*>(&_UFuchsia_accessors), 0);
if (!remote_aspace) {
unw_cursor_t cursor;
if (unw_init_remote(&cursor, remote_aspace, fuchsia) < 0) {
// Compute the register IDs for this platform's IP/SP.
auto arch = arch::GetCurrentArch();
RegisterID ip_reg_id = GetSpecialRegisterID(arch, debug::SpecialRegisterType::kIP);
RegisterID sp_reg_id = GetSpecialRegisterID(arch, debug::SpecialRegisterType::kSP);
// Top stack frame.
debug_ipc::StackFrame frame;
frame.ip = regs.ip();
frame.sp = regs.sp(); = 0;
while (frame.sp >= 0x1000000 && stack->size() < max_depth + 1) {
int ret = unw_step(&cursor);
if (ret <= 0)
// Clear registers left over from previous frame.
unw_word_t val;
unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &val);
if (val == 0)
break; // Null code address means we're done.
frame.ip = val;
frame.regs.emplace_back(ip_reg_id, val);
unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_SP, &val);
frame.sp = val;
frame.regs.emplace_back(sp_reg_id, val);
// Previous frame's CFA is our SP.
if (!stack->empty())
stack->back().cfa = val;
// Other registers.
for (auto& [ng_id, reg_id] : GetNGUnwindGeneralRegisters()) {
unw_get_reg(&cursor, ng_id, &val);
frame.regs.emplace_back(reg_id, val);
AddThreadRegs(regs, &frame);
// This "if" statement prevents adding more than the max number of stack entries since we
// requested one more from libunwind to get the CFA.
if (stack->size() < max_depth)
// The last stack entry will typically have a 0 IP address. We want to send this anyway because it
// will hold the initial stack pointer for the thread, which in turn allows computation of the
// first real frame's fingerprint.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t UnwindStackFuchsia(const ProcessHandle& process, const ModuleList& modules,
const ThreadHandle& thread, const GeneralRegisters& regs,
size_t max_depth, std::vector<debug_ipc::StackFrame>* stack) {
// Prepare arguments for unwinder::Unwind.
unwinder::FuchsiaMemory memory(process.GetNativeHandle().get());
std::vector<uint64_t> module_bases;
for (const auto& module : modules.modules()) {
auto registers = unwinder::FromFuchsiaRegisters(regs.GetNativeRegisters());
// Request one more frame for the CFA of the last frame.
auto frames = unwinder::Unwind(&memory, module_bases, registers, max_depth + 1);
// Convert from unwinder::Frame to debug_ipc::StackFrame.
*stack = debug_ipc::ConvertFrames(frames);
if (stack->size() > max_depth) {
for (auto& frame : *stack) {
AddThreadRegs(regs, &frame);
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace
void SetUnwinderType(UnwinderType type) { unwinder_type = type; }
zx_status_t UnwindStack(const ProcessHandle& process, const ModuleList& modules,
const ThreadHandle& thread, const GeneralRegisters& regs, size_t max_depth,
std::vector<debug_ipc::StackFrame>* stack) {
switch (unwinder_type) {
case UnwinderType::kNgUnwind:
return UnwindStackNgUnwind(process, modules, thread, regs, max_depth, stack);
case UnwinderType::kAndroid:
return UnwindStackAndroid(process, modules, thread, regs, max_depth, stack);
case UnwinderType::kFuchsia:
return UnwindStackFuchsia(process, modules, thread, regs, max_depth, stack);
} // namespace debug_agent