blob: 9add1dff270552799a75645f20e04fd769aa743c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/software_breakpoint.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/breakpoint.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/process_breakpoint.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/process_handle.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/logging/logging.h"
namespace debug_agent {
namespace {
std::string LogPreamble(ProcessBreakpoint* b) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "[SW BP 0x" << std::hex << b->address();
bool first = true;
// Add the names of all the breakpoints associated with this process breakpoint.
ss << " (";
for (Breakpoint* breakpoint : b->breakpoints()) {
if (!first) {
first = false;
ss << ", ";
ss << breakpoint->settings().name;
ss << ")] ";
return ss.str();
} // namespace
SoftwareBreakpoint::SoftwareBreakpoint(Breakpoint* breakpoint, DebuggedProcess* process,
uint64_t address)
: ProcessBreakpoint(breakpoint, process, address) {}
SoftwareBreakpoint::~SoftwareBreakpoint() { Uninstall(); }
debug::Status SoftwareBreakpoint::Update() {
// Software breakpoints remain installed as long as even one remains active, regardless of which
// threads are targeted.
int sw_bp_count = 0;
for (Breakpoint* bp : breakpoints()) {
if (bp->settings().type == debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kSoftware)
if (sw_bp_count == 0 && installed_) {
} else if (sw_bp_count > 0 && !installed_) {
return Install();
return debug::Status();
debug::Status SoftwareBreakpoint::Install() {
// Read previous instruction contents.
size_t actual = 0;
if (debug::Status status = process_->process_handle().ReadMemory(
address(), &previous_data_, arch::kBreakInstructionSize, &actual);
return status;
if (actual != arch::kBreakInstructionSize)
return debug::Status("Could not read breakpoint memory.");
// Replace with breakpoint instruction.
if (debug::Status status = process_->process_handle().WriteMemory(
address(), &arch::kBreakInstruction, arch::kBreakInstructionSize, &actual);
return status;
if (actual != arch::kBreakInstructionSize)
return debug::Status("Could not write breakpoint memory.");
installed_ = true;
return debug::Status();
debug::Status SoftwareBreakpoint::Uninstall() {
if (!installed_)
return debug::Status(); // Not installed.
// If the breakpoint was previously installed it means the memory address was valid and writable,
// so we generally expect to be able to do the same write to uninstall it. But it could have been
// unmapped during execution or even remapped with something else. So verify that it's still a
// breakpoint instruction before doing any writes.
arch::BreakInstructionType current_contents = 0;
size_t actual = 0;
debug::Status status = process_->process_handle().ReadMemory(
address(), &current_contents, arch::kBreakInstructionSize, &actual);
if (status.has_error() || actual != arch::kBreakInstructionSize)
return debug::Status(); // Probably unmapped, safe to ignore.
if (current_contents != arch::kBreakInstruction) {
LOGS(Warn) << "Debug break instruction unexpectedly replaced at 0x" << std::hex << address();
return debug::Status(); // Replaced with something else, ignore.
status = process_->process_handle().WriteMemory(address(), &previous_data_,
arch::kBreakInstructionSize, &actual);
if (status.has_error() || actual != arch::kBreakInstructionSize) {
LOGS(Warn) << "Unable to remove breakpoint at 0x" << std::hex << address();
installed_ = false;
return debug::Status();
void SoftwareBreakpoint::FixupMemoryBlock(debug_ipc::MemoryBlock* block) {
if (block->data.empty())
return; // Nothing to do.
FX_DCHECK(static_cast<size_t>(block->size) == block->data.size());
size_t src_size = arch::kBreakInstructionSize;
const uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&previous_data_);
// Simple implementation to prevent boundary errors (ARM instructions are 32-bits and could be
// hanging partially off either end of the requested buffer).
for (size_t i = 0; i < src_size; i++) {
uint64_t dest_address = address() + i;
if (dest_address >= block->address && dest_address < block->address + block->size)
block->data[dest_address - block->address] = src[i];
void SoftwareBreakpoint::ExecuteStepOver(DebuggedThread* thread) {
DEBUG_LOG(Breakpoint) << LogPreamble(this) << "Thread " << thread->koid() << " is stepping over.";
currently_stepping_over_thread_ = thread->GetWeakPtr();
// This thread now has to continue running.
void SoftwareBreakpoint::EndStepOver(DebuggedThread* thread) {
FX_DCHECK(currently_stepping_over_thread_->koid() == thread->koid())
<< " Expected " << currently_stepping_over_thread_->koid() << ", Got " << thread->koid();
DEBUG_LOG(Breakpoint) << LogPreamble(this) << "Thread " << thread->koid() << " ending step over.";
// Install the breakpoint again.
// NOTE(donosoc): For multiple threads stepping over (queue), this is inefficient as threads are
// suspended and there is no need to reinstall them every time, expect for
// implementation simplicity. If performance becomes an issue, we could create a
// notification that the process calls when the complete step queue has been done
// that tells the breakpoints to reinstall themselves.
// Tell the process we're done stepping over.
void SoftwareBreakpoint::StepOverCleanup(DebuggedThread* thread) {
DEBUG_LOG(Breakpoint) << LogPreamble(this) << "Finishing step over for thread " << thread->koid();
// We are done stepping over this thread, so we can remove the suspend tokens. Normally this means
// cleaning all the suspend tokens, if there is only one thread in the stepping over queue or the
// next step over is another breakpoint.
// But in the case that another thread is stepping over *the same* breakpoint, cleaning all the
// tokens would resume all the threads that have just been suspended by the next instance of the
// step over.
// For this case we need the ability to maintain more than one suspend tokens per thread: one for
// the first step over and another for the second, as they coincide between the process callind
// |ExecuteStepOver| on the second instance and callind |StepOverCleanup| on the first one.
auto it = suspend_tokens_.begin();
while (it != suspend_tokens_.end()) {
// Calculate the upper bound (so we skip over repeated keys).
auto cur_it = it;
it = suspend_tokens_.upper_bound(it->first);
// We do not erase a token for the thread we just stepped over, because it will be the only
// thread that will not have 2 suspend tokens: It will have the one taken by the next step over,
// as the first one didn't get one.
if (cur_it->first == thread->koid())
// All other threads would have 2 suspend tokens (one for the first step over and one for the
// second), meaning that we can safely remove the first one.
// Remote the thread from the exception.
void SoftwareBreakpoint::SuspendAllOtherThreads(zx_koid_t stepping_over_koid) {
std::vector<DebuggedThread*> suspended_threads;
for (DebuggedThread* thread : process_->GetThreads()) {
// We do not suspend the stepping over thread.
if (thread->koid() == stepping_over_koid)
// Only one thread should be stepping over at a time.
if (thread->stepping_over_breakpoint() && thread->koid() != stepping_over_koid) {
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Thread " << thread->koid() << " is stepping over. Only thread "
<< stepping_over_koid << " should be stepping over.";
// We keep every other thread suspended.
// If this is a re-entrant breakpoint (two threads in a row are stepping over the same
// breakpoint), we could have more than one token for each thread.
suspend_tokens_.insert({thread->koid(), thread->InternalSuspend(false)});
// We wait on all the suspend signals to trigger.
for (DebuggedThread* thread : suspended_threads) {
bool suspended =
FX_DCHECK(suspended) << "Thread " << thread->koid();
std::vector<zx_koid_t> SoftwareBreakpoint::CurrentlySuspendedThreads() const {
std::vector<zx_koid_t> koids;
for (auto& [thread_koid, _] : suspend_tokens_) {
std::sort(koids.begin(), koids.end());
return koids;
} // namespace debug_agent