Chromeperf uploading and configuration

This page describes how performance results from Fuchsia builds are uploaded to Chromeperf, and how Fuchsia's use of Chromeperf is configured.

Some parts of this are implemented in Google-internal code and are not described fully here. Googlers can refer to the Google-internal version of this documentation for more details.

Code path for uploading

The code path for uploading to Chromeperf is somewhat complicated because it spans several locations:

  • Builder config: The file contains a mapping that specifies which builders should upload performance results to Chromeperf and allows the names to be remapped. This lives in the Google-internal version of integration.git, in infra/config/.

    • An entry in has the effect of setting the nested fields catapult_dashboard_master and catapult_dashboard_bot in the properties of the corresponding builder. The properties are stored in generated files that are checked in to integration.git.
    • This enables uploading to Chromeperf only for CI builds.
    • This mapping was implemented in
  • Subbuild: The Infra recipes code sets various environment variables based on the input properties, including CATAPULT_DASHBOARD_MASTER and CATAPULT_DASHBOARD_BOT. See testing_requests/

    • This is done in the subbuild (that is, the Swarming task that builds Fuchsia). The environment variables are put into the shard description.
    • The recipes code may modify the “master” and “bot” names to handle branches (e.g. release branches). Otherwise the names are passed through unmodified from the input properties.
  • Test shard: In a test shard's Swarming task, the following happens:

    • Each test may generate *.fuchsiaperf.json files.
    • Tests that generate fuchsiaperf files pass them to the performance.dart library. That does two things with each fuchsiaperf file:
      • It copies the fuchsiaperf file to the shard's output directory. fuchsiaperf files in this location are used by the per-build results summary pages (including for perfcompare builds).
      • It runs catapult_converter on the *.fuchsiaperf.json file to produce a *.catapult_json file, which is also copied to the shard's output directory. This file is in the format accepted by Chromeperf. This step uses the CATAPULT_DASHBOARD_* environment variables mentioned above.
  • Upload step: A later recipe step picks up the *.catapult_json files and uploads them to Chromeperf.

    • This uses an upload tool written in Go.
    • The uploading uses some credentials that are made available to CI builds on Fuchsia Infra.
    • Upload errors are sometimes reported as a failure in this recipe step, but are sometimes only reported in Chromeperf's logs, which are not publicly visible.

When uploading to Chromeperf is disabled for a builder (which is the case for all CQ builders and for CI builders not listed in, the catapult_* input properties are not set, and so the CATAPULT_* environment variables do not get set. performance.dart still runs catapult_converter, in order to check that the conversion succeeds, but it produces *.catapult_json_disabled files rather than *.catapult_json files.

Limitations and hazards

  • “Push” model: Chromeperf uploading uses a “push” model. Each CI build has the ability to upload results under any builder name, test name, etc. within Chromeperf.

    It is important to be careful about getting these uploads right because mistakes could potentially produce confusing results in the Chromeperf dashboard, and because mistakes cannot easily be corrected -- there is no straightforward way to remove bad data from Chromeperf‘s database. Furthermore, Chromeperf’s namespaces are shared with other projects, including Chrome.

  • Testability: There is currently no good way to test uploading to Chromeperf. There is no well-defined way to set up a test instance of Chromeperf, and Fuchsia developers don't have access to the credentials for uploading to the production instance except via Fuchsia CI builds. This means that the only way to test changes to catapult_converter's output is to land a change and check that uploading continues to work in CI.

  • Duplicates: If two tests output metrics with the same name (i.e. same test name and test suite name), this mistake will not be caught. Instead, this will probably appear as two data points on the same Chromeperf graph, both linking to the same Fuchsia build. This is because each fuchsiaperf/catapult file is processed separately, so there is not currently a suitable step for rejecting or merging duplicates.

  • Alerting: There is currently no alerting set up to warn if Fuchsia's Chromeperf uploads stop working.

Configuration for regression alerting

Chromeperf has a set of files in Chrome's Google-internal infra repo for configuring regression alerting. This includes a file for Fuchsia, fuchsia-perf.cfg.