blob: 0c74c48d01c3c2eb294ac3145392a8646806efb3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <lib/zxio/inception.h>
#include <lib/zxio/zxio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
constexpr size_t kSize = 300;
constexpr zx_off_t kInitialSeek = 4;
constexpr const char* ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
class VmoTest : public zxtest::Test {
void SetUp() override {
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(kSize, 0u, &backing));
ASSERT_OK(backing.set_property(ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE, &kSize, sizeof(kSize)));
ASSERT_OK(backing.write(ALPHABET, 0, len));
ASSERT_OK(backing.write(ALPHABET, len, len + len));
zx::stream stream;
ASSERT_OK(zx::stream::create(ZX_STREAM_MODE_READ | ZX_STREAM_MODE_WRITE, backing, kInitialSeek,
ASSERT_OK(zxio_vmo_init(&storage, std::move(backing), std::move(stream)));
io = &;
void TearDown() override { ASSERT_OK(zxio_close(io)); }
zx::vmo backing;
size_t len = strlen(ALPHABET);
zxio_storage_t storage;
zxio_t* io;
TEST_F(VmoTest, Basic) {
zxio_signals_t observed = ZXIO_SIGNAL_NONE;
zxio_wait_one(io, ZXIO_SIGNAL_READABLE, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, &observed));
zx::channel clone;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_clone(io, clone.reset_and_get_address()));
zxio_node_attributes_t attr = {};
ASSERT_OK(zxio_attr_get(io, &attr));
EXPECT_EQ(kSize, attr.content_size);
ASSERT_STATUS(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, zxio_attr_set(io, &attr));
char buffer[1024];
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
size_t actual = 0u;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_read(io, buffer, 8, 0, &actual));
EXPECT_EQ(actual, 8);
EXPECT_STR_EQ("efghijkl", buffer);
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
actual = 0u;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_read_at(io, 1u, buffer, 6, 0, &actual));
EXPECT_EQ(actual, 6);
EXPECT_STR_EQ("bcdefg", buffer);
size_t offset = 2u;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_START, 2, &offset));
EXPECT_EQ(offset, 2u);
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
actual = 0u;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_read(io, buffer, 3, 0, &actual));
EXPECT_STR_EQ("cde", buffer);
ASSERT_STATUS(ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE, zxio_truncate(io, 0u));
uint32_t flags = 0u;
ASSERT_STATUS(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, zxio_flags_get(io, &flags));
ASSERT_STATUS(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, zxio_flags_set(io, flags));
ASSERT_OK(zxio_write(io, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, &actual));
EXPECT_EQ(actual, sizeof(buffer));
ASSERT_OK(zxio_write_at(io, 0u, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, &actual));
EXPECT_EQ(actual, sizeof(buffer));
zxio_t* result = nullptr;
ASSERT_STATUS(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, zxio_open(io, 0u, 0u, "hello", &result));
zxio_open_async(io, 0u, 0u, "hello", strlen("hello"), ZX_HANDLE_INVALID));
ASSERT_STATUS(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, zxio_unlink(io, "hello"));
TEST_F(VmoTest, GetCopy) {
zx::vmo vmo;
size_t size = 0u;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_vmo_get_copy(io, vmo.reset_and_get_address(), &size));
EXPECT_EQ(size, kSize);
TEST_F(VmoTest, GetClone) {
zx::vmo vmo;
size_t size = 0u;
ASSERT_STATUS(ZX_OK, zxio_vmo_get_clone(io, vmo.reset_and_get_address(), &size));
EXPECT_EQ(size, kSize);
TEST_F(VmoTest, GetExact) {
zx::vmo vmo;
size_t size = 0u;
ASSERT_STATUS(ZX_OK, zxio_vmo_get_exact(io, vmo.reset_and_get_address(), &size));
EXPECT_EQ(size, kSize);
TEST_F(VmoTest, SeekNegativeOverflow) {
// We set up a large negative seek (larger than the page-rounded-up size of the VMO underlying
// us).
constexpr int64_t kTooFarBackwards = -8192;
// Seek somewhere slightly more random than the start.
size_t original_seek = 23;
size_t new_seek = 42;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_START, original_seek, &new_seek));
ASSERT_EQ(original_seek, new_seek);
// Seeking backwards from the start past zero should fail, without moving the seek pointer.
zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_START, kTooFarBackwards, &new_seek));
ASSERT_OK(zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_CURRENT, 0, &new_seek));
ASSERT_EQ(original_seek, new_seek);
new_seek = 42;
// Seeking backwards from the seek pointer past zero should fail, without moving the seek pointer.
zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_CURRENT, kTooFarBackwards, &new_seek));
ASSERT_OK(zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_CURRENT, 0, &new_seek));
ASSERT_EQ(original_seek, new_seek);
new_seek = 42;
// Seeking backwards from the end past zero should fail, without moving the seek pointer.
zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_END, kTooFarBackwards, &new_seek));
ASSERT_OK(zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_CURRENT, 0, &new_seek));
ASSERT_EQ(original_seek, new_seek);
// This sets up the same test case, but with a huge backing VMO. Specifically, the backing VMO needs
// to be large enough that adding a signed 64 bit value to its length is large enough to overflow an
// unsigned 64 bit value.
constexpr size_t kEighthOfMax = 0x2000000000000000;
static_assert(kEighthOfMax * 8 == 0);
constexpr size_t kHugeSize = kEighthOfMax * 7;
class HugeVmoTest : public zxtest::Test {
void SetUp() override {
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(kHugeSize, 0u, &backing));
ASSERT_OK(backing.set_property(ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE, &kHugeSize, sizeof(kHugeSize)));
ASSERT_OK(backing.write(ALPHABET, 0, len));
ASSERT_OK(backing.write(ALPHABET, len, len + len));
zx::stream stream;
ASSERT_OK(zx::stream::create(ZX_STREAM_MODE_READ | ZX_STREAM_MODE_WRITE, backing, 0u, &stream));
ASSERT_OK(zxio_vmo_init(&storage, std::move(backing), std::move(stream)));
io = &;
void TearDown() override { ASSERT_OK(zxio_close(io)); }
zx::vmo backing;
size_t len = strlen(ALPHABET);
zxio_storage_t storage;
zxio_t* io;
TEST_F(HugeVmoTest, SeekPositiveOverflow) {
// Check that our expected-to-overflow values actually overflow.
constexpr int64_t kTooFarForwards = kEighthOfMax * 2;
static_assert(kHugeSize + kTooFarForwards < kHugeSize);
// Seek to the end.
size_t original_seek;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_END, 0, &original_seek));
ASSERT_EQ(original_seek, kHugeSize);
constexpr size_t dummy_seek = 42;
size_t new_seek = dummy_seek;
// There's no tests for seeking forwards from the start of the file past infinity, since a int64_t
// isn't big enough to cause the overflow.
// Seeking forward from the seek pointer past past infinity should fail, without moving the seek
// pointer.
zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_CURRENT, kTooFarForwards, &new_seek));
ASSERT_OK(zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_CURRENT, 0, &new_seek));
ASSERT_EQ(original_seek, new_seek);
new_seek = 42;
// Seeking forward from the end past past infinity should fail, without moving the seek
// pointer.
zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_END, kTooFarForwards, &new_seek));
ASSERT_OK(zxio_seek(io, ZXIO_SEEK_ORIGIN_CURRENT, 0, &new_seek));
ASSERT_EQ(original_seek, new_seek);
class VmoCloseTest : public VmoTest {
void TearDown() override { /* The test case body will exercise closing */
TEST_F(VmoCloseTest, UseAfterClose) {
char buffer[16] = {};
size_t actual = 0u;
ASSERT_OK(zxio_read_at(io, 0, buffer, 6, 0, &actual));
EXPECT_EQ(actual, 6);
actual = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE, zxio_read_at(io, 0, buffer, 6, 0, &actual));
EXPECT_EQ(actual, 0);