blob: cdceb99d58c2caeb774c04d9e08c78b5e0a66c91 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Though under //zircon, this build file #
# is meant to be used in the Fuchsia GN #
# build. #
# See #
assert(!defined(zx) || zx != "/",
"This file can only be used in the Fuchsia GN build.")
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Test data ZBIs created by data/
test_data_zbis = [
if (is_host) {
host_test_data("host-test-data") {
sources = test_data_zbis
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/test_data/zbitl/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# We define a translation unit per (src, dest) storage type pair, which
# parametrize the tests for the copy APIs. The number of test cases is subject
# to combinatorial explosion and in putting all such cases in a single TU we
# see a significant build bottleneck arise, as well as stack overflow for
# certain instrumentation and optimization levels (due to the global
# constructors defined by the zxtest framework).
# For each storage type, we expect <type>TestTraits to coincide with the name
# of its associated test traits type.
src_storage_types = [
if (is_fuchsia) {
src_storage_types += [
dest_storage_types = src_storage_types - [ # Non-writable types.
copy_test_deps = []
foreach(src, src_storage_types) {
foreach(dest, dest_storage_types) {
source_set_name = "copy_tests.${src}-to-${dest}"
source_set(source_set_name) {
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
defines = [
copy_test_deps += [ ":${source_set_name}" ]
test("zbitl-unittests") {
sources = [
deps = [
# TODO( Move it back to //third_party once unification completes.
deps += copy_test_deps
if (is_fuchsia) {
sources += [ "" ]
configs += [ "//build/unification/config:zircon-migrated" ]
} else if (is_host) {
deps += [ ":host-test-data" ]
test_package("zbitl-test-package") {
package_name = "zbitl-tests"
deps = [ ":zbitl-unittests" ]
tests = [
name = "zbitl-unittests"
resources = []
foreach(zbi, test_data_zbis) {
resources += [
path = zbi
dest = get_path_info(zbi, "file")