blob: fd1f599d4fe61034407a54bd3c80b6b9d07f136e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef LIB_UART_MOCK_H_
#define LIB_UART_MOCK_H_
// uart::mock::IoProvider supports testing uart::xyz::Driver hardware drivers.
// uart::mock::Driver supports testing uart::KernelDriver itself.
// It also serves to demonstrate the API required by uart::KernelDriver.
#include <lib/mock-function/mock-function.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/boot/image.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <variant>
#include <hwreg/mock.h>
#include "uart.h"
namespace uart {
namespace mock {
// uart::KernelDriver IoProvider API
// This is used as the uart::KernelDriver IoProvider template for mock tests.
// When used with uart::mock::Driver, no actual I/O calls are ever made and
// this is just a placeholder. When used with other uart::xyz::Driver
// hardware drivers, it provides the hwreg::Mock API for testing expected I/O
// calls from the driver.
template <typename Config>
class IoProvider {
explicit IoProvider(const Config&, uint16_t pio_size) {}
auto* io() { return; }
// Mock tests of hardware drivers use this to prime the mock with expected
// callbacks from the driver.
auto& mock() { return io_; }
hwreg::Mock io_;
// uart::KernelDriver UartDriver API
// This pretends to be a hardware driver but is just a mock for tests. If
// uart::mock::Sync is also used to instantiate uart::KernelDriver, then the
// expected synchronization calls are primed into the Driver mock so their
// ordering relative to the hardware driver calls can be tested. The mock
// hardware Driver can also be used with other Sync API providers.
class Driver {
struct config_type {};
constexpr config_type config() const { return {}; }
constexpr uint16_t pio_size() const { return 0; }
// Fluent API for priming and checking the mock.
Driver& ExpectInit() {
mock_.ExpectCall({}, ExpectedInit{});
return *this;
Driver& ExpectTxReady(bool ready) {
mock_.ExpectCall(ready, ExpectedTxReady{});
return *this;
// Note this takes the chars that the Write call will consume, not the chars
// it expects to be called with. The Write call might be passed more chars
// and will consume (and verify) only this many.
template <typename Char>
Driver& ExpectWrite(const std::basic_string_view<Char> chars) {
// A Write is modeled in mock_ as an ExpectedWrite yielding the count of
// characters, and then a sequence of one ExpectedChar for each character.
mock_.ExpectCall(chars.size(), ExpectedWrite{});
for (auto c : chars) {
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == sizeof(uint8_t));
mock_.ExpectCall({}, ExpectedChar{static_cast<uint8_t>(c)});
return *this;
Driver& ExpectLock() {
mock_.ExpectCall({}, ExpectedLock{false});
return *this;
Driver& ExpectUnlock() {
mock_.ExpectCall({}, ExpectedLock{true});
return *this;
Driver& ExpectWait(bool block) {
mock_.ExpectCall(block, ExpectedWait{});
return *this;
Driver& ExpectEnableTxInterrupt() {
mock_.ExpectCall({}, ExpectedTxEnable{});
return *this;
void VerifyAndClear() { mock_.VerifyAndClear(); }
~Driver() { VerifyAndClear(); }
// uart::KernelDriver UartDriver API
// Each method is a template parameterized by an an IoProvider type that
// provides access to hwreg-compatible types accessing the hardware registers
// via hwreg ReadFrom and WriteTo methods. Real Driver types can be used
// with hwreg::mock::IoProvider in tests independent of actual hardware
// access. The mock Driver to be used with hwreg::mock::IoProvider, but it
// never makes any calls.
void Init(IoProvider<config_type>& io) { mock_.Call(ExpectedInit{}); }
// Return true if Write can make forward progress right now.
bool TxReady(IoProvider<config_type>& io) {
return std::get<bool>(mock_.Call(ExpectedTxReady{}));
// This is called only when TxReady() has just returned true. Advance
// the iterator at least one and as many as is convenient but not past
// end, outputting each character before advancing.
template <typename It1, typename It2>
auto Write(IoProvider<config_type>& io, bool, It1 it, const It2& end) {
for (auto n = std::get<size_t>(mock_.Call(ExpectedWrite{})); n > 0; --n) {
ZX_ASSERT(it != end);
return it;
void EnableTxInterrupt(IoProvider<config_type>& io) { mock_.Call(ExpectedTxEnable{}); }
template <typename Expected>
struct ExpectedBase {
bool operator==(Expected) const { return true; }
struct ExpectedLock {
bool unlock = false;
bool operator==(ExpectedLock other) const { return unlock == other.unlock; }
struct ExpectedWait : public ExpectedBase<ExpectedWait> {};
struct ExpectedInit : public ExpectedBase<ExpectedInit> {};
struct ExpectedTxEnable : public ExpectedBase<ExpectedTxEnable> {};
struct ExpectedTxReady : public ExpectedBase<ExpectedTxReady> {}; // -> bool
struct ExpectedWrite : public ExpectedBase<ExpectedWrite> {
}; // -> size_t (count of ExpectedChar to follow)
struct ExpectedChar {
uint8_t c;
bool operator==(ExpectedChar other) const { return c == other.c; }
using Expected = std::variant<ExpectedLock, ExpectedWait, ExpectedInit, ExpectedTxEnable,
ExpectedTxReady, ExpectedWrite, ExpectedChar>;
using ExpectedResult = std::variant<bool, size_t>;
mock_function::MockFunction<ExpectedResult, Expected> mock_;
friend class Sync;
// uart::KernelDriver Sync API
// The expected calls are primed into the uart::mock::Driver in their
// appropriate ordering relative to calls into the Driver.
class TA_CAP("uart") Sync {
struct InterruptState {};
explicit Sync(Driver& driver) : mock_(driver.mock_) {}
InterruptState lock() TA_ACQ() {
return {};
void unlock(InterruptState) TA_REL() { mock_.Call(Driver::ExpectedLock{true}); }
template <typename T>
InterruptState Wait(InterruptState, T&& enable_tx_interrupt)
// TODO(mcgrathr): It doesn't grok that this is the same
// capability that the enable_tx_interrupt lambda requires.
if (std::get<bool>(mock_.Call(Driver::ExpectedWait{}))) {
return {};
decltype(std::declval<Driver>().mock_)& mock_;
} // namespace mock
} // namespace uart
#endif // LIB_UART_MOCK_H_