blob: 8f347e60d3f029d783d5527034deee3c0fb80985 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <perftest/results.h>
#include <utility>
// This is a library for writing performance tests. It supports
// performance tests that involve running an operation repeatedly,
// sequentially, and recording the times taken by each run of the
// operation. (It does not yet support other types of performance test,
// such as where we run an operation concurrently in multiple threads.)
// There are two ways to implement a test:
// 1) For tests that don't need to reuse any test fixtures across each run,
// use RegisterSimpleTest():
// // Measure the time taken by FooOp() [comment as per coding style below].
// bool TestFooOp() {
// FooOp(); // The operation that we are timing.
// return true; // Indicate success.
// }
// void RegisterTests() {
// perftest::RegisterSimpleTest<TestFooOp>("FooOp");
// }
// PERFTEST_CTOR(RegisterTests);
// 2) For tests that do need to reuse test fixtures across each run, use
// the more general RegisterTest():
// // Measure the time taken by FooOp() [comment as per coding style below].
// bool TestFooObjectOp(perftest::RepeatState* state) {
// FooObject obj; // Fixture that is reused across test runs.
// while (state->KeepRunning()) {
// obj.FooOp(); // The operation that we are timing.
// }
// return true; // Indicate success.
// }
// void RegisterTests() {
// perftest::RegisterTest("FooObjectOp", TestFooObjectOp);
// }
// PERFTEST_CTOR(RegisterTests);
// Test registration is done using function calls in order to make it easy
// to instantiate parameterized tests multiple times.
// Background: The "KeepRunning()" interface is based on the interface used
// by the gbenchmark library (
// ## Multi-step tests
// Sometimes we have a performance test which consists of multiple steps
// that depend on each other, and we want to measure the times taken by
// each step. The perftest library allows doing this.
// For example, if we're interested in the performance of mutexes, we might
// want to measure the times taken by mtx_lock() and by mtx_unlock(). We
// can't just call mtx_lock() on its own in a loop or call mtx_unlock() on
// its own in a loop -- the mutex interface requires that the two calls are
// paired. Nevertheless, we want to measure the times for each of
// mtx_lock() and mtx_unlock() in case one is slower than the other or
// exhibits more variation in timing. This test can be written as follows:
// // Test locking and unlocking a mutex in the uncontended case.
// bool MutexUncontendedTest(perftest::RepeatState* state) {
// state->DeclareStep("lock"); // Declares step 1.
// state->DeclareStep("unlock"); // Declares step 2.
// mtx_t mutex = MTX_INIT;
// while (state->KeepRunning()) {
// // Each iteration of this loop is a "test run".
// mtx_lock(&mutex); // Step 1: this operation is timed.
// state->NextStep();
// mtx_unlock(&mutex); // Step 2: this operation is timed.
// }
// return true;
// }
// For a multi-step test, the test function should call
// state->DeclareStep() once for each step to declare the step names,
// before its first call to KeepRunning(). Then it should call
// state->NextStep() between each step.
// ## Test coding style
// ### Comments
// Each test should have a comment with a sentence describing what it
// measures. For example, "Measure the time taken for an IPC round trip
// between processes, using Zircon channels". An exception is for trivial
// tests (e.g. one-liners) where the code does not need summarizing. For a
// family of very similar tests, only a single comment is necessary.
// This should make it easier to understand what the code is intended to
// measure, which in turn should help developers decide how to treat
// regressions or improvements in the test's performance. If a test is
// hard to describe in a sentence, this could be a sign that it is not
// measuring something interesting.
// ### Handling failures
// Although perftest allows a test to fail gracefully by returning false,
// it is usually preferable to abort on failure, either using ZX_ASSERT()
// (in the Zircon repo) or FXL_CHECK() (in other Fuchsia repos).
// This avoids problems associated with trying to clean up or continue
// execution after a failure. These macros will print the source location
// where the failure occurred, making failures easier to debug.
namespace perftest {
// This object is passed to the test function. It controls the iteration
// of test runs and records the times taken by test runs.
// This is a pure virtual interface so that one can potentially use a test
// runner other than the one provided by this library.
class RepeatState {
// KeepRunning() should be called by test functions using a "while"
// loop shown above. A call to KeepRunning() indicates the start or
// end of a test run, or both. KeepRunning() returns a bool indicating
// whether the caller should do another test run.
virtual bool KeepRunning() = 0;
// If the test processes some number of bytes per run, this amount can
// be declared by calling this method. This allows the perftest
// library to calculate the throughput of the test, in bytes per unit
// time.
virtual void SetBytesProcessedPerRun(uint64_t bytes) = 0;
// Calls to DeclareStep() specify the names of the steps that a test
// consists of. This is used for multi-step tests. If DeclareStep()
// is not called, the test will just have a single step. DeclareStep()
// should not be called after the first call to KeepRunning().
virtual void DeclareStep(const char* name) = 0;
// In multi-step tests, NextStep() should be called between each step
// within a test run. So if a test has N steps, NextStep() should be
// called N-1 times between calls to KeepRunning().
virtual void NextStep() = 0;
typedef bool TestFunc(RepeatState* state);
typedef bool SimpleTestFunc();
void RegisterTest(const char* name, fbl::Function<TestFunc> test_func);
// Convenience routine for registering parameterized perf tests.
template <typename Func, typename Arg, typename... Args>
void RegisterTest(const char* name, Func test_func, Arg arg, Args... args) {
auto wrapper_func = [=](RepeatState* state) { return test_func(state, arg, args...); };
RegisterTest(name, wrapper_func);
// Convenience routine for registering a perf test that is specified by a
// function. This is for tests that don't set up any fixtures that are
// shared across invocations of the function.
// This takes the function as a template parameter rather than as a value
// parameter in order to avoid the potential cost of an indirect function
// call.
template <SimpleTestFunc test_func>
void RegisterSimpleTest(const char* test_name) {
auto wrapper_func = [](RepeatState* state) {
while (state->KeepRunning()) {
if (!test_func()) {
return false;
return true;
RegisterTest(test_name, std::move(wrapper_func));
// Entry point for the perf test runner that a test executable should call
// from main(). This will run the registered perf tests and/or unit tests,
// based on the command line arguments. (See the "--help" output for more
// details.) |test_suite| is included in the test results JSON and is used to
// categorize test results in the performance dashboard.
int PerfTestMain(int argc, char** argv, const char* test_suite);
// Run a single test for |test_suite| |run_count| times, and add the results to
// |results_set| using the given name, |test_name|. On error, this returns
// false and sets |*error_out| to an error string.
// This function is useful for test suites that don't want to use
// PerfTestMain() -- e.g. for test cases with complex parameters based on
// command line arguments, or for test cases that reuse some shared state
// and must be run in a particular order.
bool RunTest(const char* test_suite, const char* test_name,
const fbl::Function<TestFunc>& test_func, uint32_t run_count, ResultsSet* results_set,
fbl::String* error_out);
// DoNotOptimize() can be used to prevent the computation of |value| from
// being optimized away by the compiler. It also prevents the compiler
// from optimizing away reads or writes to memory that |value| points to
// (if |value| is a pointer).
template <typename Type>
inline void DoNotOptimize(const Type& value) {
// The "memory" constraint tells the compiler that the inline assembly
// must be assumed to access memory that |value| points to.
asm volatile("" : : "g"(value) : "memory");
} // namespace perftest
// This calls func() at startup time as a global constructor. This is
// useful for registering perf tests. This is similar to declaring func()
// with __attribute__((constructor)), but portable.
#define PERFTEST_CTOR(func) \
namespace { \
struct FuncCaller_##func { \
FuncCaller_##func() { func(); } \
} global; \