blob: a808e8c1e3874a9f502b0d7cbe1e33c078c1e233 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/fnv1hash.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <inet6/inet6.h>
#include <inet6/netifc-discover.h>
#define BAD_PACKET(reason) report_bad_packet(NULL, reason)
#define BAD_PACKET_FROM(addr, reason) report_bad_packet(addr, reason)
#define BAD_PACKET(reason)
#define BAD_PACKET_FROM(addr, reason)
// useful addresses
const ip6_addr_t ip6_ll_all_nodes = {
.u8 = {0xFF, 0x02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
// Convert MAC Address to IPv6 Unique Local Address.
void ula6addr_from_mac(ip6_addr_t* _ip, const mac_addr_t* _mac) {
uint8_t* ip = _ip->u8;
const uint8_t* mac = _mac->x;
memset(ip, 0, sizeof(ip6_addr_t));
ip[0] = 0xFD;
ip[1] = mac[1];
ip[2] = mac[2];
ip[3] = mac[3];
ip[4] = mac[4];
ip[5] = mac[5];
// We leave byte-0 out above because it is the least unique but we want
// it just in case by some slight chance there are two NICs with the other
// bytes matching.
ip[13] = mac[0];
// We need these down here to keep us matching the snmaddr.
ip[13] = mac[3];
ip[14] = mac[4];
ip[15] = mac[5];
// Convert MAC Address to IPv6 Link Local Address
// aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff => FF80::aabb:cc4D:FEdd:eeff
// bit 2 (U/L) of the mac is inverted
void ll6addr_from_mac(ip6_addr_t* _ip, const mac_addr_t* _mac) {
uint8_t* ip = _ip->u8;
const uint8_t* mac = _mac->x;
memset(ip, 0, sizeof(ip6_addr_t));
ip[0] = 0xFE;
ip[1] = 0x80;
memset(ip + 2, 0, 6);
// Flip the globally-unique bit from the MAC
// since the sense of this is backwards in
// IPv6 Interface Identifiers.
ip[8] = mac[0] ^ 2;
ip[9] = mac[1];
ip[10] = mac[2];
ip[11] = 0xFF;
ip[12] = 0xFE;
ip[13] = mac[3];
ip[14] = mac[4];
ip[15] = mac[5];
// Convert MAC Address to IPv6 Solicit Neighbor Multicast Address
// aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -> FF02::1:FFdd:eeff
void snmaddr_from_mac(ip6_addr_t* _ip, const mac_addr_t* _mac) {
uint8_t* ip = _ip->u8;
const uint8_t* mac = _mac->x;
ip[0] = 0xFF;
ip[1] = 0x02;
memset(ip + 2, 0, 9);
ip[11] = 0x01;
ip[12] = 0xFF;
ip[13] = mac[3];
ip[14] = mac[4];
ip[15] = mac[5];
// Convert IPv6 Multicast Address to Ethernet Multicast Address
void multicast_from_ip6(mac_addr_t* _mac, const ip6_addr_t* _ip6) {
const uint8_t* ip = _ip6->u8;
uint8_t* mac = _mac->x;
mac[0] = 0x33;
mac[1] = 0x33;
mac[2] = ip[12];
mac[3] = ip[13];
mac[4] = ip[14];
mac[5] = ip[15];
// ip6 stack configuration
static mac_addr_t ll_mac_addr;
static ip6_addr_t ll_ip6_addr;
static ip6_addr_t ula_ip6_addr;
static mac_addr_t snm_mac_addr;
static ip6_addr_t snm_ip6_addr;
// cache for the last source addresses we've seen
#define MAC_TBL_BUCKETS 256
typedef struct ip6_to_mac {
zx_time_t last_used; // A value of 0 indicates "unused"
ip6_addr_t ip6;
mac_addr_t mac;
} ip6_to_mac_t;
static ip6_to_mac_t mac_lookup_tbl[MAC_TBL_BUCKETS][MAC_TBL_ENTRIES];
static mtx_t mac_cache_lock = MTX_INIT;
// Clear all entries
static void mac_cache_init(void) {
size_t bucket_ndx;
size_t entry_ndx;
for (bucket_ndx = 0; bucket_ndx < MAC_TBL_BUCKETS; bucket_ndx++) {
for (entry_ndx = 0; entry_ndx < MAC_TBL_ENTRIES; entry_ndx++) {
mac_lookup_tbl[bucket_ndx][entry_ndx].last_used = 0;
void ip6_init(void* macaddr, bool quiet) {
char tmp[IP6TOAMAX];
mac_addr_t all;
// Clear our ip6 -> MAC address lookup table
// save our ethernet MAC and synthesize link layer addresses
memcpy(&ll_mac_addr, macaddr, 6);
ula6addr_from_mac(&ula_ip6_addr, &ll_mac_addr);
ll6addr_from_mac(&ll_ip6_addr, &ll_mac_addr);
snmaddr_from_mac(&snm_ip6_addr, &ll_mac_addr);
multicast_from_ip6(&snm_mac_addr, &snm_ip6_addr);
multicast_from_ip6(&all, &ip6_ll_all_nodes);
if (!quiet) {
printf("macaddr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", ll_mac_addr.x[0], ll_mac_addr.x[1],
ll_mac_addr.x[2], ll_mac_addr.x[3], ll_mac_addr.x[4], ll_mac_addr.x[5]);
printf("ip6addr (LL) : %s\n", ip6toa(tmp, &ll_ip6_addr));
printf("ip6addr (ULA): %s\n", ip6toa(tmp, &ula_ip6_addr));
printf("snmaddr: %s\n", ip6toa(tmp, &snm_ip6_addr));
static uint8_t mac_cache_hash(const ip6_addr_t* ip) {
static_assert(MAC_TBL_BUCKETS == 256, "hash algorithms must be updated");
uint32_t hash = fnv1a32(ip, sizeof(*ip));
return ((hash >> 8) ^ hash) & 0xff;
// Find the MAC corresponding to a given IP6 address
static int mac_cache_lookup(mac_addr_t* mac, const ip6_addr_t* ip) {
int result = -1;
uint8_t key = mac_cache_hash(ip);
for (size_t entry_ndx = 0; entry_ndx < MAC_TBL_ENTRIES; entry_ndx++) {
ip6_to_mac_t* entry = &mac_lookup_tbl[key][entry_ndx];
if (entry->last_used == 0) {
// All out of entries
if (!memcmp(ip, &entry->ip6, sizeof(ip6_addr_t))) {
// Match!
memcpy(mac, &entry->mac, sizeof(*mac));
result = 0;
return result;
static int resolve_ip6(mac_addr_t* _mac, const ip6_addr_t* _ip) {
const uint8_t* ip = _ip->u8;
// Multicast addresses are a simple transform
if (ip[0] == 0xFF) {
multicast_from_ip6(_mac, _ip);
return 0;
return mac_cache_lookup(_mac, _ip);
typedef struct {
uint8_t eth[16];
ip6_hdr_t ip6;
uint8_t data[0];
} ip6_pkt_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t eth[16];
ip6_hdr_t ip6;
udp_hdr_t udp;
uint8_t data[0];
} udp_pkt_t;
static int ip6_setup(ip6_pkt_t* p, const ip6_addr_t* saddr, const ip6_addr_t* daddr, size_t length,
uint8_t type) {
mac_addr_t dmac;
if (resolve_ip6(&dmac, daddr))
return -1;
// ethernet header
memcpy(p->eth + 2, &dmac, ETH_ADDR_LEN);
memcpy(p->eth + 8, &ll_mac_addr, ETH_ADDR_LEN);
p->eth[14] = (ETH_IP6 >> 8) & 0xFF;
p->eth[15] = ETH_IP6 & 0xFF;
// ip6 header
p->ip6.ver_tc_flow = 0x60; // v=6, tc=0, flow=0
p->ip6.length = htons(length);
p->ip6.next_header = type;
p->ip6.hop_limit = 255;
p->ip6.src = *saddr;
p->ip6.dst = *daddr;
return 0;
zx_status_t udp6_send(const void* data, size_t dlen, const ip6_addr_t* daddr, uint16_t dport,
uint16_t sport, bool block) {
if (dlen > UDP6_MAX_PAYLOAD)
size_t length = dlen + UDP_HDR_LEN;
udp_pkt_t* p;
eth_buffer_t* ethbuf;
zx_status_t status = eth_get_buffer(ETH_MTU + 2, (void**)&p, &ethbuf, block);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
const bool ula = (*daddr).u8[0] == ula_ip6_addr.u8[0];
const ip6_addr_t* const saddr = ula ? &ula_ip6_addr : &ll_ip6_addr;
if (ip6_setup((void*)p, saddr, daddr, length, HDR_UDP)) {
// udp header
p->udp.src_port = htons(sport);
p->udp.dst_port = htons(dport);
p->udp.length = htons(length);
p->udp.checksum = 0;
memcpy(p->data, data, dlen);
p->udp.checksum = ip6_checksum(&p->ip6, HDR_UDP, length);
return eth_send(ethbuf, 2, ETH_HDR_LEN + IP6_HDR_LEN + length);
static zx_status_t icmp6_send(const void* data, size_t length, const ip6_addr_t* saddr,
const ip6_addr_t* daddr, bool block) {
if (length > ICMP6_MAX_PAYLOAD)
eth_buffer_t* ethbuf;
ip6_pkt_t* p;
icmp6_hdr_t* icmp;
zx_status_t status = eth_get_buffer(ETH_MTU + 2, (void**)&p, &ethbuf, block);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (ip6_setup(p, saddr, daddr, length, HDR_ICMP6)) {
icmp = (void*)p->data;
memcpy(icmp, data, length);
icmp->checksum = ip6_checksum(&p->ip6, HDR_ICMP6, length);
return eth_send(ethbuf, 2, ETH_HDR_LEN + IP6_HDR_LEN + length);
static void report_bad_packet(ip6_addr_t* ip6_addr, const char* msg) {
if (ip6_addr == NULL) {
printf("inet6: dropping packet: %s\n", msg);
} else {
char addr_str[IP6TOAMAX];
ip6toa(addr_str, ip6_addr);
printf("inet6: dropping packet from %s: %s\n", addr_str, msg);
// This is the cornerstone of SLAAC networking. This will have connected clients
// add an ipv6 address that can talk to our ULA address.
void send_router_advertisement() {
// This struct is not a generic advert packet, it is specific to sending a
// single prefix, if you want to do more look at the spec and extend.
static struct {
icmp6_hdr_t hdr;
uint8_t hop_limit; // 0 means this router has no opinion.
uint8_t autoconf_flags;
uint16_t router_lifetime_ms; // 0 means don't use this router.
uint32_t reachable_time_ms; // 0 means this router has no opinion.
uint32_t retransmit_timer_ms; // 0 means this router has no opinion.
uint8_t option_type; // We are using a prefix option of 3
uint8_t option_length; // length is units of 8 bytes (for some reason).
uint8_t prefix_length; // valid bits of prefix.
uint8_t prefix_flags;
uint32_t prefix_lifetime_s;
uint32_t prefix_pref_lifetime_s;
uint32_t reserved;
uint8_t prefix[16]; // prefix for all devices on this link to communicate.
} __attribute__((packed)) msg;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
msg.hdr.type = ICMP6_NDP_R_ADVERTISE;
msg.hdr.code = 0;
msg.hdr.checksum = 0;
msg.option_type = 3; // Prefix option.
msg.option_length = 4; // From spec, length is in 64bit units.
msg.prefix_length = 64; // 64 leading bits of address are all we care about.
msg.prefix_flags = 0b11000000; // valid on this link and used for autoconf.
msg.prefix_lifetime_s = 0xFFFFFFFF; // valid while this link is up.
msg.prefix_pref_lifetime_s = 0xFFFFFFFF; // preferred while this link is up.
// Copy first 8 bytes (64bits) as our prefix, rest will be 0.
memcpy(msg.prefix, &ula_ip6_addr, 8);
// We need to send this on the link-local address because nothing is talking
// to the ula address yet.
zx_status_t status =
icmp6_send(&msg, sizeof(msg), (void*)&ll_ip6_addr, (void*)&ip6_ll_all_nodes, false);
if (status == ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT) {
printf("inet6: No buffers available, dropping RA\n");
} else if (status < 0) {
printf("inet6: Failed to send RA (err = %d)\n", status);
void _udp6_recv(ip6_hdr_t* ip, void* _data, size_t len) {
udp_hdr_t* udp = _data;
uint16_t sum, n;
if (unlikely(len < UDP_HDR_LEN)) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "invalid header in UDP packet");
if (unlikely(udp->checksum == 0)) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "missing checksum in UDP packet");
if (udp->checksum == 0xFFFF)
udp->checksum = 0;
sum = ip6_checksum(ip, HDR_UDP, len);
if (unlikely(sum != 0xFFFF)) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "incorrect checksum in UDP packet");
n = ntohs(udp->length);
if (unlikely(n < UDP_HDR_LEN)) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "UDP length too short");
if (unlikely(n > len)) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "UDP length too long");
len = n - UDP_HDR_LEN;
udp6_recv((uint8_t*)_data + UDP_HDR_LEN, len, (void*)&ip->dst, ntohs(udp->dst_port),
(void*)&ip->src, ntohs(udp->src_port));
void icmp6_recv(ip6_hdr_t* ip, void* _data, size_t len) {
icmp6_hdr_t* icmp = _data;
uint16_t sum;
if (unlikely(icmp->checksum == 0)) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "missing checksum in ICMP packet");
if (icmp->checksum == 0xFFFF)
icmp->checksum = 0;
sum = ip6_checksum(ip, HDR_ICMP6, len);
if (unlikely(sum != 0xFFFF)) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "incorrect checksum in ICMP packet");
zx_status_t status;
if (icmp->type == ICMP6_NDP_N_SOLICIT) {
ndp_n_hdr_t* ndp = _data;
struct {
ndp_n_hdr_t hdr;
uint8_t opt[8];
} msg;
if (unlikely(len < sizeof(ndp_n_hdr_t))) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "bogus NDP message");
if (unlikely(ndp->code != 0)) {
BAD_PACKET_FROM(&ip->src, "bogus NDP code");
// Ignore the neighbor solicitation if it is targetting another node, as per
// RFC 4861 section 7.2.3.
if (!ip6_addr_eq((ip6_addr_t*)ndp->target, &ll_ip6_addr) &&
!ip6_addr_eq((ip6_addr_t*)ndp->target, &ula_ip6_addr)) {
msg.hdr.type = ICMP6_NDP_N_ADVERTISE;
msg.hdr.code = 0;
msg.hdr.checksum = 0;
msg.hdr.flags = 0x60; // (S)olicited and (O)verride flags
memcpy(, ndp->target, sizeof(ip6_addr_t));
msg.opt[0] = NDP_N_TGT_LL_ADDR;
msg.opt[1] = 1;
memcpy(msg.opt + 2, &ll_mac_addr, ETH_ADDR_LEN);
// If the target was on the ula network, respond from it.
// Otherwise respond from the ll address.
const bool ula = ndp->target[0] == ula_ip6_addr.u8[0];
const ip6_addr_t* const saddr = ula ? &ula_ip6_addr : &ll_ip6_addr;
status = icmp6_send(&msg, sizeof(msg), saddr, (void*)&ip->src, false);
} else if (icmp->type == ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST) {
icmp->checksum = 0;
icmp->type = ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY;
status = icmp6_send(_data, len, (void*)&ip->dst, (void*)&ip->src, false);
} else {
// Ignore
if (status == ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT) {
printf("inet6: No buffers available, dropping ICMP response\n");
} else if (status < 0) {
printf("inet6: Failed to send ICMP response (err = %d)\n", status);
// If ip is not in cache already, add it. Otherwise, update its last access time.
static void mac_cache_save(mac_addr_t* mac, ip6_addr_t* ip) {
uint8_t key = mac_cache_hash(ip);
ip6_to_mac_t* oldest_entry = &mac_lookup_tbl[key][0];
zx_time_t curr_time = zx_clock_get_monotonic();
for (size_t entry_ndx = 0; entry_ndx < MAC_TBL_ENTRIES; entry_ndx++) {
ip6_to_mac_t* entry = &mac_lookup_tbl[key][entry_ndx];
if (entry->last_used == 0) {
// Unused entry -- fill it
oldest_entry = entry;
if (!memcmp(ip, &entry->ip6, sizeof(ip6_addr_t))) {
// Match found
if (memcmp(mac, &entry->mac, sizeof(mac_addr_t))) {
// If mac has changed, update it
memcpy(&entry->mac, mac, sizeof(mac_addr_t));
entry->last_used = curr_time;
goto done;
if ((entry_ndx > 0) && (entry->last_used < oldest_entry->last_used)) {
oldest_entry = entry;
// No available entry found -- replace oldest
memcpy(&oldest_entry->mac, mac, sizeof(mac_addr_t));
memcpy(&oldest_entry->ip6, ip, sizeof(ip6_addr_t));
oldest_entry->last_used = curr_time;
void eth_recv(void* _data, size_t len) {
uint8_t* data = _data;
ip6_hdr_t* ip;
uint32_t n;
if (unlikely(len < (ETH_HDR_LEN + IP6_HDR_LEN))) {
BAD_PACKET("bogus header length");
if (data[12] != (ETH_IP6 >> 8))
if (data[13] != (ETH_IP6 & 0xFF))
ip = (void*)(data + ETH_HDR_LEN);
data += (ETH_HDR_LEN + IP6_HDR_LEN);
len -= (ETH_HDR_LEN + IP6_HDR_LEN);
// require v6
if (unlikely((ip->ver_tc_flow & 0xF0) != 0x60)) {
BAD_PACKET("unknown IP6 version");
// ensure length is sane
n = ntohs(ip->length);
if (unlikely(n > len)) {
BAD_PACKET("IP6 length mismatch");
// ignore any trailing data in the ethernet frame
len = n;
// require that we are the destination
if (!ip6_addr_eq(&ll_ip6_addr, &ip->dst) && !ip6_addr_eq(&snm_ip6_addr, &ip->dst) &&
!ip6_addr_eq(&ip6_ll_all_nodes, &ip->dst) && !ip6_addr_eq(&ula_ip6_addr, &ip->dst)) {
// stash the sender's info to simplify replies
mac_cache_save((void*)_data + 6, &ip->src);
switch (ip->next_header) {
case HDR_ICMP6:
icmp6_recv(ip, data, len);
case HDR_UDP:
_udp6_recv(ip, data, len);
// do nothing
char* ip6toa(char* _out, const void* ip6addr) {
// Encode our address using the scheme laid out in RFC 1884 section 2.2
// Basically, we have eight 16 bit words in RAM (in network byte order, aka
// big endian) which need to be rendered in hex with ':'s separating each
// word. Once per encoding, we may choose to replace a run of 0s with "::"
// instead of the run. This implementation will always replace the first run,
// it will not make any effort to find and replace the longest run.
const size_t kIPv6AddrWords = 8;
const uint16_t* addr = ip6addr;
char* out = _out;
size_t i = 0;
// Start by encoding while keeping on the lookout for any zeros.
for (; i < kIPv6AddrWords; ++i) {
// Have we found some zeros? If so, skip the run, replace it with a "::"
// instead. There is no need to do any potential endian flipping here as
// zero is always zero, regardless of endianness.
if (addr[i] == 0) {
while ((++i < kIPv6AddrWords) && (addr[i] == 0)) {
// If the address ends with a 0-run, then emit the full :: token and we
// are finished.
if (i == kIPv6AddrWords) {
sprintf(out, "::");
return _out;
// There are still words to be encoded, emit a single ':' and then move
// onto phase 2 (post-0-run encoding).
*(out++) = ':';
// Skip the ':' separator if this is the first word in the sequence.
if (i != 0) {
*(out++) = ':';
// Output the word, skipping leading zeros to save space.
out += sprintf(out, "%x", ntohs(addr[i]));
// Phase 2 of processing. At this point, we no longer need to look for any
// zero runs since we have already spent our "::" token. Also, there is no
// need to worry about being the first word in the sequence, so we can
// unconditionally separate words with ":".
for (; i < kIPv6AddrWords; ++i) {
out += sprintf(out, ":%x", ntohs(addr[i]));
return _out;