blob: 8d6646d97a24e7ee70137ba7149efcaba1d54b3c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ftlnp.h"
// Configuration
// Type Definitions
typedef struct {
ui32 vpn0;
ui32 ppn0;
ui32 cnt;
const ui8* buf;
} StagedWr;
// Function Prototypes
void FtlNumFree(uint num_free_blks);
static int recycle_possible(CFTLN ftl, ui32 b);
static ui32 block_selector(FTLN ftl, ui32 b);
// Local Function Definitions
// show_blk: Show the state of a block using its blocks[] entry
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// b = block number
static int show_blk(FTLN ftl, ui32 b) {
int n;
n = printf("b%03d ", b);
if (IS_FREE(ftl->bdata[b])) {
if (ftl->bdata[b] & ERASED_BLK_FLAG)
n += printf("erased");
n += printf("free ");
n += printf(" wl=%03d ", ftl->blk_wc_lag[b]);
return n;
} else if (IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b])) {
} else { // Volume block.
n += printf(" u=%-2d", NUM_USED(ftl->bdata[b]));
n += printf(" wl=%03d ", ftl->blk_wc_lag[b]);
if (!recycle_possible(ftl, b))
n += printf("np");
n += printf("s=%d", block_selector(ftl, b));
if (ftl->free_vpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk == b)
n += printf(" FV");
else if (ftl->free_mpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk == b)
n += printf(" FM");
return n;
// show_blks: List the number free and the state of each block
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
static void show_blks(FTLN ftl) {
int n;
uint l, q = (ftl->num_blks + 3) / 4;
printf("num_free=%d", ftl->num_free_blks);
for (l = 0; l < q; ++l) {
n = show_blk(ftl, l);
if (l + q <= ftl->num_blks) {
printf("%*s", 31 - n, " ");
n = show_blk(ftl, l + q);
if (l + 2 * q <= ftl->num_blks) {
printf("%*s", 31 - n, " ");
n = show_blk(ftl, l + 2 * q);
if (l + 3 * q <= ftl->num_blks) {
printf("%*s", 31 - n, " ");
n = show_blk(ftl, l + 3 * q);
// check_lag_sum: Verify the wear lag sum and max lag calculations.
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
static void check_lag_sum(FTLN ftl) {
ui32 b, wc_lag, wc_lag_sum = 0, wc_lag_max = 0;
for (b = 0; b < ftl->num_blks; ++b) {
wc_lag = ftl->blk_wc_lag[b];
if (wc_lag_max < wc_lag)
wc_lag_max = wc_lag;
wc_lag_sum += wc_lag;
PfAssert(ftl->wear_data.cur_max_lag == wc_lag_max);
PfAssert(ftl->wc_lag_sum == wc_lag_sum);
PfAssert(ftl->wear_data.avg_wc_lag == wc_lag_sum / ftl->num_blks);
// show_lag_hist: Print running histogram of block wear lag.
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
static void show_lag_hist(FTLN ftl) {
uint i, j = ftl->wear_data.cur_max_lag / 2;
uint avg_lag_scaled = ftl->wear_data.avg_wc_lag / 2;
for (i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
if (i <= avg_lag_scaled)
printf(" %u\n", ftl->wear_data.cur_max_lag);
// next_free_vpg: Get next free volume page
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// Returns: page number if successful, else (ui32)-1 if error
static ui32 next_free_vpg(FTLN ftl) {
ui32 pn;
// If needed, allocate new volume block if needed.
if (ftl->free_vpn == (ui32)-1) {
ui32 b;
// Find free block with the lowest wear count.
b = FtlnLoWcFreeBlk(ftl);
} else {
// Find free block with highest wear count.
b = FtlnHiWcFreeBlk(ftl);
// Error if none are free.
if (b == (ui32)-1)
return b;
// If the block is unerased, erase it now. Return -1 if error.
if ((ftl->bdata[b] & ERASED_BLK_FLAG) == 0)
if (FtlnEraseBlk(ftl, b))
return (ui32)-1;
// Decrement free block count.
// Set free volume page pointer to first page in block.
ftl->free_vpn = b * ftl->pgs_per_blk;
// Clear block's free/erased flags and read count.
ftl->bdata[b] = 0; // clr free flag, used/read pages cnts
// Allocate free volume page. If end of block, invalidate free ptr.
pn = ftl->free_vpn++;
if (ftl->free_vpn % ftl->pgs_per_blk == 0)
ftl->free_vpn = (ui32)-1;
// Return allocate page number.
return pn;
// next_free_mpg: Get next free map page
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// Returns: page number if successful, else (ui32)-1 if error
static ui32 next_free_mpg(FTLN ftl) {
ui32 pn;
// If needed, allocate new map block.
if (ftl->free_mpn == (ui32)-1) {
ui32 b;
// Find free block with lowest wear count. Error if none are free.
b = FtlnLoWcFreeBlk(ftl);
if (b == (ui32)-1)
return b;
// If the block is unerased, erase it now. Return -1 if error.
if ((ftl->bdata[b] & ERASED_BLK_FLAG) == 0)
if (FtlnEraseBlk(ftl, b))
return (ui32)-1;
// Decrement free block count.
// Set free MPN pointer to first page in block and inc block count.
ftl->free_mpn = b * ftl->pgs_per_blk;
// Clear free block flag and read count, set map block flag.
SET_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b]); // clr free flag & wear/read count
// Use first page on free map page list.
pn = ftl->free_mpn;
// Move to next writable page. For MLC flash, that is page whose pair
// has a higher offset. Invalidate index if end of block reached.
if (++ftl->free_mpn % ftl->pgs_per_blk == 0)
ftl->free_mpn = (ui32)-1;
for (;;) {
ui32 pg_offset = ++ftl->free_mpn % ftl->pgs_per_blk;
if (pg_offset == 0) {
ftl->free_mpn = (ui32)-1;
if (ftl->pair_offset(pg_offset, ftl->ndm) >= pg_offset)
// For MLC devices, sanity check that this is a safe write.
ui32 pg_offset = pn % ftl->pgs_per_blk;
PfAssert(ftl->pair_offset(pg_offset, ftl->ndm) >= pg_offset);
// Return allocated page number.
return pn;
// wr_vol_page: Write a volume page to flash
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// vpn = virtual page number
// buf = pointer to page data buffer or NULL
// old_pn = old location for page, if any
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
static int wr_vol_page(FTLN ftl, ui32 vpn, void* buf, ui32 old_ppn) {
ui32 ppn, b, wc;
int rc;
// If list of erased blocks/wear counts exists, erase it now.
if (ftl->elist_blk != (ui32)-1)
if (FtlnEraseBlk(ftl, ftl->elist_blk)) {
ftl->logger.error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to erase block list at block %u.",
return -1;
// Allocate next free volume page. Return -1 if error.
ppn = next_free_vpg(ftl);
if (ppn == (ui32)-1) {
ftl->logger.error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to allocate a volume page.");
return -1;
// Calculate the block's erase wear count.
b = ppn / ftl->pgs_per_blk;
wc = ftl->high_wc - ftl->blk_wc_lag[b];
PfAssert((int)wc > 0);
// Initialize spare area, including VPN and block wear count.
memset(ftl->spare_buf, 0xFF, ftl->eb_size);
SET_SA_VPN(vpn, ftl->spare_buf);
SET_SA_WC(wc, ftl->spare_buf);
// If page data in buffer, write it. Returns 0 or -2.
if (buf) {
rc = ndmWritePage(ftl->start_pn + ppn, buf, ftl->spare_buf, ftl->ndm);
// Else invoke page transfer routine. Returns 0, -2, or 1.
} else {
rc = ndmTransferPage(ftl->start_pn + old_ppn, ftl->start_pn + ppn, ftl->main_buf,
ftl->spare_buf, ftl->ndm);
// Return -1 for any error. Any write error is fatal.
if (rc) {
ftl->logger.error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to write volume page %u at %u.", vpn,
ftl->start_pn + ppn);
return FtlnFatErr(ftl);
// Increment block's used pages count.
PfAssert(!IS_FREE(ftl->bdata[b]) && !IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b]));
// If page has an older copy, decrement used count on old block.
if (old_ppn != (ui32)-1)
FtlnDecUsed(ftl, old_ppn, vpn);
// Update mapping for this virtual page. Return status.
return FtlnMapSetPpn(ftl, vpn, ppn);
// free_vol_list_pgs: Return number of free pages on free_vpn block
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
static int free_vol_list_pgs(CFTLN ftl) {
// If free_vpn has invalid page number, no list of free vol pages.
if (ftl->free_vpn == (ui32)-1)
return 0;
// Use the page offset to get the number of free pages left on block.
return ftl->pgs_per_blk - ftl->free_vpn % ftl->pgs_per_blk;
// free_map_list_pgs: Return number of free pages on free_mpn block
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
static int free_map_list_pgs(CFTLN ftl) {
int free_mpgs;
// If free_mpn has invalid page number, no list of free map pages.
if (ftl->free_mpn == (ui32)-1)
return 0;
// Use the page offset to get the number of free pages left on block.
free_mpgs = ftl->pgs_per_blk - ftl->free_mpn % ftl->pgs_per_blk;
// We only use half the available pages on an MLC map block.
free_mpgs /= 2;
// Return the number of free pages on the free_mpn list.
return free_mpgs;
// recycle_possible: Check if there are enough free blocks to recycle
// a specified block
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// b = potential recycle block to check
// Returns: TRUE if enough free blocks, FALSE otherwise
static int recycle_possible(CFTLN ftl, ui32 b) {
ui32 used, free_mpgs = 0, needed_free;
// Determine how many used pages the prospective recycle block has.
used = NUM_USED(ftl->bdata[b]);
// If block has no used pages and it's a map block or no cached map
// pages are dirty, no writes are needed and so recycle is possible.
if ((used == 0) && (IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b]) || (ftl->map_cache->num_dirty == 0)))
return TRUE;
// If free map page list is empty or on prospective recycle block,
// need a new free map block, but get a bunch of free map pages.
if ((ftl->free_mpn == (ui32)-1) || (ftl->free_mpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk == b)) {
needed_free = 1;
free_mpgs = ftl->pgs_per_blk;
// only use half of MLC map block pages
free_mpgs /= 2;
// Else get number of free map pages. If map block, need free block
// if free map page count is less than this block's used page count.
} else {
free_mpgs = free_map_list_pgs(ftl);
if (IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b]))
needed_free = free_mpgs < used;
needed_free = 0;
// If volume block, free blocks may be needed for both volume page
// transfer and the post-recycle map cache flush.
if (!IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b])) {
ui32 avail_blk_pgs, map_pgs;
// If free volume page list is empty or on the prospective block,
// need new free volume block.
if ((ftl->free_vpn == (ui32)-1) || (ftl->free_vpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk == b))
// Else if the number of free volume pages is less than the number
// of used pages on prospective block, need another volume block.
else if ((ui32)free_vol_list_pgs(ftl) < used)
// Assume each volume page transfer updates a separate map page
// (worst case). Add the number of dirty cached map pages. If this
// exceeds the number of free map pages, add needed map blocks.
map_pgs = used + ftl->map_cache->num_dirty;
if (map_pgs > free_mpgs) {
avail_blk_pgs = ftl->pgs_per_blk;
// only use half of MLC map block pages
avail_blk_pgs /= 2;
needed_free += (map_pgs - free_mpgs + avail_blk_pgs - 1) / avail_blk_pgs;
// For recovery from worst-case powerfail recovery interruption,
// recycles must leave one free block for the resume process.
// Recycles are possible if there are enough free blocks.
return ftl->num_free_blks >= needed_free;
// block_selector: Compute next recycle block selector for a block: a
// combination of its dirty page count, erase wear count,
// and read wear count
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// b = block to compute selector for
// should_boost_low_wear = prioritise blocks with low wear
// Returns: Selector used to determine whether block is recycled
static ui32 block_selector(FTLN ftl, ui32 b, int should_boost_low_wear) {
ui32 pages_gained, priority;
// Get number of free pages gained. Only half of MLC map block pages
// are available.
pages_gained = ftl->pgs_per_blk;
if (ftl->type == NDM_MLC && IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b]))
pages_gained /= 2;
pages_gained -= NUM_USED(ftl->bdata[b]);
priority = pages_gained * 256 + ftl->blk_wc_lag[b];
// Boost a block's priority if requested and considered low wear.
if (should_boost_low_wear &&
(ftl->blk_wc_lag[b] + FTL_LOW_WEAR_BOOST_LAG > ftl->wear_data.cur_max_lag)) {
priority += 0x100000;
// If block's read count is too high, there is danger of losing its
// data, so add a priority boost that overwhelms the other facters.
if (GET_RC(ftl->bdata[b]) >= ftl->max_rc)
priority += 0x200000;
// Return priority value (higher value is better to recycle).
return priority;
// next_recycle_blk: Choose next block (volume or map) to recycle
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// should_boost_low_wear = prioritise blocks with low wear
// Returns: Chosen recycle block, (ui32)-1 on error
static ui32 next_recycle_blk(FTLN ftl, int should_boost_low_wear) {
ui32 b, rec_b, selector, best_selector = 0;
// Initially set flag as if no block is at the max read-count limit.
ftl->max_rc_blk = (ui32)-1;
// Scan blocks to select block to recycle.
for (b = 0, rec_b = (ui32)-1; b < ftl->num_blks; ++b) {
// Skip free blocks.
if (IS_FREE(ftl->bdata[b]))
// Check if block is at read-wear limit.
if (GET_RC(ftl->bdata[b]) >= ftl->max_rc) {
// If first block, save its number, else mark as 'some at limit'.
if (ftl->max_rc_blk == (ui32)-1)
ftl->max_rc_blk = b;
ftl->max_rc_blk = (ui32)-2;
// Else not at read-wear limit, skip blocks holding a free list.
else if (ftl->free_vpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk == b || ftl->free_mpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk == b)
// If recycle not possible on this block, skip it.
if (recycle_possible(ftl, b) == FALSE)
// Compute block selector.
selector = block_selector(ftl, b, should_boost_low_wear);
// If no recycle block selected yet, or if the current block has a
// higher selector value, remember it. Also, if the selector value
// is the same, prefer volume blocks over map blocks to avoid map
// blocks being recycled too often when the volume is full.
if (rec_b == (ui32)-1 || best_selector < selector ||
(best_selector == selector && !IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b]) &&
IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[rec_b]))) {
rec_b = b;
best_selector = selector;
// If no recycle block found, try one of the partially written ones.
if (rec_b == (ui32)-1) {
// Check if block holding free volume page pointer can be used.
if (ftl->free_vpn != (ui32)-1) {
b = ftl->free_vpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk;
if (recycle_possible(ftl, b)) {
rec_b = b;
best_selector = block_selector(ftl, b, should_boost_low_wear);
// Check if free map page list block can be used and is better.
if (ftl->free_mpn != (ui32)-1) {
b = ftl->free_mpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk;
selector = block_selector(ftl, b, should_boost_low_wear);
if (recycle_possible(ftl, b) && selector > best_selector) {
rec_b = b;
best_selector = selector;
// If one of the partially written blocks has been selected,
// invalidate the corresponding head of free space.
if (rec_b != (ui32)-1) {
if (ftl->free_mpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk == rec_b)
ftl->free_mpn = (ui32)-1;
else if (ftl->free_vpn / ftl->pgs_per_blk == rec_b)
ftl->free_vpn = (ui32)-1;
if (rec_b == (ui32)-1) {
puts("FTL NDM failed to choose next recycle block!");
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_VERBOSE)
printf("\nrec_b=%d\n", rec_b);
// Return block chosen for next recycle.
return rec_b;
// recycle_vblk: Recycle one volume block
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// recycle_b = block to be recycled
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
static int recycle_vblk(FTLN ftl, ui32 recycle_b) {
ui32 pn, past_end;
#if FTLN_DEBUG > 1
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_VERBOSE)
printf("recycle_vblk: block# %u\n", recycle_b);
// Transfer all used pages from recycle block to free block.
pn = recycle_b * ftl->pgs_per_blk;
past_end = pn + ftl->pgs_per_blk;
for (; NUM_USED(ftl->bdata[recycle_b]); ++pn) {
int rc;
ui32 vpn, pn2;
// Error if looped over block and not enough valid used pages.
if (pn >= past_end)
return FtlnFatErr(ftl);
// Read page's spare area.
rc = ndmReadSpare(ftl->start_pn + pn, ftl->spare_buf, ftl->ndm);
// Return -1 if fatal error, skip page if ECC error on spare read.
if (rc) {
if (rc == -2) {
ftl->logger.error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to read spare area from block %u.",
return FtlnFatErr(ftl);
} else
// Get virtual page number from spare. Skip page if unmapped.
vpn = GET_SA_VPN(ftl->spare_buf);
if (vpn > ftl->num_vpages)
// Retrieve physical page number for VPN. Return -1 if error.
if (FtlnMapGetPpn(ftl, vpn, &pn2) < 0)
return -1;
// Skip page copy if physical mapping is outdated.
if (pn2 != pn)
// Write page to new flash block. Return -1 if error.
if (wr_vol_page(ftl, vpn, NULL, pn)) {
ftl->logger.error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to transfer page %u to physical page %u.", vpn,
return -1;
// Save MPGs modified by volume page transfers. Return -1 if error.
if (ftlmcFlushMap(ftl->map_cache)) {
ftl->logger.error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to flush map cache.");
return -1;
// For MLC devices, advance free_vpn pointer so next volume page
// write can't corrupt previously written valid page.
// Mark recycle block as free. Increment free block count.
ftl->bdata[recycle_b] = FREE_BLK_FLAG;
// If this is last block at RC limit, flag that none are at limit.
if (ftl->max_rc_blk == recycle_b)
ftl->max_rc_blk = (ui32)-1;
// Return success.
return 0;
// recycle: Perform a block recycle
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
static int recycle(FTLN ftl, int should_boost_low_wear) {
ui32 rec_b;
// Confirm no physical page number changes in critical sections.
PfAssert(ftl->assert_no_recycle == FALSE);
// If enabled, list the number of free blocks and the state of each.
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_VERBOSE) {
printf("num_free_blks=%d\n", ftl->num_free_blks);
// Verify the wear lag sum and max lag calculations.
// Select next block to recycle. Return error if unable.
rec_b = next_recycle_blk(ftl, should_boost_low_wear);
if (rec_b == (ui32)-1) {
// Increment recycle count.
// Recycle the selected block. Return status.
if (IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[rec_b]))
return FtlnRecycleMapBlk(ftl, rec_b);
return recycle_vblk(ftl, rec_b);
// flush_pending_writes: Write any pending consecutive writes to flash
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// staged = pointer to structure holding VPN, PPN, count,
// and buffer pointer for staged writes
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
static int flush_pending_writes(FTLN ftl, StagedWr* staged) {
ui32 end, b = staged->ppn0 / ftl->pgs_per_blk;
// If list of erased blocks/wear counts exists, erase it now.
if (ftl->elist_blk != (ui32)-1)
if (FtlnEraseBlk(ftl, ftl->elist_blk))
return -1;
// Issue driver multi-page write request. Return -1 if error.
ftl->stats.write_page += staged->cnt;
if (ndmWritePages(ftl->start_pn + staged->ppn0, staged->cnt, staged->buf, ftl->spare_buf,
ftl->ndm)) {
ftl->logger.error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to stage writes.");
return FtlnFatErr(ftl);
// Adjust data buffer pointer.
staged->buf += staged->cnt * ftl->page_size;
// Loop over all written pages to update mappings.
end = staged->ppn0 + staged->cnt;
for (; staged->ppn0 < end; ++staged->ppn0, ++staged->vpn0) {
ui32 cur_ppn;
// Retrieve current page mapping. Return -1 if error.
if (FtlnMapGetPpn(ftl, staged->vpn0, &cur_ppn) < 0)
return -1;
// If mapping exists, decrement number of used in old block.
if (cur_ppn != (ui32)-1)
FtlnDecUsed(ftl, cur_ppn, staged->vpn0);
// Increment number of used in new block.
PfAssert(!IS_FREE(ftl->bdata[b]) && !IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b]));
// Update virtual page mapping. Return -1 if error.
if (FtlnMapSetPpn(ftl, staged->vpn0, staged->ppn0))
return -1;
PfAssert(ftl->num_free_blks >= FTLN_MIN_FREE_BLKS);
// Clear pending count and return success.
staged->cnt = 0;
return 0;
// Global Function Definitions
// FtlnWrPages: Write count number of volume pages to flash
// Inputs: buf = pointer to buffer holding write data
// vpn = first page to write
// count = number of pages to write
// vol = pointer to FTL control block
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int FtlnWrPages(const void* buf, ui32 vpn, int count, void* vol) {
FTLN ftl = vol;
StagedWr staged;
int need_recycle;
ui8* spare = ftl->spare_buf;
uint wr_amp, fl_wr_cnt0, vol_writes = count;
// Ensure request is within volume's range of provided pages.
if (vpn + count > ftl->num_vpages)
return FsError2(FTL_ASSERT, ENOSPC);
// If no pages to write, return success.
if (count == 0)
return 0;
// Set errno and return -1 if fatal I/O error occurred.
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_FATAL_ERR)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Save flash page write count for ending FTL metric calculation.
fl_wr_cnt0 = ftl->stats.write_page;
// Initialize structures for staging deferred consecutive page writes.
staged.buf = buf;
staged.cnt = 0;
// Check if recycles are needed for one page write.
need_recycle = FtlnRecNeeded(ftl, 1);
// Loop while there are whole pages to write.
do {
ui32 ppn, wc;
// If needed, recycle blocks until at least one page is free.
if (need_recycle)
if (FtlnRecCheck(ftl, 1))
return -1;
// Allocate next free volume page. Return -1 if error.
ppn = next_free_vpg(ftl);
if (ppn == (ui32)-1)
return -1;
// If no pending writes, start new sequence. Else add to it.
if (staged.cnt == 0) {
staged.vpn0 = vpn;
staged.ppn0 = ppn;
staged.cnt = 1;
spare = ftl->spare_buf;
} else
// Copy page's VPN and block's BC/WC to the spare area.
memset(spare, 0xFF, ftl->eb_size);
SET_SA_VPN(vpn, spare);
wc = ftl->high_wc - ftl->blk_wc_lag[ppn / ftl->pgs_per_blk];
PfAssert((int)wc > 0);
SET_SA_WC(wc, spare);
spare += ftl->eb_size;
// Check if writing one page more than staged would trigger a
// recycle or if the physical page is last in its block.
need_recycle = FtlnRecNeeded(ftl, staged.cnt + 1);
if (need_recycle || (ftl->free_vpn == (ui32)-1)) {
// Flush currently staged pages.
if (flush_pending_writes(ftl, &staged))
return -1;
// Invoke recycles to prepare for the next page write.
need_recycle = TRUE;
// Adjust volume page number and count.
} while (--count > 0);
// If there are any, flush pending writes.
if (staged.cnt) {
if (FtlnRecCheck(ftl, staged.cnt))
return -1;
if (flush_pending_writes(ftl, &staged))
return -1;
// Update FTL vol page write count and write amplification metrics.
ftl->vol_pg_writes += vol_writes;
count = ftl->stats.write_page - fl_wr_cnt0;
wr_amp = (10 * count) / vol_writes;
wr_amp = (wr_amp + 5) / 10;
if (ftl->wear_data.write_amp_max < wr_amp)
ftl->wear_data.write_amp_max = wr_amp;
// Return success.
return 0;
// FtlnRecNeeded: Determine if dirty flash pages need to be reclaimed
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// wr_cnt = the number and type of pending page writes,
// in addition to dirty map cache pages:
// < 0 -> one map page
// > 0 -> wr_cnt number of volume pages
// = 0 -> no additional (besides map cache)
int FtlnRecNeeded(CFTLN ftl, int wr_cnt) {
int free_pgs, need, mblks_req, vblks_req;
// Return TRUE if some block is at read count max.
if (ftl->max_rc_blk != (ui32)-1)
return TRUE;
// Return TRUE if in powerfail recovery of an interrupted recycle.
if (ftl->num_free_blks < FTLN_MIN_FREE_BLKS)
return TRUE;
// If free map list can hold all currently dirty map cache pages and
// those potentially made dirty by the vol page write, no more map
// blocks are needed. Otherwise convert needed map pages to blocks.
free_pgs = free_map_list_pgs(ftl);
if (wr_cnt < 0)
need = 1; // writing one map page
need = wr_cnt; // each volume page can update one map page
need += ftl->map_cache->num_dirty;
if (free_pgs >= need) {
mblks_req = 0;
} else {
ui32 avail_blk_pgs = ftl->pgs_per_blk;
avail_blk_pgs /= 2;
mblks_req = (need - free_pgs + avail_blk_pgs - 1) / avail_blk_pgs;
// If free volume list can hold all requested write pages, no more
// volume blocks are needed. Otherwise convert needed pages to blocks
free_pgs = free_vol_list_pgs(ftl);
if (wr_cnt <= free_pgs)
vblks_req = 0; // no new volume blocks needed
vblks_req = (wr_cnt - free_pgs + ftl->pgs_per_blk - 1) / ftl->pgs_per_blk;
// Need recycle if number of required blocks is more than is free.
return (ui32)(mblks_req + vblks_req + FTLN_MIN_FREE_BLKS) > ftl->num_free_blks;
// FtlnRecycleMapBlk: Recycle one map block
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// recycle_b = block to be recycled
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int FtlnRecycleMapBlk(FTLN ftl, ui32 recycle_b) {
ui32 i, pn;
#if FTLN_DEBUG > 1
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_VERBOSE)
printf("FtlnRecycleMapBlk: block# %u\n", recycle_b);
// Transfer all used pages from recycle block to free block.
pn = recycle_b * ftl->pgs_per_blk;
for (i = 0; NUM_USED(ftl->bdata[recycle_b]); ++pn, ++i) {
int rc;
ui32 mpn;
void* buf;
// Error if looped over block and not enough valid used pages.
if (i >= ftl->pgs_per_blk)
return FtlnFatErr(ftl);
// For MLC NAND, if not first page on block, skip pages whose pair
// is at a lower offset, to not corrupt them by a failed write.
if (i && (ftl->pair_offset(i, ftl->ndm) < i))
// Read page's spare area. Return -1 if fatal I/O error.
rc = ndmReadSpare(ftl->start_pn + pn, ftl->spare_buf, ftl->ndm);
if (rc == -2)
return FtlnFatErr(ftl);
// Skip page if ECC error on spare read.
if (rc < 0)
// Get map page number from page's spare area.
mpn = GET_SA_VPN(ftl->spare_buf);
// Skip page if meta page or physical page mapping is outdated.
if (mpn >= ftl->num_map_pgs - 1 || ftl->mpns[mpn] != pn)
// Get pointer to its data if page-to-be-written is in cache.
buf = ftlmcInCache(ftl->map_cache, mpn);
// Write page to new flash block. Return -1 if error.
if (FtlnMapWr(ftl, mpn, buf))
return -1;
// Erase recycled map block. Return -1 if error.
if (FtlnEraseBlk(ftl, recycle_b))
return -1;
// If this is last block at RC limit, flag that none are at limit.
if (ftl->max_rc_blk == recycle_b)
ftl->max_rc_blk = (ui32)-1;
// Return success.
return 0;
// FtlnMetaWr: Write FTL meta information page
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// type = metapage type
// Note: The caller should initialize all but the first 8 bytes
// of 'main_buf' before calling this routine.
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int FtlnMetaWr(FTLN ftl, ui32 type) {
// Write metapage version number and type.
WR32_LE(FTLN_META_VER1, &ftl->main_buf[FTLN_META_VER_LOC]);
WR32_LE(type, &ftl->main_buf[FTLN_META_TYP_LOC]);
// Issue meta page write.
int result = FtlnMapWr(ftl, ftl->num_map_pgs - 1, ftl->main_buf);
if (result < 0) {
ftl->logger.error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "FTL failed to write meta map page.");
return result;
// FtlnRecCheck: Prepare to write page(s) by reclaiming dirty blocks
// in advance to (re)establish the reserved number of
// free blocks
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// wr_cnt = the number and type of page writes to prepare
// for, in addition to dirty map cache pages:
// < 0 -> one map page
// > 0 -> wr_cnt number of volume pages
// = 0 -> no additional (besides map cache)
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int FtlnRecCheck(FTLN ftl, int wr_cnt) {
// Set errno and return -1 if fatal I/O error occurred.
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_FATAL_ERR)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Check if a recycle is needed.
if (FtlnRecNeeded(ftl, wr_cnt)) {
uint count;
// Count number of times any recycle is done in FtlnRecCheck().
#if FTLN_DEBUG > 1
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_VERBOSE)
"\n0 rec begin: free vpn = %5u (%3u), free mpn = %5u (%3u)"
" free blocks = %2u\n",
ftl->free_vpn, free_vol_list_pgs(ftl), ftl->free_mpn, free_map_list_pgs(ftl),
// Loop until enough pages are free.
for (count = 1;; ++count) {
// Perform one recycle operation. Return -1 if error.
if (recycle(ftl, /*should_boost_low_wear=*/count & 1) != 0)
return -1;
// Print running histogram of block wear lag.
// Record the highest number of consecutive recycles.
if (ftl->wear_data.max_consec_rec < count) {
ftl->wear_data.max_consec_rec = count;
#if FTLN_DEBUG > 2
printf("max_consec_rec=%u, avg_wc_lag=%u\n", ftl->wear_data.max_consec_rec,
#if FTLN_DEBUG > 1
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_VERBOSE)
"%u rec begin: free vpn = %5u (%3u), free mpn = %5u (%3u)"
" free blocks = %2u\n",
count, ftl->free_vpn, free_vol_list_pgs(ftl), ftl->free_mpn, free_map_list_pgs(ftl),
// Break if enough pages have been freed.
if (FtlnRecNeeded(ftl, wr_cnt) == FALSE)
// If enabled, list the number free and the state of each block.
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_VERBOSE) {
printf("num_free=%d\n", ftl->num_free_blks);
// Ensure we haven't recycled too many times.
PfAssert(count <= 2 * ftl->num_blks);
if (count > 2 * ftl->num_blks) {
printf("FTL NDM too many consec recycles = %u\n", count);
// Return success.
return 0;
// FtlnMapGetPpn: Map virtual page number to its physical page number
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// vpn = VPN to look up
// Output: *pnp = physical page number or -1 if unmapped
// Note: By causing a map cache page flush, this routine can
// consume one free page
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int FtlnMapGetPpn(CFTLN ftl, ui32 vpn, ui32* pnp) {
ui32 mpn, ppn;
ui8* maddr;
int unmapped;
// Determine map page to use.
PfAssert(vpn <= ftl->num_vpages);
mpn = vpn / ftl->mappings_per_mpg;
// Retrieve map page via cache. Return -1 if I/O error.
maddr = ftlmcGetPage(ftl->map_cache, mpn, &unmapped);
if (maddr == NULL)
return -1;
// If page is unmapped, set page number to -1.
if (unmapped) {
ppn = (ui32)-1;
// Else get physical page number from map. Equals -1 if unmapped.
} else {
// Calculate address of VPN's entry in map page and read it.
maddr += (vpn % ftl->mappings_per_mpg) * FTLN_PN_SZ;
ppn = GET_MAP_PPN(maddr);
// If physical page number is too big, it is unmapped.
if (ppn >= ftl->num_pages)
ppn = (ui32)-1;
// Else verify that it lies in a volume block.
else {
ui32 b = ppn / ftl->pgs_per_blk;
PfAssert(!IS_MAP_BLK(ftl->bdata[b]) && !IS_FREE(ftl->bdata[b]));
// Output physical page for VPN and return success.
*pnp = ppn;
return 0;
// FtlnMapSetPpn: Set new physical page number in given VSN's map page
// Inputs: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// vpn = VPN to create new mapping for
// ppn = new physical location for VPN or -1 if unmapped
// Note: By causing a map cache page flush, this routine can
// consume one free page
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int FtlnMapSetPpn(CFTLN ftl, ui32 vpn, ui32 ppn) {
ui32 mpn;
ui8* maddr;
// Determine map page to use.
PfAssert(vpn <= ftl->num_vpages);
mpn = vpn / ftl->mappings_per_mpg;
// Retrieve map page contents via cache, marking it dirty if clean.
maddr = ftlmcGetPage(ftl->map_cache, mpn, NULL);
if (maddr == NULL)
return -1;
// Calculate address of VSN's entry in map page.
maddr += (vpn % ftl->mappings_per_mpg) * FTLN_PN_SZ;
// Set physical page number for VPN and return success.
SET_MAP_PPN(maddr, ppn);
return 0;
// FtlnVclean: Perform vclean() on FTL volume
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// Returns: 0 if no more vclean needed, 1 if future vclean needed,
// -1 on error
int FtlnVclean(FTLN ftl) {
ui32 b;
// Set errno and return -1 if fatal I/O error occurred.
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_FATAL_ERR)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Check if the dirty pages garbage level is > 9.
if (FtlnGarbLvl(ftl) >= 10) {
// Perform one recycle operation. Return -1 if error.
if (recycle(ftl, /*should_boost_low_wear=*/1))
return -1;
// Return '1' so that vclean() is called again.
return 1;
// Look for a block that is free, but not erased.
for (b = 0; b < ftl->num_blks; ++b) {
if (IS_FREE(ftl->bdata[b]) && !IS_ERASED(ftl->bdata[b])) {
// Erase block. Return -1 if error.
if (FtlnEraseBlk(ftl, b))
return -1;
// Return '1' so that vclean() is called again.
return 1;
// Nothing to do, return '0'.
return 0;
// FtlnMapWr: Write a map page to flash - used by map page cache
// Inputs: vol = pointer to FTL control block
// mpn = map page to write
// buf = pointer to page data buffer or NULL
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int FtlnMapWr(void* vol, ui32 mpn, void* buf) {
FTLN ftl = vol;
ui32 pn, b, wc, old_pn = ftl->mpns[mpn];
int status;
// Return -1 if fatal I/O error occurred.
if (ftl->flags & FTLN_FATAL_ERR)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// If list of erased blocks/wear counts exists, erase it now.
if (ftl->elist_blk != (ui32)-1) {
if (FtlnEraseBlk(ftl, ftl->elist_blk))
return -1;
// Allocate next free map page. Return -1 if error.
pn = next_free_mpg(ftl);
if (pn == (ui32)-1)
return -1;
// Determine the block's erase wear count.
b = pn / ftl->pgs_per_blk;
wc = ftl->high_wc - ftl->blk_wc_lag[b];
PfAssert((int)wc > 0);
// Initialize spare area, including VPN, block count, and wear count.
memset(ftl->spare_buf, 0xFF, ftl->eb_size);
SET_SA_VPN(mpn, ftl->spare_buf);
SET_SA_BC(ftl->high_bc, ftl->spare_buf);
SET_SA_WC(wc, ftl->spare_buf);
// If page data in buffer, invoke write_page().
if (buf) {
status = ndmWritePage(ftl->start_pn + pn, buf, ftl->spare_buf, ftl->ndm);
// Else source data is in flash. Invoke page transfer routine.
} else {
status = ndmTransferPage(ftl->start_pn + old_pn, ftl->start_pn + pn, ftl->main_buf,
ftl->spare_buf, ftl->ndm);
// I/O or ECC decode error is fatal.
if (status)
return FtlnFatErr(ftl);
// If the meta page, invalidate pointer to physical location.
if (mpn == ftl->num_map_pgs - 1) {
ftl->mpns[mpn] = (ui32)-1;
// Else adjust block used page counts.
} else {
// Increment page used count in new block.
// Set the MPN array entry with the new page number.
ftl->mpns[mpn] = pn;
// If page has an older copy, decrement used count on old block.
if (old_pn != (ui32)-1)
FtlnDecUsed(ftl, old_pn, mpn);
// Return success.
return 0;
// FtlnGarbLvl: Calculate the volume garbage level
// Input: ftl = pointer to FTL control block
// Returns: Calculated volume garbage level
ui32 FtlnGarbLvl(CFTLN ftl) {
ui32 b, free_pages, used_pages = 0;
// Count the number of used pages.
for (b = 0; b < ftl->num_blks; ++b)
if (!IS_FREE(ftl->bdata[b]))
used_pages += NUM_USED(ftl->bdata[b]);
// Count the number of free pages.
free_pages = ftl->num_free_blks * ftl->pgs_per_blk;
free_pages += free_vol_list_pgs(ftl);
free_pages += free_map_list_pgs(ftl);
// Garbage level is given by the following formula:
// F
// GL = 100 x (1 - -----)
// T - U
// where:
// F = # of free pages in volume
// T = # of pages in volume
// U = # of used pages in volume
// The result is a number in [0, 100) indicating percentage
// of space that is dirty from the total available.
return 100 - (100 * free_pages) / (ftl->num_pages - used_pages);
// FtlnGetWearHistogram: Get a 20 bucket histogram of wear counts.
// Input: ftl = Pointer to FTL control block.
// count = Number of buckets on the provided buffer.
// histogram = Storage for the result.
// Returns: O on success, -1 if the buffer is not large enough.
int FtlnGetWearHistogram(CFTLN ftl, int count, ui32* histogram) {
const int kNumBuckets = 20;
uint block;
if (count < kNumBuckets) {
return -1;
memset(histogram, 0, sizeof(ui32) * kNumBuckets);
for (block = 0; block < ftl->num_blks; ++block) {
ui8 value = 255 - ftl->blk_wc_lag[block];
histogram[value * kNumBuckets / 256]++;
return 0;
// FtlnShowBlks: Display block WC, selection priority, etc
void FtlnShowBlks(void) {
semPend(FileSysSem, WAIT_FOREVER);