blob: 7741d27c836ff8b6c994cabd5488ebe093268bae [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
// Configuration.
#error Set INC_FTL_NDM_MLC or INC_FTL_NDM_SLC to TRUE, not both
#error Need INC_FTL_NDM_MLC or INC_FTL_NDM_SLC set to TRUE
#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 32 // CPU data cache line size.
#define NV_NDM_CTRL_STORE FALSE // Enables NvNdmCtrlPgRd() speedup.
#define FS_DVR_TEST FALSE // TRUE to run FS driver test.
#define FTL_NAME_MAX 32
// The lag that separates blocks with low wear from high wear. Blocks that are
// within this value of the lowest wear count are considered low wear, whilst
// blocks that exceed this are considered having high wear.
// This number has been initially chosen because it matches WC_LIM0_LAG_190,
// which used to be the point where the recycle strategy changed. It's
// slightly different, because it was based on average wear lag, whereas this
// value is based on maximum lag. It's possible that we could make this
// smaller; 190 seems like plenty of variation and making it smaller might not
// adversely affect performance, whilst keeping the range of wear closer.
// If there are more than this number of blocks free, allocate volume pages
// from free blocks that have the lowest wear rather than the highest wear.
// Recycling will only occur when there are not many free blocks, at which
// point we will allocate volume pages from highest wear. This is what we want
// because we're trying to move cold data from blocks with low wear to blocks
// with high wear.
// Default block read limits to avoid read-disturb errors.
#define MLC_NAND_RC_LIMIT 100000
#define SLC_NAND_RC_LIMIT 1000000
// Symbol Definitions.
// Flag values for the file systems' driver flags field.
#define FTLN_FATAL_ERR (1u << 0) // Fatal I/O error has occurred.
#define FTLN_MOUNTED (1u << 1) // FTL is mounted flag.
#define FSF_EXTRA_FREE (1u << 2)
#define FSF_TRANSFER_PAGE (1u << 3)
#define FSF_MULTI_ACCESS (1u << 4)
#define FSF_FREE_SPARE_ECC (1u << 5) // Spare decode has no overhead.
#define FSF_NDM_INIT_WRITE (1u << 6) // Re-write NDM metadata on init.
#define FSF_READ_WEAR_LIMIT (1u << 7) // Driver specs read-wear limit.
#define FSF_READ_ONLY_INIT (1u << 8) // Dev is read-only during init.
#define FTLN_VERBOSE (1u << 9) // Turn debug messages on.
#define NDM_PART_NAME_LEN 15 // Partition name size in bytes.
#define NDM_PART_USER 0 // Number of uint32_t in partition for user.
// Various NAND device types.
#define NDM_SLC (1 << 0)
#define NDM_MLC (1 << 1)
// Various function return types.
#define NDM_CTRL_BLOCK 2
#define NDM_REG_BLOCK 3
// Various states for a page - used by data_and_spare_check().
#define NDM_PAGE_VALID 1
// write_data_and_spare action parameter values.
#define NDM_ECC 1
#define NDM_ECC_VAL 2
// FsErrCode Error Code Assignments.
enum FsErrorCode {
NDM_OK = 0, // No errors.
// TargetNDM Symbols.
NDM_EIO = 1, // Fatal I/O error.
NDM_CFG_ERR = 2, // NDM config error.
NDM_ASSERT = 3, // Inconsistent NDM internal values.
NDM_ENOMEM = 4, // NDM memory allocation failure.
NDM_SEM_CRE_ERR = 5, // NDM semCreate() failed.
NDM_NO_META_BLK = 6, // No metadata block found.
NDM_NO_META_DATA = 7, // Metadata page missing.
NDM_BAD_META_DATA = 8, // Invalid metadata contents.
NDM_TOO_MANY_IBAD = 9, // Too many initial bad blocks.
NDM_TOO_MANY_RBAD = 10, // Too many running bad blocks.
NDM_NO_FREE_BLK = 11, // No free block in NDM pool.
NDM_IMAGE_RBB_CNT = 12, // Bad block count in NDM image.
NDM_RD_ECC_FAIL = 13, // Read_page ECC decode failed.
NDM_NOT_FOUND = 14, // ndmDelDev() unknown handle.
NDM_BAD_BLK_RECOV = 15, // Running bad block recovery needed during RO-init.
NDM_META_WR_REQ = 16, // Metadata write request during RO-init.
NDM_RBAD_LOCATION = 17, // Running bad block replacement in virtual location.
// TargetFTL-NDM Symbols.
FTL_CFG_ERR = 20, // FTL config error.
FTL_ASSERT = 21, // Inconsistent FTL internal values.
FTL_ENOMEM = 22, // FTL memory allocation failure.
FTL_MOUNTED = 23, // mount()/unformat() on mounted FTL.
FTL_UNMOUNTED = 24, // unmount() on unmounted FTL.
FTL_NOT_FOUND = 25, // FtlNdmDelVol() unknown name.
FTL_NO_FREE_BLK = 26, // No free FTL block.
FTL_NO_MAP_BLKS = 27, // No map block found during RO-init.
FTL_NO_RECYCLE_BLK = 28, // Recycle block selection failed.
FTL_RECYCLE_CNT = 29, // Repeated recycles did not free blocks.
// Following would result in block erase except for RO-init flag.
FTL_VOL_BLK_XFR = 40, // Found interrupted volume block resume.
FTL_MAP_BLK_XFR = 41, // Found interrupted map block resume.
FTL_UNUSED_MBLK = 42, // Found unused map block during RO-init.
FTL_VBLK_RESUME = 43, // Low free block count: would resume volume block.
FTL_MBLK_RESUME = 44, // Low free block count: would resume map block.
// FS Report Events.
typedef enum {
// Type Declarations.
// Counters exported through |FS_COUNTERS|.
typedef struct FtlCounters {
uint32_t wear_count;
} FtlCounters;
// NDM Partition Information.
typedef struct {
uint32_t first_block; // First virtual block for partition.
uint32_t num_blocks; // Number of virtual blocks in partition.
uint32_t user[NDM_PART_USER]; // Reserved for the user.
char name[NDM_PART_NAME_LEN]; // Partition name.
uint8_t type; // Partition type - same as vstat().
} NDMPartition;
// Optional user data attached to a partition.
typedef struct {
uint32_t data_size; // Number of bytes on |data|.
uint8_t data[];
} NDMPartitionUserData;
// Partition information version 2.
// TODO( Merge with NDMPartition once the transition is made and the code
// stops writing version 1 data.
typedef struct {
NDMPartition basic_data;
NDMPartitionUserData user_data;
} NDMPartitionInfo;
// NDM Control Block.
typedef struct ndm* NDM;
typedef const struct ndm* CNDM;
typedef void (*LogFunction)(const char*, int, const char*, ...) __PRINTFLIKE(3, 4);
typedef struct {
// Logger interface for different log levels.
LogFunction trace;
LogFunction debug;
LogFunction info;
LogFunction warning;
LogFunction error;
LogFunction fatal;
} Logger;
// FTL NDM structure holding all driver information.
typedef struct {
uint32_t block_size; // Size of a block in bytes.
uint32_t num_blocks; // Total number of blocks.
uint32_t page_size; // Flash page data size in bytes.
uint32_t eb_size; // Flash page spare size in bytes.
uint32_t start_page; // Volume first page on flash.
uint32_t cached_map_pages; // Number of map pages to be cached.
uint32_t extra_free; // Volume percentage left unused.
uint32_t read_wear_limit; // Device read-wear limit.
void* ndm; // Driver's NDM pointer.
uint32_t flags; // Option flags.
Logger logger;
} FtlNdmVol;
// TargetNDM Configuration Structure.
typedef struct NDMDrvr {
uint32_t num_blocks; // Total number of blocks on device.
uint32_t max_bad_blocks; // Maximum number of bad blocks.
uint32_t block_size; // Block size in bytes.
uint32_t page_size; // Page data area in bytes.
uint32_t eb_size; // Used spare area in bytes.
uint32_t flags; // Option flags.
uint32_t type; // Type of device.
uint32_t format_version_2; // "Boolean" variable: FALSE for control header version 1.
void* dev; // Optional value set by driver.
// Driver Functions.
int (*write_data_and_spare)(uint32_t pn, const uint8_t* data, uint8_t* spare, int action,
void* dev);
int (*write_pages)(uint32_t pn, uint32_t count, const uint8_t* data, uint8_t* spare, int action,
void* dev);
int (*read_decode_data)(uint32_t pn, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* spare, void* dev);
int (*read_pages)(uint32_t pn, uint32_t count, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* spare, void* dev);
int (*transfer_page)(uint32_t old_pn, uint32_t new_pn, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* old_spare,
uint8_t* new_spare, int encode_spare, void* dev);
uint32_t (*pair_offset)(uint32_t page_offset, void* dev);
int (*read_decode_spare)(uint32_t pn, uint8_t* spare, void* dev);
int (*read_spare)(uint32_t pn, uint8_t* spare, void* dev);
int (*data_and_spare_erased)(uint32_t pn, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* spare, void* dev);
int (*data_and_spare_check)(uint32_t pn, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* spare, int* status, void* dev);
int (*erase_block)(uint32_t pn, void* dev);
int (*is_block_bad)(uint32_t pn, void* dev);
uint32_t dev_eb_size; /* Device spare area size. */
void (*chip_show)(void* vol);
int (*rd_raw_spare)(uint32_t p, uint8_t* spare, void* dev);
int (*rd_raw_page)(uint32_t p, void* data, void* dev);
Logger logger;
} NDMDrvr;
// Driver count statistics for TargetFTL-NDM volumes.
typedef struct {
uint32_t write_page;
uint32_t read_page;
uint32_t read_spare;
uint32_t page_check;
uint32_t page_erased;
uint32_t transfer_page;
uint32_t erase_block;
uint32_t ram_used;
uint32_t wear_count;
uint32_t garbage_level; // Garbage level as percentage 0 to 100.
} ftl_ndm_stats;
typedef struct {
uint32_t num_blocks;
// Percentage of space that is dirty from the total available. [0, 100).
// Calculated as 100 x (1 - free_pages / volume_size - used_pages).
uint32_t garbage_level;
// Histogram of the wear level distribution. Each bucket represents about 5%
// of the valid range, with the first bucket storing the number of blocks
// with the lowest wear count, and the last bucket the most reused blocks.
// If all blocks have the same wear count, the first 19 buckets will have no
// samples.
uint32_t wear_histogram[20];
ftl_ndm_stats ndm;
} vstat;
// FTL Interface Structure.
typedef struct XfsVol {
// Driver functions.
int (*write_pages)(const void* buf, uint32_t page0, int cnt, void* vol);
int (*read_pages)(void* buf, uint32_t page0, int cnt, void* vol);
int (*report)(void* vol, uint32_t msg, ...);
const char* name; // Volume name.
uint32_t flags; // Option flags.
uint32_t num_pages; // Number of pages in volume.
uint32_t page_size; // Page size in bytes.
void* vol; // Driver's volume pointer.
void* ftl_volume; // FTL layer (block device) volume.
} XfsVol;
// FTL Wear Data Structure.
typedef struct {
double lag_sd; // Standard deviation of block wear lag.
double used_sd; // Standard deviation of used pages per block.
uint32_t recycle_cnt; // Total number of recycles performed.
uint32_t max_consec_rec; // Maximum number of consecutive recycles.
uint32_t avg_consec_rec; // Average number of consecutive recycles.
uint32_t wc_sum_recycles; // # recycles when average lag exceeds limit.
uint32_t wc_lim1_recycles; // # recycles when a lag exceeds WC_LAG_LIM1.
uint32_t wc_lim2_recycles; // # recycles when a lag exceeds WC_LAG_LIM2.
uint32_t write_amp_max; // Max fl pgs per vol pgs in FtlnWrPages().
uint32_t write_amp_avg; // 10 x flash wr pgs per FtlnWrPages() pgs.
uint32_t avg_wc_lag; // Average wear count lag.
uint32_t lag_ge_lim0; // # of blks w/wear count lag >= lag limit 0.
uint32_t lag_ge_lim1; // # of blks w/wear count lag >= lag limit 1.
uint32_t max_ge_lim2; // Max blks w/wear lag concurrently >= lim2.
uint32_t max_wc_over; // # of times max delta (0xFF) was exceeded.
uint8_t lft_max_lag; // Lifetime max wear lag below hi wear count.
uint8_t cur_max_lag; // Current max wear lag.
} FtlWearData;
// Function Prototypes.
int NdmInit(void);
int FtlInit(void);
int XfsAddVol(XfsVol* vol);
int GetFsErrCode(void);
void SetFsErrCode(int error);
// General API.
NDM ndmAddDev(const NDMDrvr* drvr);
int ndmDelDev(NDM ndm);
uint32_t ndmGetNumVBlocks(CNDM ndm);
int ndmUnformat(NDM ndm);
// Partitions API.
uint32_t ndmGetNumPartitions(CNDM ndm);
int ndmSetNumPartitions(NDM ndm, uint32_t num_partitions);
const NDMPartitionInfo* ndmGetPartitionInfo(CNDM ndm);
int ndmWritePartitionInfo(NDM ndm, const NDMPartitionInfo* partition);
const NDMPartition* ndmGetPartition(CNDM ndm, uint32_t part_num);
int ndmWritePartition(NDM ndm, const NDMPartition* part, uint32_t part_num, const char* name);
void ndmDeletePartitionTable(NDM ndm);
int ndmSavePartitionTable(NDM ndm);
int ndmDelVols(CNDM ndm);
int ndmDelVol(CNDM ndm, uint32_t part_num);
// FTL Volume API.
void* ndmAddVolFTL(NDM ndm, uint32_t part_no, FtlNdmVol* ftl, XfsVol* fs);
// Driver Test/Special Routines.
int ndmExtractBBL(NDM ndm);
int ndmInsertBBL(NDM ndm);
int NdmDvrTestAdd(const NDMDrvr* dev);
FtlWearData FtlnGetWearData(void* ftl);
// TargetNDM NVRAM Control Page Storage.
void NvNdmCtrlPgWr(uint32_t frst);
uint32_t NvNdmCtrlPgRd(void);