blob: 12972d3d95981286164e91b7a085c08140f8051a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file
#pragma once
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fs-test-utils/fixture.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
// This library provides equivalent macros from unittest to generate tests that
// will use a fixture. Also provides an alternative, that provides the running
// test a pointer to the Fixture. Interaction with the underlying devices,
// such as mount/remount, etc should always be done through the Fixture class.
// This set of macros are compatible with RUN_TEST_* the fixture will not be passed, nor
// will SetUp/TearDown be called for those, but it is required to use BEGIN_FS_TEST_CASE*
// if at least one test of the test case requires a fixture.
// SetUpTestCase/TearDownTestCase will run ONCE per TestCase.
// SetUp/TearDown will run ONCE per Test run with RUN_FS_TEST_F
namespace fs_test_utils {
#define ASSERT_OK(status) ASSERT_EQ(status, ZX_OK)
#define EXPECT_OK(status) EXPECT_EQ(status, ZX_OK)
#define BEGIN_FS_TEST_CASE(name, options_fn) \
BEGIN_TEST_CASE(name##_##options_fn) \
fs_test_utils::FixtureOptions options = options_fn(); \
fs_test_utils::Fixture fixture(options); \
zx_status_t result = fixture.SetUpTestCase();
#define RUN_FS_TEST_F_TYPE(test_fn, size) \
if (result == ZX_OK) { \
fbl::Function<bool()> test_wrapper = [&fixture]() { return test_fn(&fixture); }; \
fs_test_utils::fs_test_utils_internal::current_test_wrapper = &test_wrapper; \
result = fixture.SetUp(); \
if (result == ZX_OK) { \
RUN_NAMED_TEST_TYPE(#test_fn, fs_test_utils::fs_test_utils_internal::RunTestWrapper, size) \
} else { \
LOG_ERROR(result, "SetUp had errors.\n"); \
RUN_NAMED_TEST_TYPE(#test_fn, fs_test_utils::fs_test_utils_internal::Fail, size) \
} \
result = fixture.TearDown(); \
if (result != ZX_OK) { \
LOG_ERROR(result, "TearDown had errors.\n"); \
all_success = false; \
} \
} else { \
LOG_ERROR(result, "SetUpTestCase had errors.\n"); \
RUN_NAMED_TEST_TYPE(#test_fn, fs_test_utils::fs_test_utils_internal::Fail, size) \
#define END_FS_TEST_CASE(name, options_fn) \
result = fixture.TearDownTestCase(); \
if (result != ZX_OK) { \
LOG_ERROR(result, "TestCaseSetUp had errors.\n"); \
all_success = false; \
} \
#define RUN_FS_TEST_F(test_fn) RUN_FS_TEST_F_TYPE(test_fn, TEST_MEDIUM)
namespace fs_test_utils_internal {
// Pointer to current functor that will be run when RunTestWrapper is called.
static fbl::Function<bool()>* current_test_wrapper = nullptr;
// Provides a function pointer wrapper over a Callable, to allow
inline bool RunTestWrapper() { return (*current_test_wrapper)(); }
// Function used to make the underlying framework think the test failed,
// when setup fails, so test will not run, and will get the test listed.
inline bool Fail() {
} // namespace fs_test_utils_internal
} // namespace fs_test_utils