blob: 8d7bf2cc7547cbc9f7de8f74d16fe5f7c88a83c1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file
#include <lib/devmgr-integration-test/fixture.h>
#include <lib/devmgr-launcher/launch.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <fs-management/mount.h>
#include <ramdevice-client/ramdisk.h>
#include "src/storage/fvm/format.h"
// Macro for printing more information in error logs.
// "[File:Line] Error(error_name): Message\n"
#define LOG_ERROR(error_code, msg_fmt, ...) \
fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%d] Error(%s): " msg_fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
zx_status_get_string(error_code), ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Macro for printing more information in stdout.
// "[File:Line] Info: Message\n"
#define LOG_INFO(msg_fmt, ...) \
fprintf(stdout, "[%s:%d] Info: " msg_fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
namespace fs_test_utils {
constexpr size_t kPathSize = PATH_MAX;
constexpr size_t kFvmBlockSize = fvm::kBlockSize;
// TODO(gevalentno): when is resolved, make MemFs setup and teardown
// part of the test fixture and remove RunWithMemFs.
// Workaround that provides a MemFs per process, since it cannot be unbinded
// from the process namespace yet.
int RunWithMemFs(const fbl::Function<int()>& main_fn);
// Available options for the test fixture.
// Note: use_ramdisk and block_device_path are mutually exclusive.
struct FixtureOptions {
static FixtureOptions Default(disk_format_t format) {
FixtureOptions options;
options.use_ramdisk = true;
options.ramdisk_block_size = 512;
options.ramdisk_block_count = zx_system_get_physmem() / (2 * options.ramdisk_block_size);
options.use_fvm = false;
options.fvm_slice_size = kFvmBlockSize * (2 << 10);
options.fs_type = format;
options.seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(zx::ticks::now().get());
options.isolated_devmgr = false;
options.write_compression_algorithm = nullptr;
return options;
// Returns true if the options are valid.
// When invalid |err_string| will be populated with a human readable error description.
bool IsValid(fbl::String* err_description) const;
// Path to the block device to use.
fbl::String block_device_path = "";
// If true a ramdisk will be created and shared for the test.
bool use_ramdisk = false;
// Number of blocks the ramdisk will contain.
size_t ramdisk_block_count = 0;
// Size of the blocks the ramdisk will have.
size_t ramdisk_block_size = 0;
// If true an fvm will be mounted on the device, and the filesystem will be
// mounted on top of a fresh partition.
bool use_fvm = false;
// Size of each slice of the created fvm.
size_t fvm_slice_size = 0;
// Type of filesystem to mount.
disk_format_t fs_type;
// Format the device device with the given |fs_type|. This is useful
// when a test requires a block_device(and fvm) for tests.
bool fs_format = true;
// Mount the device in |Fixture::fs_path()|. Format is auto detected.
bool fs_mount = true;
// Seed for pseudo random number generator.
unsigned int seed = 0;
// Whether to use an isolated devmgr for each test.
bool isolated_devmgr = false;
// An optional compression algorithm specifier for the filesystem to use when storing files (if
// the filesystem supports it).
const char* write_compression_algorithm = nullptr;
// Provides a base fixture for File system tests.
// In main(a.k.a run_all_unittests):
// RunWithMemFs([argc, argv] () { // Sets up then cleans up Local MemFs.
// return run_all_unittests(argc, argv) ? 0: 1;
// }
class Fixture {
Fixture() = delete;
explicit Fixture(const FixtureOptions& options);
Fixture(const Fixture&) = delete;
Fixture(Fixture&&) = delete;
Fixture& operator=(const Fixture&) = delete;
Fixture& operator=(Fixture&&) = delete;
// Returns the options used by this fixture.
const FixtureOptions& options() const { return options_; }
// Returns the path to the block device hosting the FS.
const fbl::String& block_device_path() const { return block_device_path_; }
// Returns the path to the FVM partition created for the block device
// hosting the FS. Will return empty if !options_.use_fvm.
const fbl::String& partition_path() const { return partition_path_; }
// Returns either the block_device path or partition_path if using fvm.
const fbl::String& GetFsBlockDevice() const {
return (options_.use_fvm) ? partition_path_ : block_device_path_;
// Returns the path where the filesystem was mounted.
const fbl::String& fs_path() const { return fs_path_; }
// Returns a seed to be used along the test, for rand_r calls.
unsigned int* mutable_seed() { return &seed_; }
// Unmounts the FS from fs_path.
zx_status_t Umount();
// Mounts the FsBlockDevice into fs_path.
zx_status_t Mount();
// Umounts and then Mounts the device.
zx_status_t Remount() {
zx_status_t res = Umount();
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return res;
res = Mount();
return res;
// Checks the disk with fsck.
zx_status_t Fsck() const;
// Format (or reformat) the device.
zx_status_t Format() const;
// Sets up MemFs and Ramdisk, allocating resources for the tests.
zx_status_t SetUpTestCase();
// Formats the block device with the required type, creates a fvm, and mounts
// the fs.
zx_status_t SetUp();
// Cleans up the block device by reformatting it, destroys the fvm and
// unmounts the fs.
zx_status_t TearDown();
// Destroys the ramdisk, MemFs will die with the process. This should be
// called after all tests finished execution to free resources.
zx_status_t TearDownTestCase();
FixtureOptions options_;
// State of the resources allocated by the fixture.
enum class ResourceState {
// The ramdisk, if it exists.
ramdisk_client_t* ramdisk_ = nullptr;
// Path to the block device hosting the mounted FS.
fbl::String block_device_path_;
// When using fvm, the FS will be mounted here.
fbl::String partition_path_;
// The root path where FS is mounted.
fbl::String fs_path_;
unsigned int seed_;
// Keep track of the resource allocation during the setup teardown process,
// to avoid leaks, or unnecessary errors when trying to free resources, that
// may have never been allocated in first place.
ResourceState fs_state_ = ResourceState::kUnallocated;
ResourceState fvm_state_ = ResourceState::kUnallocated;
ResourceState ramdisk_state_ = ResourceState::kUnallocated;
// Isolated devmgr if requested.
devmgr_integration_test::IsolatedDevmgr devmgr_;
fbl::unique_fd devfs_root_;
const char* root_path_;
} // namespace fs_test_utils