blob: 99283e249f50c07a4fc0c99a6acb3c23e5e60392 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include "promise.h"
namespace fit {
namespace subtle {
// Keeps track of runnable and suspended tasks.
// This is a low-level building block for implementing executors.
// For a concrete implementation, see |fit::single_threaded_executor|.
// Instances of this object are not thread-safe. Its client is responsible
// for providing all necessary synchronization.
class scheduler final {
using task_queue = std::queue<pending_task>;
using ref_count_type = uint32_t;
// Adds a task to the runnable queue.
// Preconditions:
// - |task| must be non-empty
void schedule_task(pending_task task);
// Obtains a new ticket with a ref-count of |initial_refs|.
// The executor must eventually call |finalize_ticket()| to update the
// state of the ticket.
// Preconditions:
// - |initial_refs| must be at least 1
suspended_task::ticket obtain_ticket(ref_count_type initial_refs = 1);
// Updates a ticket after one run of a task's continuation according
// to the state of the task after its run. The executor must call this
// method after calling |obtain_ticket()| to indicate the disposition of
// the task for which the ticket was obtained.
// Passing an empty |task| indicates that the task has completed so it
// does not need to be resumed.
// Passing a non-empty |task| indicates that the task returned a pending
// result and may need to be suspended depending on the current state
// of the ticket.
// - If the ticket has already been resumed, moves |task| into the
// runnable queue.
// - Otherwise, if the ticket still has a non-zero ref-count, moves |task|
// into the suspended task table.
// - Otherwise, considers the task abandoned and the caller retains
// ownership of |task|.
// Preconditions:
// - |task| must be non-null (may be empty)
// - the ticket must not have already been finalized
void finalize_ticket(suspended_task::ticket ticket, pending_task* task);
// Increments the ticket's ref-count.
// Preconditions:
// - the ticket's ref-count must be non-zero (positive)
void duplicate_ticket(suspended_task::ticket ticket);
// Decrements the ticket's ref-count.
// If the task's ref-count reaches 0 and has an associated task that
// has not already been resumed, returns the associated task back
// to the caller.
// Otherwise, returns an empty task.
// Preconditions:
// - the ticket's ref-count must be non-zero (positive)
pending_task release_ticket(suspended_task::ticket ticket);
// Resumes a task and decrements the ticket's ref-count.
// If the ticket has an associated task that has not already been resumed,
// moves its associated task to the runnable queue and returns true.
// Otherwise, returns false.
// Preconditions:
// - the ticket's ref-count must be non-zero (positive)
bool resume_task_with_ticket(suspended_task::ticket ticket);
// Takes all tasks in the runnable queue.
// Preconditions:
// - |tasks| must be non-null and empty
void take_runnable_tasks(task_queue* tasks);
// Takes all remaining tasks, regardless of whether they are runnable
// or suspended.
// This operation is useful when shutting down an executor.
// Preconditions:
// - |tasks| must be non-null and empty
void take_all_tasks(task_queue* tasks);
// Returns true if there are any runnable tasks.
bool has_runnable_tasks() const { return !runnable_tasks_.empty(); }
// Returns true if there are any suspended tasks that have yet to
// be resumed.
bool has_suspended_tasks() const { return suspended_task_count_ > 0; }
// Returns true if there are any tickets that have yet to be finalized,
// released, or resumed.
bool has_outstanding_tickets() const { return !tickets_.empty(); }
scheduler(const scheduler&) = delete;
scheduler(scheduler&&) = delete;
scheduler& operator=(const scheduler&) = delete;
scheduler& operator=(scheduler&&) = delete;
struct ticket_record {
ticket_record(ref_count_type initial_refs) : ref_count(initial_refs), was_resumed(false) {}
// The current reference count.
ref_count_type ref_count;
// True if the task has been resumed using |resume_task_with_ticket()|.
bool was_resumed;
// The task is initially empty when the ticket is obtained.
// It is later set to non-empty if the task needs to be suspended when
// the ticket is finalized. It becomes empty again when the task
// is moved into the runnable queue, released, or taken.
pending_task task;
using ticket_map = std::map<suspended_task::ticket, ticket_record>;
task_queue runnable_tasks_;
ticket_map tickets_;
uint64_t suspended_task_count_ = 0;
suspended_task::ticket next_ticket_ = 1;
} // namespace subtle
} // namespace fit